Layoffs coming...

It's not a welfare check, UB. It is a farm subsidy that we all pay for with our taxes that the department of ag. sends to gmo producers for feedin' 'Merica. This is the same department of agriculture that is responsible for the food stamp program that most republica farmers want to do away with, evn though it was developed as another way to subsidize farmers and alow por people to eat.

your argument may hold water, but i'm still gonna call it a welfare check for nodrama, the little welfare baby.
That's a very narrow, isolated point of view, is it not?

People in third world countries don't have that choice that you are talking about, lol, how naive.

80% of the world lives in poverty, and yes that stat includes those in EXTREME Poverty (<$2 a day).

Those people have the choice to work harder? For major companies paying them pennies for making products they'll never ever be able to afford? On top of that, it takes them a week just to make enough to support their family with food. You say they should work harder? They are usually forced to work longer hours a day than us here, and WE STILL MAKE MORE. That is something THEY control?

I'm not advocating to stop doing business with these countries, but I'm saying the business structure of raping and gouging a country of it's resources and people's efforts is what has led to the financial crisis today around the WORLD. The more I look at poverty and it's causes around the world, the more I see big businesses here starting to copy the model they've used for international business. Get rid of employees, cut their pay so they can't afford the products they make, and it trickles on from there.

It's not an entitlement attitude, it's the truth, the narrow isolated attitude really irks me.

What does the affordability of the products they make have to do with it? I make stuff worth millions of dollars, and certainly can't afford them. But I consider myself well paid, possibly even over paid. Your "raping and gouging" is nothing of the sort. If we stopped purchasing their labor and resources, believe me, those people would be much worse off than they are now. The early settlers in America worked long and hard hours. Many died early deaths, working at dangerous and poor paying labors. But their sacrifices enabled our higher standard of living. This is the nature of the world. The financial crisis of the world has nothing to do with underpaid workers in far away places. It was caused by government officials handing out benefits they could not afford in order to entrench themselfs in office. Now the bills have come due and they must enact painful austerity measures, just to meet the interest payments on the funds they borrowed to keep themselves in power. And you propose more of the same. You claim our high standard of living is the cause of others lower standard. In truth, our trade with them has raised their standards. Colonial economies are a thing of the past.
The financial crisis of the world has nothing to do with underpaid workers in far away places. It was caused by government officials handing out benefits they could not afford in order to entrench themselfs in office. Now the bills have come due and they must enact painful austerity measures, just to meet the interest payments on the funds they borrowed to keep themselves in power.

ignoring your retarded analysis and the fact that contractionary policy at a time like this would be devastating and throw us into further recession, i will simply point out that someone who claims to work with nobel prize winners should at least be able to spell "themselves" correctly.

Desperate people make terrible neighbors though. There are some real advantages to thinking more along the lines of "we're all in this together". From a cost/benefit point of view, it can save you money in the long run. Then, you know, compassion... empathy... I don't give out money to people on the street or anything... but I always hate to see when the homeless shelters are at max capacity in the winter. Lots of people get stuck on the street in dangerous temperatures... especially considering many of them are not in the best health. Many veterans.

A good story to maybe spark a little compassion in you.... when I eat at my favorite pizza place downtown, around 3 oclock, you can see the school bus stop at the homeless shelter dropping off kids. That shit breaks my heart. Those kids are not being lazy and needing to work harder. What was your 3 pm like after school growing up? And, you never know how the family ended up there. Assuming they were just lazy, or crackheads is pretty ignorant. But, sure, it could be the case... Even if it is, the kids did nothing to deserve that. In those cases, you don't know what sort of conditions the crack abusing parents came up in either.

@ Althor
If you didn't get dropped off at a homeless shelter after learning basic math only to climb up out of it, don't simplify over coming adversity for those who did not, with 3 sentences. If you didn't drop out of school to raise your siblings,,, you get the point.

Let me get this straight. You personally won't lift a finger to help those in need, but it's others duty to help them, directed by the whims of government officials whose sole motivation is to keep themselves in power? Hypocrite.
So what then? Cut the safety net for all so we can be sure that we do not "buy some fat lazy fuck a new big screen"?

If the America that the majority wants is not the America that you want then maybe you should leave America? If it is that important to you that is. Or just complain about it to willing ears if it makes you feel better. I don't know what to tell you. Sorry. I'm all for an "were all in this together" way. I voted accordingly, so did others. Maybe try moving you and your money to a country further in poverty/? Lots of people do it.

I work hard for my money too. I have one employee right now as well. He's part time musician, part time works with me. We both are doing alright. Paying the bills, paying taxes, taking care of our pets, having fun and getting stoned. :bigjoint:

I don't give out money to people on the street or anything.
Let me get this straight. You personally won't lift a finger to help those in need, but it's others duty to help them, directed by the whims of government officials whose sole motivation is to keep themselves in power? Hypocrite.

when did he say that he doesn't do a thing to help them?

also, you're assuming that the sole motivation of an elected official is to stay in power, and that does not comport with the reality of elected officials who retire or step down voluntarily despite being able to win reelection.

so yeah, you kind of suck at this.

i feel sorry for you, so i won't point out yet again that you forgot an apostrophe. your nobel prize winning colleagues probably cringe when you come in to empty out their trash cans and vacuum their cubicles.
What does the affordability of the products they make have to do with it? I make stuff worth millions of dollars, and certainly can't afford them. But I consider myself well paid, possibly even over paid. Your "raping and gouging" is nothing of the sort. If we stopped purchasing their labor and resources, believe me, those people would be much worse off than they are now. The early settlers in America worked long and hard hours. Many died early deaths, working at dangerous and poor paying labors. But their sacrifices enabled our higher standard of living. This is the nature of the world. The financial crisis of the world has nothing to do with underpaid workers in far away places. It was caused by government officials handing out benefits they could not afford in order to entrench themselfs in office. Now the bills have come due and they must enact painful austerity measures, just to meet the interest payments on the funds they borrowed to keep themselves in power. And you propose more of the same. You claim our high standard of living is the cause of others lower standard. In truth, our trade with them has raised their standards. Colonial economies are a thing of the past.

Oh fucking please!

lets just take away all worker protections and minimum wage
your paycheck take home would be a race to the bottom

Might as well just ressurect the company town again
Oh fucking please!

lets just take away all worker protections and minimum wage
your paycheck take home would be a race to the bottom

Might as well just ressurect the company town again

something tells me that stormfront red would prefer to just go back to the days where he could own black people as slaves. that would at least solve his frustrations about "afro-american preachers" bringing their congregations to voting places.
something tells me that stormfront red would prefer to just go back to the days where he could own black people as slaves. that would at least solve his frustrations about "afro-american preachers" bringing their congregations to voting places.

I'm not sure he wants to own them. Too much responsibility in that. He probably just wants to make them impoverished share croppers that get paid in script only good at his plantation store

THAT way if they get too uppity he can kick them off his land
Come on NoDrama... you gave me Oprah and Bill Gates :lol:. Who else? Did you check that "Upward Bound" program... would you want that to be cut to lower your federal tax rate?

Oprah, perfect example... The program spends 4700$ of federal money, per participant... she got a better education... she became one of the most successful women in history. how many millions has she given worldwide to help others?

Don't just roll past to new talking points.... stand behind your points that are being challenged.

Having seen some of Oprah's first TV appearances, broadcast on local TV only, I can tell you she had no more talent than anyone else walking in off the street. She benefited from the largess of a local left wing TV talk show host. Her success had nothing to do with any government program.
I'm not sure he wants to own them. Too much responsibility in that. He probably just wants to make them impoverished share croppers that get paid in script only good at his plantation store

THAT way if they get too uppity he can kick them off his land

but how would he resolve the issue of afro-americans being able to vote freely? he does complain about that.
Having seen some of Oprah's first TV appearances, broadcast on local TV only, I can tell you she had no more talent than anyone else walking in off the street. She benefited from the largess of a local left wing TV talk show host. Her success had nothing to do with any government program.

since it requires no talent, i will be eagerly awaiting the stormfront red media empire.
Not to mention Bill Gates, one of the richest people in the world, is using his money to fight world poverty, and still needs MORE help.

If that isn't an eye opener to how bad things are, everywhere, then what is?

Bill Gates never gave a dime to charity in his life until Donald Trump shamed him into doing so on national TV. He still donates less as a percentage of income than, say, Mitt Romney. Childless, he leaves his money to charity. But only after his death.
but you didn't build that. federal taxpayers sending you big ag subsidies to grow your GMO crops after you set the GPS on your tractor built that.
Doesn't really matter, I get the profits and you get to pay them to me. When you refuse to pay me, the government sends people to take away everything you own in order to enforce that payment. Fortunately for you that you make such little income that the tribute you pay to me for me letting you eat my food is very small.

YOU voted for it to be this way, I am just going along with what YOU wanted. Well now you got what you wished for and you bitch bitch bitch and complain complain complain because you aren't getting any.
Bill Gates never gave a dime to charity in his life until Donald Trump shamed him into doing so on national TV. He still donates less as a percentage of income than, say, Mitt Romney. Childless, he leaves his money to charity. But only after his death.
First off
Mitt ROmney is required by his church to donate or he isnt a full member and they say he will burn in hell


I think Bill Gates has committed his entire fortune to charity
Let me get this straight. You personally won't lift a finger to help those in need, but it's others duty to help them, directed by the whims of government officials whose sole motivation is to keep themselves in power? Hypocrite.
But, But, But he feels soooo bad for those kids, that just HAS to count for something. I mean this is 'Merica, we can't have people feelin bad in 'merica. Its un'merican.