Layoffs coming...

t it's not surprising that everyone who is bitching about 'keeping' profits, does not have a solution to poverty and income disparity
It is not societies problem to figure out, if you don't have any money it is more than likely of your own doing and no one else's. The reason car mechanics don't get paid the same as neurosurgeons has absolutely nothing to do with society. You want to make more money? Work harder and smarter. Don't expect the world to help you when you won't help yourself. The entitlement attitude really irks me.
As a business owner I know I'm right. I've been warned by my attorney and CPA what is coming round the bend. I have a tendency to believe them.

But after pressed by independent media outlets such as National Public Radio, Republicans in Congress and their wealthy allies could not produce a single millionaire job creator for NPR to interview. - Do you really expect me to believe that too. Well, maybe the millionaires know better than to talk to a biased outfit like NPR.

If you want me to believe it show me the definition and not something from NPR.


Yep. of course. npr is biased, you are right, thus negating all facts and data to the comtrary. i heard it in a chain email so it must be true.
It is not societies problem to figure out, if you don't have any money it is more than likely of your own doing and no one else's. The reason car mechanics don't get paid the same as neurosurgeons has absolutely nothing to do with society. You want to make more money? Work harder and smarter. Don't expect the world to help you when you won't help yourself. The entitlement attitude really irks me.
It is not a coincidence though that those who had an easier past cling to this sort of talk more than those who faced adversity.. Example: Gina Rineheart
It is not a coincidence though that those who had an easier past cling to this sort of talk more than those who faced adversity.. Example: Gina Rineheart

Arent rough pasts supposed to make you stronger?
There are people who cant overcome their adversities.
There are those who can and don't.
There are those who do.
if you don't have any money it is more than likely of your own doing and no one else's.

That's a very narrow, isolated point of view, is it not?

People in third world countries don't have that choice that you are talking about, lol, how naive.

80% of the world lives in poverty, and yes that stat includes those in EXTREME Poverty (<$2 a day).

Those people have the choice to work harder? For major companies paying them pennies for making products they'll never ever be able to afford? On top of that, it takes them a week just to make enough to support their family with food. You say they should work harder? They are usually forced to work longer hours a day than us here, and WE STILL MAKE MORE. That is something THEY control?

I'm not advocating to stop doing business with these countries, but I'm saying the business structure of raping and gouging a country of it's resources and people's efforts is what has led to the financial crisis today around the WORLD. The more I look at poverty and it's causes around the world, the more I see big businesses here starting to copy the model they've used for international business. Get rid of employees, cut their pay so they can't afford the products they make, and it trickles on from there.

It's not an entitlement attitude, it's the truth, the narrow isolated attitude really irks me.

Yep. of course. npr is biased, you are right, thus negating all facts and data to the comtrary. i heard it in a chain email so it must be true.

My lawyer and my CPA call me they do not email me. Yes, NPR is biased and as such their opinion is extremely discounted.

Your attempt at sarcasm sucks btw.
Arent rough pasts supposed to make you stronger?
There are people who cant overcome their adversities.
There are those who can and don't.
There are those who do.


Desperate people make terrible neighbors though. There are some real advantages to thinking more along the lines of "we're all in this together". From a cost/benefit point of view, it can save you money in the long run. Then, you know, compassion... empathy... I don't give out money to people on the street or anything... but I always hate to see when the homeless shelters are at max capacity in the winter. Lots of people get stuck on the street in dangerous temperatures... especially considering many of them are not in the best health. Many veterans.

A good story to maybe spark a little compassion in you.... when I eat at my favorite pizza place downtown, around 3 oclock, you can see the school bus stop at the homeless shelter dropping off kids. That shit breaks my heart. Those kids are not being lazy and needing to work harder. What was your 3 pm like after school growing up? And, you never know how the family ended up there. Assuming they were just lazy, or crackheads is pretty ignorant. But, sure, it could be the case... Even if it is, the kids did nothing to deserve that. In those cases, you don't know what sort of conditions the crack abusing parents came up in either.

@ Althor
If you didn't get dropped off at a homeless shelter after learning basic math only to climb up out of it, don't simplify over coming adversity for those who did not, with 3 sentences. If you didn't drop out of school to raise your siblings,,, you get the point.
But we aren't all "in this together". I generally don't want anything to do with anything that many of you support, so why the fuck would I want to help pay to help you afford your idea of what this country/world should look like?

You feel bad for the poor, then you write them a check from your own account. "THOSE people are impoverished." Well, they don't have tvs or modern medicine, but 150 years ago no one had those things either but could still be considered rich. Why? Poverty is based off of materialistics in this country, not if a person has a roof over their head, food in their belly, and clothers on their back. After that, including healthcare, we are talking luxuries in life.

And people get upset when I say I cheat the system for every penny I can. I say if someone is going to steal my money and use it for their own selfish reasons, it might as well be me stealing it.
Poverty is not based on materialistic beliefs.

Unless you believe materialistic items includes providing FOOD for your family.

Narrow minds show up again.
But we aren't all "in this together". I generally don't want anything to do with anything that many of you support, so why the fuck would I want to help pay to help you afford your idea of what this country/world should look like?

You feel bad for the poor, then you write them a check from your own account. "THOSE people are impoverished." Well, they don't have tvs or modern medicine, but 150 years ago no one had those things either but could still be considered rich. Why? Poverty is based off of materialistics in this country, not if a person has a roof over their head, food in their belly, and clothers on their back. After that, including healthcare, we are talking luxuries in life.

And people get upset when I say I cheat the system for every penny I can. I say if someone is going to steal my money and use it for their own selfish reasons, it might as well be me stealing it.

So what then? Cut the safety net for all so we can be sure that we do not "buy some fat lazy fuck a new big screen"?

If the America that the majority wants is not the America that you want then maybe you should leave America? If it is that important to you that is. Or just complain about it to willing ears if it makes you feel better. I don't know what to tell you. Sorry. I'm all for an "were all in this together" way. I voted accordingly, so did others. Maybe try moving you and your money to a country further in poverty/? Lots of people do it.

I work hard for my money too. I have one employee right now as well. He's part time musician, part time works with me. We both are doing alright. Paying the bills, paying taxes, taking care of our pets, having fun and getting stoned. :bigjoint:
It is not a coincidence though that those who had an easier past cling to this sort of talk more than those who faced adversity.. Example: Gina Rineheart

You have some sort of data to back up your claim, or are you just going off the cuff and hoping we would believe you?

There was this one guy who dropped out of college and started a business called Traf-O-Data, that business failed miserably until the next business took off, they call that company Microsoft now. Imagine that, someone who faced adversity and became one of the wealthiest people who lived.

One of the most successful women of modern times came from humble beginnings and was abused as a child. Oprah Winfrey is her name, you think she got where she is by sitting around all day and complaining that other people were making more than she was?

What were you saying again?
Poverty is not based on materialistic beliefs.

Unless you believe materialistic items includes providing FOOD for your family.

Narrow minds show up again.

I stated very clearly that food, shelter and clothing were needed, in other words. Meaning that if a person does not have regular access to those 3 items, then I would indeed consider them impoverished.

Nice narrow mind stab. I bet your were thinking of that while you were misreading my post.
You have some sort of data to back up your claim, or are you just going off the cuff and hoping we would believe you?

There was this one guy who dropped out of college and started a business called Traf-O-Data, that business failed miserably until the next business took off, they call that company Microsoft now. Imagine that, someone who faced adversity and became one of the wealthiest people who lived.

One of the most successful women of modern times came from humble beginnings and was abused as a child. Oprah Winfrey is her name, you think she got where she is by sitting around all day and complaining that other people were making more than she was?

What were you saying again?

Bill Gates... raised by a prominent lawyer and a member of a board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem... what are you fucking kidding me dude?

Dropping out of college is facing adversity? Jesus, I didn't know just how bad it really has gotten for Republicans. You guys have no fucking clue, do you?

Desperate people make terrible neighbors though. There are some real advantages to thinking more along the lines of "we're all in this together". From a cost/benefit point of view, it can save you money in the long run. Then, you know, compassion... empathy... I don't give out money to people on the street or anything... but I always hate to see when the homeless shelters are at max capacity in the winter. Lots of people get stuck on the street in dangerous temperatures... especially considering many of them are not in the best health. Many veterans.

A good story to maybe spark a little compassion in you.... when I eat at my favorite pizza place downtown, around 3 oclock, you can see the school bus stop at the homeless shelter dropping off kids. That shit breaks my heart. Those kids are not being lazy and needing to work harder. What was your 3 pm like after school growing up? And, you never know how the family ended up there. Assuming they were just lazy, or crackheads is pretty ignorant. But, sure, it could be the case... Even if it is, the kids did nothing to deserve that. In those cases, you don't know what sort of conditions the crack abusing parents came up in either.

@ Althor
If you didn't get dropped off at a homeless shelter after learning basic math only to climb up out of it, don't simplify over coming adversity for those who did not, with 3 sentences. If you didn't drop out of school to raise your siblings,,, you get the point.

The only person you need to be responsible for is yourself. If everyone did that this world would be a much better place.

They did a study in San Diego, gave the homeless people $30,000 a year for food and got them a free apartment, within 2 years 95% of the people on the program were back living on the street.

Give a Crack Addict $10,000 and you have a crack addict with a bigger supply of crack.

You talk about $2 a day like $2 has the same purchasing power all over the world. It doesn't, in those countries where people are impoverished because they choose to live in a place with few resources, $2 a day feeds you, clothes you and gets you a place to live. In China a big Mac meal doesn't cost the same as it does here, its about 70% cheaper. Where you and I pay $3 for a hotdog here, in Nairobi they only cost the equivalent of $.25

Purchasing parity my friend, don't let the $2 a day figure fool you into thinking that people could barely afford a can of coke.
Bill Gates... raised by a prominent lawyer and a member of a board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem... what are you fucking kidding me dude?

Dropping out of college is facing adversity? Jesus, I didn't know just how bad it really has gotten for Republicans. You guys have no fucking clue, do you?
Dropping out of college and having your business fail is adversity.

Just because your parents are well off doesn't mean diddly squat to some people, My parents didn't have much until I was already out on my own living my own life with my own family.

Adversity doesn't mean that you have to come from a 3rd world country and be impoverished. Perhaps you don't know the definition of adversity.
So what then? Cut the safety net for all so we can be sure that we do not "buy some fat lazy fuck a new big screen"?

If the America that the majority wants is not the America that you want then maybe you should leave America? If it is that important to you that is. Or just complain about it to willing ears if it makes you feel better. I don't know what to tell you. Sorry. I'm all for an "were all in this together" way. I voted accordingly, so did others. Maybe try moving you and your money to a country further in poverty/? Lots of people do it.

I work hard for my money too. I have one employee right now as well. He's part time musician, part time works with me. We both are doing alright. Paying the bills, paying taxes, having fun and getting stoned. :bigjoint:

I have 7 full time, whats that matter?

I should leave America because you think my opinion is a minority opinion? Was that your argument? If thats the case, who wouldn't have to leave? Gays would be gone, drug users would be gone, fuck everyone would be gone over a long enough time line. The whole point of voicing your opinion is in hopes that either that day, or some day, you will show people enough of what you believe to be true to get them to help you support it. Nice try though, actually, no it wasn't.

Yeah, cut the fuckin safety net and make people work for a living. I realize not everyone can contribute in the same way, and that there will always be those who need help, and thats why you can head up a local community program with your buddies to collect money from willing participants, and help those that need help. I just want you to stop voting with my checking account as part of your plan, use your own.
You have some sort of data to back up your claim, or are you just going off the cuff and hoping we would believe you?

There was this one guy who dropped out of college and started a business called Traf-O-Data, that business failed miserably until the next business took off, they call that company Microsoft now. Imagine that, someone who faced adversity and became one of the wealthiest people who lived.

One of the most successful women of modern times came from humble beginnings and was abused as a child. Oprah Winfrey is her name, you think she got where she is by sitting around all day and complaining that other people were making more than she was?

What were you saying again?

Ah! Oprah... perfect example.... google the "Upward bound program". Some federally funded money that managed to dodge the fatass and his tv and went to a good cause.

What were you saying again?