Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO


Active Member
If anyone here really believes that we are not financially involved, as well as covertly with our intelligence agencies cooperating with their Israeli counterparts, then they are a fool.

Our funding, intelligence, and technology directly influences the situation over there. Why do you think you have all these people crying to cut the FUNDING for Israel because they don't play nice? That monetary/material support we provide makes us a party to the events that unfold.

Are we really prepared to enter the first real nuclear conflict in the history of mankind on the whims of people who are listening to a book written a few thousand years ago by nomadic goatherders who say they get a certain spot in the desert to call their own? Even though there was already a group of people there who don't believe in the same book and are mad as hell about losing their homes? Seriously..

I love the people who say this boils down to a "1,000 year old problem" like this is somehow related to ancient animosities. The West stole the land from the people of Palestine, and gave it to a group (Zionists) who they would now be able to use as a regional bulldog since they would feel endebted for being "rescued and delivered" from the horrors of Hitler's Europe and aftermath. This wound is fresh, so don't try to play it off like this is just some rehashed BS played out for ideology.


Well-Known Member
Why aren't they getting there war on?
This is so boring, oh boy some rockets and some air strikes, what BS
Why don't they get it on, the elections are over, why is Israel so weak? They can't even take over Gaza? Why cant they run over Gaza and take it over and then go into Syria and Iran to take them out and expand Israels power?


Well-Known Member
Why aren't they getting there war on?
This is so boring, oh boy some rockets and some air strikes, what BS
Why don't they get it on, the elections are over, why is Israel so weak? They can't even take over Gaza? Why cant they run over Gaza and take it over and then go into Syria and Iran to take them out and expand Israels power?
duh..... you shell with artillery before moving in ground forces.


Well-Known Member

It seems Israeli leaders have already decided what they're going to do.

Hamas tried the diplomatic approach, Israel threatened them with action. Israel broke the cease-fire agreement and have been killing civilians and justifying it by either saying it's just collateral damage or an accident. When Hamas kills civilians, it's terrorism.

Israel is not interested in peace and the Palestinians are being used as political pawns a month before Israeli elections.

It disgusts me the US government supports the actions of this terrorist government.


Well-Known Member
Get a load of how unbelievably brainwashed this kid is..


So glad dummies like this are phasing the fuck out already...


Well-Known Member
Hamas is the Terrorist government , and needs to go .
what do they preach , death to the west ?


Well-Known Member
Hamas is the Terrorist government , and needs to go .
what do they preach , death to the west ?
The Israeli government is no different. Hamas utilizes terrorist tactics, but so does Israel, except Israel calls it 'collateral damage' or 'an accident'.


Well-Known Member
The Israeli government is no different. Hamas utilizes terrorist tactics, but so does Israel, except Israel calls it 'collateral damage' or 'an accident'.
i beg to differ , , i dont think israeli teaches there kids in school to Hate the west ,
it just cant go on like this , we will have to take out a whole generation to fix this ,

i say the sooner we start the better


Well-Known Member
Wonder how much Obama gives their military this year. I heard it was 3 billion last year. A record. America funds over half of Israel's military.

The real bitch of it? Mitt Romney wanted to pay MORE to maintain Israel's "strategic military edge." Nothing says peace like giving a country the size and population of New Jersey 3+ billion dollars worth of war goodies a year. Both Obama and Mitt agreed that America needs to spend billions every year on Israel's regime. The specific phrase used was "Our friend needs to maintain its strategic military edge."

Well, what is the strategy? Piss the entire world off for a country with 7 million thieves and carpetbaggers in an apartheid government with zero natural resources or key exports? Sounds like a dumbass strategy to me. At least when Russia and China back Iran they get a country with the 5th largest natural gas resources and 2nd largest oil field.


Well-Known Member
i beg to differ , , i dont think israeli teaches there kids in school to Hate the west ,
it just cant go on like this , we will have to take out a whole generation to fix this ,

i say the sooner we start the better
I didn't say they teach their kids anything, although..

What do you mean by "take out a whole generation"?


Well-Known Member
not genocide of the people , just the goverment and leaders of there army and so on .
they are no good for there people and they are teaching them wrong

come on you guys know this