Of course not all people on welfare are lazy moochers but there are some and more joining every day. When you see your neighbors owning nicer things than you while you slave away at a cash register all day after dropping off the kids at day care you have to wonder if it's worth it. If I could stay home and improve my lifestyle compared to working a job I hate it would be an easy decision.
We have created a system that not only encourages welfare, it discourages work. Working diminishes your government check so you can actually hurt yourself financially by working. We are now seeing an influx of 4th generation cradle to the grave welfare recipients. This is not because they can't take care of themselves, they've been conditioned into believing they actually are taking themselves. Some on welfare have rationalized that they deserve it, that the rich man owes it to them.
It's another good intentioned broken system that needs to be addressed. There is a huge uphill climb when the sentiment is these poor people just can't take care of themselves. We have a section of our society that is so naive and arrogant that they think they are doing the right thing by giving handouts for life. In fact, I've heard people cut from this cloth argue that the reason we have 4th generation is because we don't give enough handouts. It's really hard to convince people who rule by feelings over logic when they are wrong so I don't see things changing.
It's basic human nature that if the government offered free lawn mowing and housecleaning, most of us would quit mowing our lawns and cleaning our house. Within a generation we wouldn't know how to operate a mower. I concede the point that some would still do it on their out of principle or they don't like the way someone else does these chores but I would guess these people would be in the minority and even ridiculed by the rest of us for it. "Please don't feed the animals, they will lose the ability to feed themselves" is the sentiment on every natural reserve, but for some reason, there is a section of our public that thinks either, well that's cool, we'll just take from the rich and feed them, or they think mankind is such an advance animal that these laws of nature don't hold true for us.
We have to define exactly what the purpose of welfare is before we can fix it. Is it just to take care of people who can't or won't (and those who won't are growing in numbers) or is it supposed to be a temporary safety net to catch people fallen on hard times and giving them the tools (and incentives) to become self-sustaining again.
Obama and those who are like minded tell us we need to give everyone access to a college degree and this will fix everything(by taking from the rich). That sounds lovely and all but in the inner cities where welfare and crime are rampant the drop out rate is around 70%. Let's figure out a way to cut this down, it's those 70% percent that perpetuate the cycle. Free college is an example of good intentions that have nothing to do with a solution.