Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO


Well-Known Member
Copy pasting mission eh?

Yeah, you're right, we ought to just slaughter all the Muslims. That would bring peace.
Sure I could tell you that a large amount of Muslim want to hurt other people, or cherry pick a few teenager being stoned to death for wanting a free marriage but what would be the response? Islam is one of the biggest threats we face today, we're trying to dance around a bomb hoping it don't go off and we have dumb shits like you trying to put a red ribbon on it and tell us it's ok now.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
If anyone here really believes that we are not financially involved, as well as covertly with our intelligence agencies cooperating with their Israeli counterparts, then they are a fool.

Our funding, intelligence, and technology directly influences the situation over there. Why do you think you have all these people crying to cut the FUNDING for Israel because they don't play nice? That monetary/material support we provide makes us a party to the events that unfold.

Are we really prepared to enter the first real nuclear conflict in the history of mankind on the whims of people who are listening to a book written a few thousand years ago by nomadic goatherders who say they get a certain spot in the desert to call their own? Even though there was already a group of people there who don't believe in the same book and are mad as hell about losing their homes? Seriously..

I love the people who say this boils down to a "1,000 year old problem" like this is somehow related to ancient animosities. The West stole the land from the people of Palestine, and gave it to a group (Zionists) who they would now be able to use as a regional bulldog since they would feel endebted for being "rescued and delivered" from the horrors of Hitler's Europe and aftermath. This wound is fresh, so don't try to play it off like this is just some rehashed BS played out for ideology.
because history began with ww2. everything else was simply prologue.

inb4 "zionist piggie jew bankers plotting to take over the world"

the faces change, but the song remains the same, israel's existence is the problem, and if we simply let israel be lifted/cleansed from the pages of history, dar al islam will become the green and pleasant land of peace love and understanding it was before those dastardly jews crashed the party with their entirely fictitious claims of having lived in judea before being driven out my the mohammedans.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You're the one preaching hate and death with your genocidal aspirations. I'm preaching peace, see what is going here?
youre preaching the death of israel by somebody else's hands.
your cute little israeli swastika flag icon is awesome. no hate there. nope, just good wholesome fun.
i wonder who will be your villain when israel is destroyed and all of the near east is under the flag of the religion of peace, but the murders dont even slow down...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
This illustrates your complete ignorance towards the vast majority of Muslims. Indonesia for example, 86% Muslim with a population of over 220 million, when was the last time an Indonesian attacked the US or any other western nation?

Should we blame all the Christians or treat them the same way as the Westboro Baptists?


Well-Known Member
youre preaching the death of israel by somebody else's hands.
your cute little israeli swastika flag icon is awesome. no hate there. nope, just good wholesome fun.
i wonder who will be your villain when israel is destroyed and all of the near east is under the flag of the religion of peace, but the murders dont even slow down...
Israel is the only remaining apartheid regime, it is a colony. It is a band of westerners who displaced millions of Palestinian people from their homes. The precedent for this is a book written in the bronze age.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

The first people to be victim of Western colonization were Semite.
the caliphate.

judea was the first victims of oriental colonization, and they were semites. after rome's fall the moslems took judea and drove out the christians and jews who would not pay the jizya and submit.

the umayyads.

spain was the first western victim of oriental colonization.

when will the illegitimate regime currently occupying madrid finally stop their genocide of the moslem people and return the land they stole?

eastern eurasia has been under assault by mohammedan colonization for centuries, but theres no outrage over that.

hindu temples burned to the ground, or dismantled and rebuilt as mosques? no outrage.
buddhist temples sacked? no outrage
jain temples sacked? no outrage
zoroastrians declared heretics in their own land? no outrage
armenian genocide? no outrage
little girls beheaded in the streets of jakarta for going to school? no outrage.

you have chosen your villain, but your heroes have more blood on their hands than you care to admit.
jews are not the problem. jews live in every part of the world and have for centuries without causing any problems for their neighbors, but where moslems go with their poisonous religion, its always trouble for any who dont submit to their backwards and offensive religion's demands.


Well-Known Member
Sure I could tell you that a large amount of Muslim want to hurt other people, or cherry pick a few teenager being stoned to death for wanting a free marriage but what would be the response? Islam is one of the biggest threats we face today, we're trying to dance around a bomb hoping it don't go off and we have dumb shits like you trying to put a red ribbon on it and tell us it's ok now.
The biggest threat is idiots like you who (for the past thousand years) continuously push people into a holy war because of idiotic ignorance. Cool.


Well-Known Member
the caliphate.

judea was the first victims of oriental colonization, and they were semites. after rome's fall the moslems took judea and drove out the christians and jews who would not pay the jizya and submit.

the umayyads.

spain was the first western victim of oriental colonization.

when will the illegitimate regime currently occupying madrid finally stop their genocide of the moslem people and return the land they stole?

eastern eurasia has been under assault by mohammedan colonization for centuries, but theres no outrage over that.

hindu temples burned to the ground, or dismantled and rebuilt as mosques? no outrage.
buddhist temples sacked? no outrage
jain temples sacked? no outrage
zoroastrians declared heretics in their own land? no outrage
armenian genocide? no outrage
little girls beheaded in the streets of jakarta for going to school? no outrage.

you have chosen your villain, but your heroes have more blood on their hands than you care to admit.
jews are not the problem. jews live in every part of the world and have for centuries without causing any problems for their neighbors, but where moslems go with their poisonous religion, its always trouble for any who dont submit to their backwards and offensive religion's demands.
My heroes?

I have no problem with Judaism. When did I ever say anything about Judaism aside from that I have no problem with Jews? Do you equate Jew with Zionist? Some Jews would be VERY offended, but that isn't really my problem so rock on. No I'm talking about a state that carries out apartheid.

History is written by victors. Victors are rarely kind, peaceful or compassionate. I'm convinced statistics are written also by these. I have actually met and befriended Palestinian people, although I'm not sure what religion they were. I have also befriended Muslims when I was an infantryman fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some of the warmest, most calm, peaceful and hospitable people I have ever known. They would share the best of what they have even with an invading infidel despite that they are poor.

If you are indicated otherwise by the Quran, cool, but I haven't read it, I'm sure it can't be as violent as the Bible or Torah.

Israel is the world's biggest threat to peace and by far the most likely to initiate a nuclear war that will end our species.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Israel is the only remaining apartheid regime, it is a colony. It is a band of westerners who displaced millions of Palestinian people from their homes. The precedent for this is a book written in the bronze age.
really. only israel has "apartheid"?

aparthied was south africa's racial separation and segregation program to keep the black majority down.

israel has NO SUCH PROGRAM. the walls separating the occupied territories from israel are to keep bombers murderers and sabotuers out, not to keep the oppressed in.
the only way you can equate israel and the occupied territories with south africa's apartheid is by denying israel's right to exist as a sovereign nation.
until you come forward and admit that you, like amedinejad want to see israel wiped off the map, and have this small portion of historic judea turned over to the good folks at hamas and hezzboillah you will be just another moron shouting for peace at any cost.

peace at any cost is peace at the cost of everything. you may live in a fantasy world where passive resistance and non-violence will win out, like ghandi against the british, but you mistake the PLO for the british at your peril. but then it's not YOUR peril. its easy to demand others sacrifice for peace, but when the thing you have to sacrifice is your entire nation, thats not peace, thats extermination. jews dont give up cuz they had their taste of extermination. maybe the pallies should consider stioipping the rocket attacks and suicide bombings and child murders long enough to decide what THEY will sacrifice for peace.

oh yeah, we already know what they will give for peace. NOTHING.


Well-Known Member
Push people? I haven't done a single thing to a Muslim except the fact I am an infidel and that's all it takes to get killed. How about the 9/11 victim did they have it coming? Or all the people that died from suicide bombers, for the good of man? Is that what you're saying? It takes about an IQ of 12 to realize Islam is very dangerous and easily tilts extreme.


Well-Known Member
I haven't done a single thing to a Muslim except the fact I am an infidel and that's all it takes to get killed.
You did finance Nuking them....

Remember Germany? The Nazis were guilty for their complicity even those not in the army


Well-Known Member
really. only israel has "apartheid"?

aparthied was south africa's racial separation and segregation program to keep the black majority down.

israel has NO SUCH PROGRAM. the walls separating the occupied territories from israel are to keep bombers murderers and sabotuers out, not to keep the oppressed in.
the only way you can equate israel and the occupied territories with south africa's apartheid is by denying israel's right to exist as a sovereign nation.
until you come forward and admit that you, like amedinejad want to see israel wiped off the map, and have this small portion of historic judea turned over to the good folks at hamas and hezzboillah you will be just another moron shouting for peace at any cost.

peace at any cost is peace at the cost of everything. you may live in a fantasy world where passive resistance and non-violence will win out, like ghandi against the british, but you mistake the PLO for the british at your peril. but then it's not YOUR peril. its easy to demand others sacrifice for peace, but when the thing you have to sacrifice is your entire nation, thats not peace, thats extermination. jews dont give up cuz they had their taste of extermination. maybe the pallies should consider stioipping the rocket attacks and suicide bombings and child murders long enough to decide what THEY will sacrifice for peace.

oh yeah, we already know what they will give for peace. NOTHING.
How can they be expected to honor a ceasefire when their leader has been assassinated?

How can they be expected not to attack with rockets when an ever encroaching colony pushes them from their land, separates them with fences and a superior military and murders their leader?

How can you expect the world to remain silent while Palestinians are murdered in exactly the same fashion that Hitler murdered Jews and Americans murdered countless indigenous tribes?


Well-Known Member
Dr Kynes said:
israel has NO SUCH PROGRAM. the walls separating the occupied territories from israel are to keep bombers murderers and sabotuers out, not to keep the oppressed in.
Can you explain to me why I have a mental image of Jewish ghetto's and families with the star of David sewn to their clothing. For some reason I keep imagining that some country named Germany claimed to be the "defenders of western culture."

I'll let you take a guess as to where these quotes came from:
The Jew cannot tolerate a people that is free of the Jews.
Judah hates us, because we do not let ourselves be devoured as it has so far devoured all the other peoples.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
My heroes?

I have no problem with Judaism. When did I ever say anything about Judaism aside from that I have no problem with Jews? Do you equate Jew with Zionist? Some Jews would be VERY offended, but that isn't really my problem so rock on. No I'm talking about a state that carries out apartheid.

History is written by victors. Victors are rarely kind, peaceful or compassionate. I'm convinced statistics are written also by these. I have actually met and befriended Palestinian people, although I'm not sure what religion they were. I have also befriended Muslims when I was an infantryman fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some of the warmest, most calm, peaceful and hospitable people I have ever known. They would share the best of what they have even with an invading infidel despite that they are poor.

If you are indicated otherwise by the Quran, cool, but I haven't read it, I'm sure it can't be as violent as the Bible or Torah.

Israel is the world's biggest threat to peace and by far the most likely to initiate a nuclear war that will end our species.
israel IS zionism, if you declare zionism evil you declare the entire nation of israel evil. without israel's status as a nation, the jewish inhabitants of "palestine" will again be reduced to dhimmi status, as will the christians, zoroastrians and everyone else who doesnt pray to an idol in mecca.

embracing moslems as your freind is fine, when you have the guns. when they dont have the power to use force against you and your family moslems are 100% peaceful, its when they think they have the edge that islam shows it's true face. ask the armenians. or the zoroastrians, or the buddhists, or the hindus, or the jains, or the animists, or in fact any non moslem who lived in a moslem country.

you chirp like the hippies who thought the soviet union was a workers paradise, but never talked to an actual russian bout life under the soviets. ask a soviet official how life in russia was, and he will tell you how grad it was, ask a peasant and you get another story. likewise, asking moslems about life under moslem rule is useless, ask the other guys. if you can find any.