Romulan n Kryptonite 2 strains, 2 lights, 2lbs.


Active Member
Stumbled onto your thread. I'm just wondering how you did with your romulan? I've got some seeds but I havent had a chance to pop them just yet as I have too many other strains going at the moment and I've never tried any of it. Do you remember which breeder you got the seeds from?

You must be close to Santa Cruz as thats where you get your seeds/clones. I grew up playing at the boardwalk and practically lived on the beach. I miss it sometimes. The fishing off of the cliffs and out at 2 mile was phenominal. Too damed expensive of a place to live nowdays.

Just reminising on the 'good ol days' of fun and sun.


Well-Known Member
that i do miss fumble, that i do hahaha glad it worked for you :)

@Randm - I did and am doing amazing things with my Rom. my best batch will be ready for harvest next week and they are hella fat!! uh i didnt get my rom from seed and i got it from a hommie at that RIU bar-B-Q last year.
im bout 2 hrs from there but im a travle bug anything under 7 hrs away i consider to be fairly close too.

k so the big roms are flushed and drying under the hps, but indirectly. i may start her 48 tonight, but ima go by the soil this time. trying to cut my dry time in half as well as boost tricom production last few days. ill elaborate if it works well or someone is interested.

i got a root stimulator, Great White. been waiting to use it as the clones in the 3gals had new soil so it was takin a wile for moisture to be taken out. raised temp to help this prosecss. was goin for a 3wk veg but it may turn out to be 4 hopefully not more.(i have pics of my huge buds to harvest next, and also the Before pics of the clones to see how much an ipact can be seen top side)


Active Member
Well , maybe I'll pop a few Rom beans just for the heck of it. Like I said, I've never tryed Romulan befor, either growing or smoking, so I wasn't sure of what to expect. Its good to see somebody growing it so as I can get an idea of what I will be in for.

Quick aside, Do you use any kind of bloom booster in your regime? I've been hesitant to get any of them as I believe most of them are just hype to get your money and I havent seen any real side by side experiments to show me that they actually work. ( I'm groing in soil, FFOF, and curently using earth juice for nutes.) I've only been growing for a couple of years and still trying to get a handle on it.


Well-Known Member
Well , maybe I'll pop a few Rom beans just for the heck of it. Like I said, I've never tryed Romulan befor, either growing or smoking, so I wasn't sure of what to expect. Its good to see somebody growing it so as I can get an idea of what I will be in for.

Quick aside, Do you use any kind of bloom booster in your regime? I've been hesitant to get any of them as I believe most of them are just hype to get your money and I havent seen any real side by side experiments to show me that they actually work. ( I'm groing in soil, FFOF, and curently using earth juice for nutes.) I've only been growing for a couple of years and still trying to get a handle on it.

Romulan is good, if its like mine than it will be a very vigorus plant. loves nutes and decently pest resistant. It is a sativa giving it a very strong head high. roots fast n clones easy!

i do. it is cha-ching i think... idk for sure, its a pink granual powder. got it from a buddy in a zip lok lol. they do work i believe, i first started it when i fixed almost my entire op so i didnt see a jump if product just because of the booster. it was a combo of that bulbs ph nutes and other factors. so i saw a huge improvment overall. but imo they do add a little extra. i mean it wont make a 1oz plant into a 8oz. but it will give u a little bit more.


Well-Known Member
PB080306.jpgPB080307.jpg This is KMK's DominaPB080308.jpg RomulanPB080309.jpg KryptonitePB080310.jpgPB080311.jpgPB080312.jpg These 2 are from the Big RomulansPB080313.jpg Krypto PB080314.jpg root stimulater + microbesPB080315.jpg and these are the not so small, small romans. these may be my biggest colas :) also i belive i can get more from this size plant as opposed to the big ones i have. i will do a dry weight comparison. but regardless i am able to have more smaller ones as the big ones get out of hand fast lol ( refer to #85)



Well-Known Member
thanks fumble and errb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for the REP there fumble ;) ya this whole site is full of lovly buds and awesome info!


Well-Known Member
the big romulans will start getting chopped down tonight or tomorrow. the soil is nice and dry, but not desert. I'm hoping it will make drying easier, cuz seemed when i chop them and the soil is wet i feel like the plant knows its impending doom so it sucks up as much moisture it can wilst getting cut. it cud be a good thing, but imm lean in tward the no side.


Well-Known Member
ahhh must be asking about the Krypto?? well if that is indeed true than i have amazing news!! i smoked a nug of 90% dry (is the % i final trim and put into jars) after trim and was blown away!!!!!!! by far my best job with this strain for mufukin shur!!!!! smell is already comein back fruity light musky and some forest floor! the taste is so so smooth, i love topping my best with every grow!!! VERY awesome pain relief but can still move around, a bit ;) i will post its final weight tomorrow. not too too much, but it adds to its specialness lol.

the bigger roms are cut, and drying. final trim will be uh shit forgot lol, but soon. its bout half way there.


Well-Known Member
Most awesome! It is always good to hear when one is outdoing one's ownself. lol I smoked some Romulan today. Very nice indeed. Came down from some growers in Shasta. Mighty fine smoke for sure. That Krypto sounds just so delish >>fruity light musky and some forest floor! mmmm!!


Well-Known Member
Lol funny you mention the seed. I was at my buddies and he busted out his bty og, which he will not ever give me a cut of, unless I got 5 bills floatig around.. Anyways, I was breaking up some nug for a blunt, an a seed pops out. I'm like fuck yeah check it out, he's like that's cool then smashes it with a hammer -__- he knew I wanted the seed Because I've been begging for the strain.. Lol


Well-Known Member
Lol funny you mention the seed. I was at my buddies and he busted out his bty og, which he will not ever give me a cut of, unless I got 5 bills floatig around.. Anyways, I was breaking up some nug for a blunt, an a seed pops out. I'm like fuck yeah check it out, he's like that's cool then smashes it with a hammer -__- he knew I wanted the seed Because I've been begging for the strain.. Lol
damn thats shitty... i did laugh tho when he smashed it hahahaha its messed up but still kinda funny.

the kryptos guna be better too in a week and better a week after that!!!! and maybe if we all make it to 2013 we will see my krypto and romulan crossed :)


Well-Known Member
Lol, hell yeah. I'm hoping to get a male off the new seeds I just ordered. I'm gonna do my own little breeding project.


Well-Known Member

here is the big Roms about to get the water leaves cut before dry




I dont know...


big rom drying




KMK's Domina, one week ago. same with the other veggers




Good oL Romulan


the last of this harvest. currently in middle of 48dark


They get chopped tomarrow as my dry rom is trimmed and jarred.
I had to cut all my rom in half because they are growing too fast haha