Layoffs coming...

Not to mention Bill Gates, one of the richest people in the world, is using his money to fight world poverty, and still needs MORE help.

If that isn't an eye opener to how bad things are, everywhere, then what is?

Bill gates could spend every last penny of his towards world poverty and it wouldn't begin to make a dent.
The politics of Brazil take place in a framework of a federal presidential representative democratic republic, whereby the President is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system. The political and administrative organization of Brazil comprises the federal government, the states, the federal district and the municipalities.
The federal government exercises control over the central government and is divided into three independent branches: executive, legislative and judicial. Executive power is exercised by the President, advised by a cabinet. Legislative power is vested upon the National Congress, a two-chamber legislature comprising the Federal Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. Judicial power is exercised by the judiciary, consisting of the Supreme Federal Court, the Superior Court of Justice and other Superior Courts, the National Justice Council and the regional federal courts.

Two late, ShitBritches, I already posted that I was yanking you're chain.
Let me get this straight. You personally won't lift a finger to help those in need, but it's others duty to help them, directed by the whims of government officials whose sole motivation is to keep themselves in power? Hypocrite.
Not handing money out to people on the street is quite a bit different than not being willing to lift a finger to help those in need. I get asked all day. I just decided a while ago that I would not hand out money to people like that.
You are right though. I should make an effort to help a little more. A couple years ago I helped a friend who was donating breakfast from his catering company to a church serving to some people in need. That was two years ago though. I haven't really done anything since other than pay my taxes and vote for people who also believe that some tax dollars need to be spent to help people in need.
The homeless shelter asks for blankets and coats this time of year. I should drop off some unused stuff from around the house.
do you honestly believe that people don't start businesses because they hate success dude?

i am not bitter towards people with money, i am contemptuous of people who think like you do and try to pigeonhole the less fortunate as parasitic mooches.
Are you really trying to tell us that 47% of Americans are less fortunate?
Not handing money out to people on the street is quite a bit different than not being willing to lift a finger to help those in need. I get asked all day. I just decided a while ago that I would not hand out money to people like that.
You are right though. I should make an effort to help a little more. A couple years ago I helped a friend who was donating breakfast from his catering company to a church serving to some people in need. That was two years ago though. I haven't really done anything since though. The homeless shelter asks for blankets and coats this time of year. I should drop off some unused stuff from around the house.

I gave $65,000 to charity last year.
You guys are pathetic.
NoDrama, I wonder if people know that farm subsidies are another income redistribution idea to make the necessities of life (food) artificially cheap. They also are paybacks for big ag campaign support, a way to insure the food supply is safe in the event of war, and other purposes I couldn't even guess at. I know they harm 3rd world countries with arable land but little industry, but I doubt that's done on purpose.
No way dude, everyone knows that Farmers don't do shit, help no one, and are on giant welfare payments to set the Guadalupe Philista Senorra to work. We just sit around and become wealthy all because Bucky keeps voting in politicians who practically force us to take the money. Any idea how much extra taxes you pay when you don't participate in these programs?

I suppose if they did away with subsidies corn would cost twice what it does now and ground beef would be $10 a pound. Bucky thinks the poor can somehow eat more when things cost twice as much.
Bill gates could spend every last penny of his towards world poverty and it wouldn't begin to make a dent.

I disagree. His stock at one time was valued at 74 BILLION. Bush made a sizable dent in African aids numbers with "only" 1.5 billion. So 74 billion should have a noticeable affect.
Are you really trying to tell us that 47% of Americans are less fortunate?

more like 49.9999999999999999%

No way dude, everyone knows that Farmers don't do shit, help no one, and are on giant welfare payments to set the Guadalupe Philista Senorra to work. We just sit around and become wealthy all because Bucky keeps voting in politicians who practically force us to take the money. Any idea how much extra taxes you pay when you don't participate in these programs?

I suppose if they did away with subsidies corn would cost twice what it does now and ground beef would be $10 a pound. Bucky thinks the poor can somehow eat more when things cost twice as much.

it's funny because you've often spoken against government intervention into the free market and have spoken in favor of rawn pawl.
nodrama passed on $65k out of his welfare checks to charity, most likely for tax reasons so he could keep more of his other welfare checks.
Of course, but I still gave more in one year than you have in your lifetime. If giving $65K keeps me from paying $80k, only the stupid person wouldn't give the $65k.

If it was purely the free market, then i would make even more, but since I realize that people ARE less fortunate, I take the subsidies and grow the product the government wants me to grow. I don't HAVE to, I could very well just let it all lay fallow for years and years.
But, But, But he feels soooo bad for those kids, that just HAS to count for something. I mean this is 'Merica, we can't have people feelin bad in 'merica. Its un'merican.
Yeah dude... it was sad... i felt bad.
A poster said "fuck it, pull the safety net". I was giving an example of something that goes on in my city that I assumed that poster must not be aware of if he feels that all people in need must just be lazy and on drugs.
I'm not claiming to be some guy fighting in the trenches for homeless people.
Not handing money out to people on the street is quite a bit different than not being willing to lift a finger to help those in need. I get asked all day. I just decided a while ago that I would not hand out money to people like that.
You are right though. I should make an effort to help a little more. A couple years ago I helped a friend who was donating breakfast from his catering company to a church serving to some people in need. That was two years ago though. I haven't really done anything since other than pay my taxes and vote for people who also believe that some tax dollars need to be spent to help people in need.
The homeless shelter asks for blankets and coats this time of year. I should drop off some unused stuff from around the house.

I have to give you credit for recognizing that. I don't feel the people you're voting for feel the way they would have you believe. The primary duty, and perhaps only duty, of a politician is to get elected. The recent scandal, largely unpublished, of all but two Congressmen caught making millions on insider trading tells more about them than any of their speeches. "Tax dollars spent to help people in need" is just away to create a permanent underclass of captive voters. Welfare hasn't reduced the poverty rates at all. Voting to pass the buck onto the tax payer is just avoiding our personal duty.
Of course, but I still gave more in one year than you have in your lifetime. If giving $65K keeps me from paying $80k, only the stupid person wouldn't give the $65k.

If it was purely the free market, then i would make even more, but since I realize that people ARE less fortunate, I take the subsidies and grow the product the government wants me to grow. I don't HAVE to, I could very well just let it all lay fallow for years and years.

HOw about a redacted tax statement from last year,
You never back up anything you say yet you challenge everyone
I think you are full of shit
and if corn is your big crop it's doubtful you are feeding anyone other than the corn syrup and ethanol producers
Of course not all people on welfare are lazy moochers but there are some and more joining every day. When you see your neighbors owning nicer things than you while you slave away at a cash register all day after dropping off the kids at day care you have to wonder if it's worth it. If I could stay home and improve my lifestyle compared to working a job I hate it would be an easy decision.

We have created a system that not only encourages welfare, it discourages work. Working diminishes your government check so you can actually hurt yourself financially by working. We are now seeing an influx of 4th generation cradle to the grave welfare recipients. This is not because they can't take care of themselves, they've been conditioned into believing they actually are taking themselves. Some on welfare have rationalized that they deserve it, that the rich man owes it to them.

It's another good intentioned broken system that needs to be addressed. There is a huge uphill climb when the sentiment is these poor people just can't take care of themselves. We have a section of our society that is so naive and arrogant that they think they are doing the right thing by giving handouts for life. In fact, I've heard people cut from this cloth argue that the reason we have 4th generation is because we don't give enough handouts. It's really hard to convince people who rule by feelings over logic when they are wrong so I don't see things changing.

It's basic human nature that if the government offered free lawn mowing and housecleaning, most of us would quit mowing our lawns and cleaning our house. Within a generation we wouldn't know how to operate a mower. I concede the point that some would still do it on their out of principle or they don't like the way someone else does these chores but I would guess these people would be in the minority and even ridiculed by the rest of us for it. "Please don't feed the animals, they will lose the ability to feed themselves" is the sentiment on every natural reserve, but for some reason, there is a section of our public that thinks either, well that's cool, we'll just take from the rich and feed them, or they think mankind is such an advance animal that these laws of nature don't hold true for us.

We have to define exactly what the purpose of welfare is before we can fix it. Is it just to take care of people who can't or won't (and those who won't are growing in numbers) or is it supposed to be a temporary safety net to catch people fallen on hard times and giving them the tools (and incentives) to become self-sustaining again.

Obama and those who are like minded tell us we need to give everyone access to a college degree and this will fix everything(by taking from the rich). That sounds lovely and all but in the inner cities where welfare and crime are rampant the drop out rate is around 70%. Let's figure out a way to cut this down, it's those 70% percent that perpetuate the cycle. Free college is an example of good intentions that have nothing to do with a solution.
HOw about a redacted tax statement from last year,
You never back up anything you say yet you challenge everyone
I think you are full of shit
and if corn is your big crop it's doubtful you are feeding anyone other than the corn syrup and ethanol producers
Im not running for president, besides it would be simplicity itself to create a false tax statement, the computer can do it in under 1 second.

Ethanol is where 100% of my corn goes to, if it weren't for government we wouldn't use corn ethanol in fuel and the subsidy and demand would go away. Rejoice for you have voted to continue giving me money that the government had to borrow at interest to give to me. The best part? You are on the hook for it, decide not to give me your hard earned dollar and the IRS will seize your wealth in order to extract my duly owed transfer payment. I don't have to do anything.

I can tell you, its a lot better than being a machinist who works 8-5 every day. I get to be my own boss. Most winters I have plenty of free time although I am taking some Online classes this year towards an MBA, but I only take one or two classes a semester.