Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO


Well-Known Member
Read this cock-dribble paragraph from that link...

"As is unavoidable at times of war, there have been civilian casualties. Israelis have been killed by rockets from the Gaza Strip. Some Gaza Strip civilians have been killed by Israeli air and drone attacks and others, apparently, by misfiring rockets targeted at Israel."

I like how they make it seem its not 100+ / 4 to the Israelis.

I also like how they make it seem its not 50%+ civilians that the Israelis kill.


Active Member

The Hamas Charter calls for Destruction Of Israel in it. Seems like self defense by Israel to deal with that threat. Would you do different?
Well Israel shouldn't have created and supported Hamas just to put them as rivals to the PLO. Theres a thing called blowback

Israel broke the truce by killing a child it didn't start after killing the military commander.

Also no surprise Israel killed him after he received a draft agreement for a permanent truce with Israel.


Well-Known Member
Well Israel shouldn't have created and supported Hamas just to put them as rivals to the PLO. Theres a thing called blowback

Israel broke the truce by killing a child it didn't start after killing the military commander.

Also no surprise Israel killed him after he received a draft agreement for a permanent truce with Israel.
well, I haven't known about that before, do you have any more information about that? I could search myself as well but if you have something you think is good would like to see.


Active Member
One of Israel's tremendous propaganda victories is that it has been accepted as a victim of the Palestinians, both in the view of the Israeli public and that of Western leaders who hasten to speak of Israel's right to defend itself. The propaganda is so effective that only the Palestinian rockets at the south of Israel, and now at Tel Aviv, are counted in the round of hostilities. The rockets, or damage to the holiest of holies - a military jeep - are always seen as a starting point, and together with the terrifying siren, as if taken from a World War II movie, build the meta-narrative of the victim entitled to defend itself.
Every day, indeed every moment, this meta-narrative allows Israel to add another link to the chain of dispossession of a nation as old as the state itself, while at the same time managing to hide the fact that one continuous thread runs from the 1948 refusal to allow Palestinian refugees to return to their homes, the early 1950s expulsion of Bedouin from the Negev desert, the current expulsion of Bedouin from the Jordan Valley, ranches for Jews in the Negev, discrimination in budgets in Israel, and shooting at Gazan fishermen to keep them from earning a respectable living. Millions of such continuous threads link 1948 to the present. They are the fabric of life for the Palestinian nation, as divided as it may be in isolated pockets. They are the fabric of life of Palestinian citizens of Israel and of those who live in their lands of exile.
But these threads are not the entire fabric of life. The resistance to the threads that we, the Israelis, endlessly spin is also part of the fabric of life for Palestinians. The word resistance has been debased to mean the very masculine competition of whose missile will explode furthest away (a competition among Palestinian organizations, and between them and the established Israeli army ). It does not invalidate the fact that, in essence, resistance to the injustice inherent in Israeli domination is an inseparable part of life for each and every Palestinian.
The foreign and international development ministries in the West and in the United States knowingly collaborate with the mendacious representation of Israel as victim, if only because every week they receive reports from their representatives in the West Bank and Gaza Strip about yet another link of dispossession and oppression that Israel has added to the chain, or because their own taxpayers' money make up for some of the humanitarian disasters, large and small, inflicted by Israel.
On November 8, two days before the attack on the holiest of holies - soldiers in a military jeep - they could have read about IDF soldiers killing 13-year old Ahmad Abu Daqqa, who was playing soccer with his friends in the village of Abassan, east of Khan Yunis. The soldiers were 1.5 kilometers from the kids, inside the Gaza Strip area, busy with "exposing" (a whitewashed word for destroying ) agricultural land. So why shouldn't the count of aggression start with a child? On November 10, after the attack on the jeep, the IDF killed another four civilians, aged 16 to 19.
Wallowing in ignorance
Leaders of the West could have known that, before the IDF's exercise last week in the Jordan Valley, dozens of Bedouin families were told to evacuate their homes. How extraordinary that IDF training always occurs where Bedouin live, not Israeli settlers, and that it constitutes a reason to expel them. Another reason. Another expulsion. The leaders of the West could also have known, based on the full-color, chrome-paper reports their countries finance, that since the beginning of 2012, Israel has destroyed 569 Palestinian buildings and structures, including wells and 178 residences. In all, 1,014 people were affected by those demolitions.
We haven't heard masses of Tel Aviv and southern residents warning the stewards of the state about the ramifications of this destruction on the civilian population. The Israelis cheerfully wallow in their ignorance. This information and other similar facts are available and accessible to anyone who's really interested. But Israelis choose not to know. This willed ignorance is a foundation stone in the building of Israel's sense of victimization. But ignorance is ignorance: The fact that Israelis don't want to know what they are doing as an occupying power doesn't negate their deeds or Palestinian resistance.
In 1993, the Palestinians gave Israel a gift, a golden opportunity to cut the threads tying 1948 to the present, to abandon the country's characteristics of colonial dispossession, and together plan a different future for the two peoples in the region. The Palestinian generation that accepted the Oslo Accords (full of traps laid by smart Israeli lawyers ) is the generation that got to know a multifaceted, even normal, Israeli society because the 1967 occupation allowed it (for the purpose of supplying cheap labor ) almost full freedom of movement. The Palestinians agreed to a settlement based on their minimum demands. One of the pillars of these minimum demands was treating the Gaza Strip and West Bank as a single territorial entity.
But once the implementation of Oslo started, Israel systematically did everything it could to make the Gaza Strip into a separate, disconnected entity, as part of Israel's insistence on maintaining the threads of 1948 and extending them. Since the rise of Hamas, it has done everything to back up the impression Hamas prefers - that the Gaza Strip is a separate political entity where there is no occupation. If that is so, why not look at things as follows: As a separate political entity, any incursion into Gazan territory is an infringement of its sovereignty, and Israel does this all the time. Does the government of the state of Gaza not have the right to respond, to deter, or at least the masculine right - a twin of the IDF's masculine right - to scare the Israelis just as Israel scares the Palestinians?
But Gaza is not a state. Gaza is under Israeli occupation, despite all the verbal acrobatics of both Hamas and Israel. The Palestinians who live there are part of a people whose DNA contains resistance to oppression.
In the West Bank, Palestinian activists try to develop a type of resistance different from the masculine, armed resistance. But the IDF puts down all popular resistance with zeal and resolve. We haven't heard of residents of Tel Aviv and the south complaining about the balance of deterrence the IDF is building against the civilian Palestinian population.
And so Israel again provides reasons for more young Palestinians, for whom Israel is an abnormal society of army and settlers, to conclude that the only rational resistance is spilled blood and counter-terrorizing. And so every Israeli link of oppression and all Israeli disregard of the oppression's existence drags us further down the slope of masculine competition.


Active Member
Like Abandon said Hamas is talking about the regime not the Israeli people.



Well-Known Member
well, I haven't known about that before, do you have any more information about that? I could search myself as well but if you have something you think is good would like to see.
Hamas also tried to have a counsel with the UN to be recognized as a sovereign entity. They applied in September but Israel put a stop to that by killing the leaders before the meeting ..........................Sounds a lot like the mafia offing a snitch to me. But no its defense


Well-Known Member
Try the diplomatic approach, stifled by Israel, try the not so diplomatic approach, defense.

Dafuq are the Palestinians supposed to do? Israel opposes every approach to progress.


Well-Known Member
Die. They are supposed to die.
Pity they can't all line up (from both sides), each person aim at the persons head to the right...then pull on 3.

Peace in the Middle East cos everyone who clearly a combatant is dead :)

As much as I totally agree with the Palestinian cause, some members of Hamas (or possibly a splinter faction of it) do use incredibly dirty's kind of the elephant in the room for me, I ignore it to an extent but rocket positions need to be out in less populated areas, etc.


Well-Known Member
Pity they can't all line up (from both sides), each person aim at the persons head to the right...then pull on 3.

Peace in the Middle East cos everyone who clearly a combatant is dead :)

As much as I totally agree with the Palestinian cause, some members of Hamas (or possibly a splinter faction of it) do use incredibly dirty's kind of the elephant in the room for me, I ignore it to an extent but rocket positions need to be out in less populated areas, etc.
Exactly.. I wonder what would happen if they took a Gandhi type approach... nonviolence til the end.. Civil protest.. What would the west think then, when Palestinians were being exterminated by Israel without having fired rockets into Tel Aviv..? Violence in the face of dominance is the only successful route, even though, probably, Palestinians will die.. But Palestinians die anyway... I'd like to see them take this approach... it might take days, weeks, years.. but the West would no longer have the "ISRAEL IS ONLY DEFENDING ITSELF!!!" argument to fall back on... Because 100+ deaths apparently doesn't matter...


Well-Known Member
Exactly.. I wonder what would happen if they took a Gandhi type approach... nonviolence til the end.. Civil protest.. What would the west think then, when Palestinians were being exterminated by Israel without having fired rockets into Tel Aviv..? Violence in the face of dominance is the only successful route, even though, probably, Palestinians will die.. But Palestinians die anyway... I'd like to see them take this approach... it might take days, weeks, years.. but the West would no longer have the "ISRAEL IS ONLY DEFENDING ITSELF!!!" argument to fall back on... Because 100+ deaths apparently doesn't matter...
106/3 last I checked, when will they have stopped defending themselves?

Because by my count the last 24 hours have brought 50 to 1 ratio of Pallys to Israelis...with casualties only still mounting on one side.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
106/3 last I checked, when will they have stopped defending themselves?

Because by my count the last 24 hours have brought 50 to 1 ratio of Pallys to Israelis...with casualties only still mounting on one side.
and on iwo jima the US marine corps "only" lost 4 men for every 25 japanese killed.

4/25 = battle
1/25 = genocide.

if the pallies were armed equipped and led like the japanese imperial forces israel would be in for a real fight, but the pallies being unorganized, poorly equipped and poorly led doesnt make them any less a military force, nor any less a threat to israel.

if the situation were reversed, the israelis would be the ones getting massacred, and hamas would tell world opinion to pound sand. and historically that how it has gone in the arab/jew wars since islam first became a force in the region.

conversely, if the pallies were to, as you suggest, adopt a ghandi style non-violence approach, the israelis would not be killing anybody. and you can take that to the bank.
however, if the israelis adopt non-violence under hamas occupation, hamas would simply take this oportunity to eliminate all jews in their power. history has shown this over and over again.