Samwell Seed Well
Well-Known Member
The only person you need to be responsible for is yourself. If everyone did that this world would be a much better place.
They did a study in San Diego, gave the homeless people $30,000 a year for food and got them a free apartment, within 2 years 95% of the people on the program were back living on the street.
Give a Crack Addict $10,000 and you have a crack addict with a bigger supply of crack.
You talk about $2 a day like $2 has the same purchasing power all over the world. It doesn't, in those countries where people are impoverished because they choose to live in a place with few resources, $2 a day feeds you, clothes you and gets you a place to live. In China a big Mac meal doesn't cost the same as it does here, its about 70% cheaper. Where you and I pay $3 for a hotdog here, in Nairobi they only cost the equivalent of $.25
Purchasing parity my friend, don't let the $2 a day figure fool you into thinking that people could barely afford a can of coke.
your fallacy is showing . . .but i guess all it takes is one study and then its fact . . . . . . . .laughable assertion