Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO


Well-Known Member
But I have a question though Kynes,

Since the "according to the Torah" is your reason why Israel is justified in it's occupation of another people, does the Torah even support Zionism?

Explain "right of conquest" again for me please.


Well-Known Member
Can someone explain to me why the Gaza strip isn't part of Israel? Did it used to be? What happened? How and why is it seperate? Is it still part of Israel and just sectioned off or is it it's own country? I don't get it.

After the holocaust, a faction of the Jewish people called Zionists had a political movement to occupy Palestine. The reasons why they considered this to be justified are in the torah and the legality is based in "right of conquest". After the holocaust they began to settle in Palestine, displacing the people who had been there for centuries. They are continually spreading and the people who were already there before the occupation, the Palestinians, are losing lands and being ever isolated into crowded, basically ghettos. This is in complete violation of international law. The world is currently ignoring these people, much like the world ignored the plight of the Jews in Germany for so long. In the latest sequence of this conflict, the IDF killed their democratically elected leader in a surprise attack. The Egyptian diplomat assigned to Gaza did broker a cease fire but Israel gave the condition "as long as they don't attack us" and this was a very dirty trick, as they knew that with out a leader, the angry Palestinian people, outraged over airstrikes killing civilians, including children, would not be able to enforce such a cease fire, and indeed, rockets were fired from Gaza into occupied territory. This gave Israel impetus to step up the attacks which is what they wanted. They want to slaughter these people and take the land they believe "God" gave to them but also took away from them, (yes the torah says God took it from them, not that I care what the torah says).


Well-Known Member
well if israel says god gave them that land ,, , what can you do ?
you cant go agaisnt gods will , the palestine people should get the hell out of there fast


Well-Known Member
well if israel says god gave them that land ,, , what can you do ?
you cant go agaisnt gods will , the palestine people should get the hell out of there fast
If "God's will(Torah)" is to be obeyed, than Israel should not exist. If International law is to be obeyed than Israel should not exist. If Palestine is to be free from the oppression of an invading and occupying force, than Israel should not exist. If Justice is to be served to the middle east, than Israel should not exist. If the world is to avert it's greatest threat to peace and highest risk of nuclear war, than Israel should not exist. If you think "Israel has the right to defend itself" tell me how invasion, occupation, genocide and apartheid have a fucking thing to do with defense.


Well-Known Member
“When Israelis in the occupied territories now claim that they have to defend themselves, they are defending themselves in the sense that any military occupier has to defend itself against the population they are crushing… You can’t defend yourself when you’re militarily occupying someone else’s land. That’s not defense. Call it what you like, it’s not defense.”
~ Noam Chomsky


Well-Known Member
Palestenians fire oversized fireworks and miss...Israelis respond with over 200 targeted air strikes (with mostly civvies as the victims). Thats like totally a proportional response dude.


Well-Known Member
Palestenians fire oversized fireworks and miss...

Israelis respond with over 200 targeted air strikes (with mostly civvies are the victims).

Thats like totally a proportional response dude.
"Israel has the right to defend itself."
~Barack Obama

I wonder what ever happened to "Nobody is suffering more than the Palestinian people."?

He must have Mitt Flopped.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
“When Israelis in the occupied territories now claim that they have to defend themselves, they are defending themselves in the sense that any military occupier has to defend itself against the population they are crushing… You can’t defend yourself when you’re militarily occupying someone else’s land. That’s not defense. Call it what you like, it’s not defense.”
~ Noam Chomsky
So what you are saying is........It's OK for the Indians down at the casino to start firing rockets into my neighborhood.....I don't think so......I know they were here first in the USA...but things have changed....they pretty much have to get over it...............nitro..


Well-Known Member
The Zionist regime is illegitimate. For the sake of the continuity of the human race, they need to be disbanded and all sovereignty of Palestine given to the Palestinians.


Well-Known Member
The Zionist regime is illegitimate. For the sake of the continuity of the human race, they need to be disbanded and all sovereignty of Palestine given to the Palestinians.
Don't be crazy.

The Two State Solution is the only solution.

Theres second and third generation Israelis, would you displace them from the only place they've ever known as home?

That's double standards bro.


Well-Known Member
Don't be crazy.

The Two State Solution is the only solution.

Theres second and third generation Israelis, would you displace them from the only place they've ever known as home?

That's double standards bro.
If Palestine agrees to it. If Israel honors the agreement and stops settling in Palestinian land. If Israel stop telling America that it is "defending itself". At the very least I want to see America stop financially supporting this massacre.


Well-Known Member
So what you are saying is........It's OK for the Indians down at the casino to start firing rockets into my neighborhood.....I don't think so......I know they were here first in the USA...but things have changed....they pretty much have to get over it...............nitro..
Were you born an idiot or have you just always been one?

Now if those same Native Americans who are not from India would have resisted the encroaching Union army, I would say it is a better comparison. They did in fact and they were slaughtered by the millions. It was atrocious.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Were you born an idiot or have you just always been one?

Now if those same Native Americans who are not from India would have resisted the encroaching Union army, I would say it is a better comparison. They did in fact and they were slaughtered by the millions. It was atrocious.
I just thought you should know.......sporting the nazi symbol isn't helping your cause.............nitro..


Well-Known Member
:10 And it shall be, when the Lord thy God shall have brought thee into the land
which he sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob,
to give thee great and goodly cities,
which thou buildedst not,
:11 And houses full of all good things,
which thou filledst not,
and wells digged,
which thou diggedst not,
vineyards and olive trees,
which thou plantedst not;
when thou shalt have eaten and be full;

Deuteronomy 6: 10-11

Moses was asking God what to do about the people who lived down there already. Of course this was Moses' side of the story and history is written by the victor. Some God to all who would tell them to kill the people and take their cities and homes.


Active Member
The Zionist regime is illegitimate. For the sake of the continuity of the human race, they need to be disbanded and all sovereignty of Palestine given to the Palestinians.
You had me until this one.

Israelis AND Palestinians have a right to be there. Both have a legitimate claim to the land. Neither can be asked to simply leave.

2 States=Only Hope. Unless you call for the destruction of one side by the other. In which case we all lose.


Well-Known Member
You had me until this one.

Israelis AND Palestinians have a right to be there. Both have a legitimate claim to the land. Neither can be asked to simply leave.

2 States=Only Hope. Unless you call for the destruction of one side by the other. In which case we all lose.
Or just nuke them ALL and then rename where Israel and Palestine was to "The Uninhabited Glass Desert".

Then we wouldn't have to listen to any of the bullshit from either side anymore.