Nonpartisan Study: No Proof That Tax Cuts For Wealthy Lead To Economic Growth

And how is it in my interest that he gets funding? You're asking me to vote for what YOU want.

Red, Try to remain focused. I'll walk you back thru the convo... you made an incorrect statement: "
Red1966: And neither will get a single electoral vote. Not voting at all has just as much effect as voting for either one.

I then pointed out to you that the idea of not getting an electoral vote does not equate to having the same effect as "not voting at all"...
Do you understand now Red?
timbo,either clarify this point by refuting any of my ideas on a basis of logic, or understand that your words amount to nothing more than "Nanny Nanny Boo Boo stick your head in doo-doo... my team is better."

Sure Red. I'll clarify for the slow kid... I mean that if you accuse me of "lunatic conspiracy drivel"... Provide an example of that. Now do you understand Red?
What is especially fun about guys like that is they are CONVINCED that their position represents "status quo"... that they speak for the majority of what they consider "decent Muricans"... This despite the fact that literally nobody on the forum is showing any signs of being cut from that cloth!

There is a great chance they are both the same douche sitting in his mom's basement switching between accounts... Sean Hannity bleating over the TV speakers in the background... "Mooooommmm... I want a sandwich!!!"

You know nothing about me. Attempting to smear me demonstrates your viewpoints have no basis in reality.
You know nothing about me. Attempting to smear me demonstrates your viewpoints have no basis in reality.

What I do know about you is what i see on these forums... you flee from engagement of true exchange of ideas... you spout slogans and tend to focus on responding to the most inane parts of a post "like: Oh yeah, well you suck..." Instead of answering the tough questions. You are an intellectual wimp.
Red, Try to remain focused. I'll walk you back thru the convo... you made an incorrect statement: "

I then pointed out to you that the idea of not getting an electoral vote does not equate to having the same effect as "not voting at all"...
Do you understand now Red?
Yes, I understand. You're wrong. He's not even going to get 1%, let alone 5%. But go ahead and vote for him. It's your right.
I'll readily admit that debating with you is pointles, except for the amusement factor.

Wait did I miss something...? somewhere in between your crying about being "demeaned" by a comment, did you actually attempt to debate something? I still don't see it. Please bump your comment that you feel qualifies as "Red debating an issue." I'd love to see it.
Stupid doesn't recognize his own words.

Red, please don't speak of yourself in third person... it makes you even creepier.

My point is you never did provide any example of 'conspiracy theories' that I have espoused. That's because you are a 'tard Red. Do you understand?
I suppose this is your way of trying to get me to submit to your pointless demands. Sorry. Well, no, not really.

Oh so you are the kind of guy who spews shit with no basis in fact and on top of that you are too big a pussy to admit it. Take care Red.

Red1966: "...You think your radical view of the world is the only "correct" one. Anyone, as in most the world, who disregards your rantings for the lunatic conspiracy drivel it is, blah blah blah...

So you just make shit up and hope it goes unchallenged. I see why you support Romeny now.
Red, please don't speak of yourself in third person... it makes you even creepier.

My point is you never did provide any example of 'conspiracy theories' that I have espoused. That's because you are a 'tard Red. Do you understand?

I don't feel a need to provide you anything. Your pointless demands mean nothing to me. If you don't know, too bad. Insults the best you got? Whose the 'tard? Since your posts don't seem to have anything in them but the rantings of a loser who blames the world for his misfortune, they are quite tiresome and not worthy of response. Do you understand?
Red, please don't speak of yourself in third person... it makes you even creepier.

My point is you never did provide any example of 'conspiracy theories' that I have espoused. That's because you are a 'tard Red. Do you understand?

It's a waste of time. He doesn't have an example. He makes a claim. Repeats it ad nauseum until the opponent quits in utter disgust. Then he uses his lie over and over again. The intent is to say it often enough so people will start to believe it. He is the living definition of, "tool".