i used to think strain was important, now i dont.

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give me some time, ill have it when this batch is finished. i had them on my last batch its very simple to do on your own. you need an acute scale that will measure to the .001. you take .1 grams of finishes product dry very try make it powder add 2 mls of alcohol to each sample, let is sit for a 24 hrs then remove the bud particles and evaporate the weight left of the residue will equal out to what ever is missing from the bud particles and is pure thc.

OK, thanks for clearing that up. Glad I asked the question.

Considering the utter ignorance on display here, I no longer have to take anything else you say in this thread seriously.

I'm not sure whether or not you really ARE actually this stupid when it comes to basic chemistry, or you were just trolling to begin with (though I favor the latter), but your game here is over.

Here's a little "clue" for you: Not only is THC not 100% soluble in EtOH but there are many other substances (and not just cannabinoids) within dried cannabis plants that are also soluble in alcohol.

There is simply NO F@#$KING WAY that this "assay" (and I use the term loosely here) can deliver an accurate THC measurement, and in fact, were that true, lab testing of THC wouldn't be an expensive and highly specialized proposition.

So enjoy your alleged 25% THC "elite" weed. . .you're a legend in your own mind.
I partly agree with you, the whole thightly held elite cuts story seems to me a lot contradictory whith what i always considered to be the spirit of marijuana growing and breeding..We are fighting so hard to make this plant legal and to spread it in many countries, while in the same cannabis comunity many cuts are off limits because some some big heads keep them closed in the safe..I think the problem (in their perspective) could be the loss of value and uniqueness that theese plants would have if everyone would grow them.

Its pretty simple, actually.

Perceived scarcity enhances value; if they're passed around and common as dirt, there would little value to "elite" clones. Put backwards, by definition what makes them "elite" is rarity. You can't be in the cool exclusive club, if you'll let anyone in the front door.

There is also a relatively small population of growers that even CAN maintain clones for long periods of time, and cannabis sales, are also big business.

So there are financial and other reasons why many of these cuts are scarce and will always remain that way.

Of course none of these things, by themselves, mean that "elite clones" are NOT unique and/or special in some way or another. In fact, invariably they are interesting, though its usually not merely a question of potency, but a combination of excellent potency AND other interesting characteristics such as unique scent, flavor, yield, color or other appearance, and grow time.

In terms of just potency, the best phenos from a number of commercial lines can potentially yield over 20% THC, making them up there with many of the "elite" cuts. Though again, these commercial lines are themselves typically created out of highly select lines or "elite" cuts too.

In any case, if ALL you're after is pure potency, well. . .any idiot with a $100 set of bubble bags, some ice water, and a few hours time can make hash substantially more powerful than ANY "elite cut" buds.
I had to jump in on this one. Are you serious"strain doesn't matter" I grow sog and it matters to me. I want a plant that is single cola dominant and stays short with a fast flowering time. Others may want trees,others may want auto flowering,some want bushes,shit some ppl even want purple plants. WTF? there is alot more to consider then just thc content. Plants are breed to showcase the dominant traits they possess. Strain is important, breeders developed them to ensure uniformity and consistency in growth pattern,taste,aroma,disease&pest resistance,etc,etc. Come on man get with the program. All those additives you think are making your plants "super plants" are really only complicating your grow and making the manufactures of all that un-needed BS rich at your expense.

As far as your testing method for THC content. man thats laughable, I make a crude hash oil by doing what you explained.That residue left after evaporation would be 100% thc if we where to beleave your methodology.No one would be able to smoke it if that where true. You also forgot how you would account for the cbn or converted tch in your little method of testing...still laughing at that one. Nice try man.
I'd say, you get what you get...the plants will vary depending on how you grow them.

Buy a 100 different seeds, some will be better then others...

Your results may, and probably will, vary from others.
strain does matter.....you want a up or couchlock effect...... finding the best pheno within that strain is what really matters.

seeds are a crap shoot...each one is different... each contains a different % of the mom and dad.... just like kids.... sure there might be a twin or tripplet here or there

You can buy some chem beans and we could split them.... either one of us could end up with a good pheno or shit

If I give you a clone off a plant and you grow it ...do you think it will produce a higher THC % than mine.....NO

Looks and taste might be different but THC % or the content will NOT go up due to different fertilizers used... even if you use different spectrums of light (HPS OR MH) that has no effect on thc content

THC content is predetermined by genetics..... Certains strains will not have a high THC content because of their genetic programing
Why do people think roids are bad? Turn off the tv, sounds like ur getting brainwashed :?

did i say roids are bad. No. i'm trying to tell this guy that strain does matter. If your telling me i can take commonly known strain like OG Kush and grow it side by side Whit Widow strain won't matter in the end? That is retarded, the % of thc in the trichome will still be better in the OG, the flavor will be nice thick lemony funk unlike Wdow. All because of strain. Even if you make hash with 99% iso alcohol and it's pure thc as you say, the OG hash will be better. so strain matters. White widow has a ton more trich's than og, but the OG is much more dank, the White widow yield is amazing, but OG is average at best on a good grow. so how can he say strain doesn't matter?
Dammmmm it!! Help help help!!!!!! Please help me! I didn't give any steroids to my plants this past grow and my thc is at 0%! If I inject steroids into the stem can I get at least 1% thc in it. I believe you 100% cause one time I grew some tomatoes and used steroids for weed and dam those tomatoes were the shit. I think the roids gave it alittle thc.
One thing I gotta say, I think sometimes people throw away really elite genetics because they didn't grow it properly. Some stuff is very easy to get right. Some stuff is very difficult. You should probably run a genotype at least a few times if it shows even a little potential IMO.
when i started growing i thought the strain i was growing was a big deal as a newb would. Then i began to realize after growing umpteen different strains that its not the strain that's important its how healthy the genetics are and what additives you use. These additives are literally steroids for plants which is fine by me. the same way you can take a skinny guy feed him tons of testosterone and make him arnold. You can do it with a strain as long as the genetics are good. Good being a healthy yield and some what frosty. the reason i say this is if i have a good specimen to work with i can do great things. there is a peak in marijuana and some strains are naturally at this peak but others you can be "boosted" to get there. bud factor x isnt bull shit bud xl isnt bull shit shooting powder isnt bull shit liquid karmo isnt bullshit roots excel isnt bullshit. this stuff is the reason why these old heads that smoked MJ in the good old years of nixon can barely smoke our shit now. H&G AN MF these companies have liberated us growers from douche bags who don't share their strains. I was in shock the first time i heard a "friend" tell me no when i asked for a strain. I was in utter shock and disbelief that people wouldn't share these clones that anyone can make for pennies. This is pot we are talking about all you have to do is cut dip and give time and you have a whole new plant ( great thing about having cell walls). Doesn't that greedy attitude completely counter the holistic philosophy of pot itself??? So, in this rant i solute you plant steroid companies because now i can grow just as potent cannabis with twice the yield and half the price to my customers.
honorable mention goes out to : curing properly

This is definitely a case of having it ass backwards. You sound and act like a clueless newbie who is all about yield at any cost. If I knew who your ' customers ' were I would warn them about your careless philosophy. I bet the folks at the hydro store love to see walk through the door, they make a fortune off of people like you. Fucking sad.
hey, it's fine i know people want to cherish their strains because they worked so hard to acquire them. But the test is simple you will see how i came up with it after the first twelve chapters of a general chemistry book. Any general chemistry book (college level) they all teach you the same shit. who here has used shooting powder moab and bud factor x? or pure flower liquid karma big bud/bud xl? together?

do you even know whats in advanced nutrients? it's just basic micro and macro nutes mostly and all the additives can be bought for dirt cheap. but what additives do they actually use? I know they got some benificial bacteria and mollases but nothing too speacial that you can't buy from a big nutrient company not for mj for dirt cheap. but then mj nute companys mix it all up in water put it in a bottle with a fany lable and mark the price up like crazy. just check out this site and you can see just how cheap it really is to make that shit. http://www.jrpeters.com/Products/Specialty-Nutrients/Buy-Specialty-Nutrients.html and I'm sure theirs even cheaper places.
do you even know whats in advanced nutrients? it's just basic micro and macro nutes mostly and all the additives can be bought for dirt cheap. but what additives do they actually use? I know they got some benificial bacteria and mollases but nothing too speacial that you can't buy from a big nutrient company not for mj for dirt cheap. but then mj nute companys mix it all up in water put it in a bottle with a fany lable and mark the price up like crazy. just check out this site and you can see just how cheap it really is to make that shit. http://www.jrpeters.com/Products/Specialty-Nutrients/Buy-Specialty-Nutrients.html and I'm sure theirs even cheaper places.

Pretty much. Although, I gotta say, I am no expert in mixing nutrients/chemicals so I'm willing to pay some premium (ie: Dyna Grow).
when i started growing i thought the strain i was growing was a big deal as a newb would. Then i began to realize after growing umpteen different strains that its not the strain that's important its how healthy the genetics are and what additives you use. These additives are literally steroids for plants which is fine by me. the same way you can take a skinny guy feed him tons of testosterone and make him arnold. You can do it with a strain as long as the genetics are good. Good being a healthy yield and some what frosty. the reason i say this is if i have a good specimen to work with i can do great things. there is a peak in marijuana and some strains are naturally at this peak but others you can be "boosted" to get there. bud factor x isnt bull shit bud xl isnt bull shit shooting powder isnt bull shit liquid karmo isnt bullshit roots excel isnt bullshit. this stuff is the reason why these old heads that smoked MJ in the good old years of nixon can barely smoke our shit now. H&G AN MF these companies have liberated us growers from douche bags who don't share their strains. I was in shock the first time i heard a "friend" tell me no when i asked for a strain. I was in utter shock and disbelief that people wouldn't share these clones that anyone can make for pennies. This is pot we are talking about all you have to do is cut dip and give time and you have a whole new plant ( great thing about having cell walls). Doesn't that greedy attitude completely counter the holistic philosophy of pot itself??? So, in this rant i solute you plant steroid companies because now i can grow just as potent cannabis with twice the yield and half the price to my customers.
honorable mention goes out to : curing properly

You're still a noob even after growing 'umpteen different strains'.
You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear. Only an ignorant person would believe strain is not a huge factor in plant characteristics.
do you even know whats in advanced nutrients? it's just basic micro and macro nutes mostly and all the additives can be bought for dirt cheap. but what additives do they actually use? I know they got some benificial bacteria and mollases but nothing too speacial that you can't buy from a big nutrient company not for mj for dirt cheap. but then mj nute companys mix it all up in water put it in a bottle with a fany lable and mark the price up like crazy. just check out this site and you can see just how cheap it really is to make that shit. http://www.jrpeters.com/Products/Specialty-Nutrients/Buy-Specialty-Nutrients.html and I'm sure theirs even cheaper places.

I know all the parts that make a medicine. I still buy it from those who know how to make it and not just take it.
do you even know whats in advanced nutrients? it's just basic micro and macro nutes mostly and all the additives can be bought for dirt cheap. but what additives do they actually use? I know they got some benificial bacteria and mollases but nothing too speacial that you can't buy from a big nutrient company not for mj for dirt cheap. but then mj nute companys mix it all up in water put it in a bottle with a fany lable and mark the price up like crazy. just check out this site and you can see just how cheap it really is to make that shit. http://www.jrpeters.com/Products/Specialty-Nutrients/Buy-Specialty-Nutrients.html and I'm sure theirs even cheaper places.
I look at those prices and think even if I wanted to buy all that raw material in bulk and make my own I would be wasting money on the time to learn how to mix it all up properly.

A quick glance would show I need to buy at least 12 items to fulfill my current nutrient regiment, price is fairly normal for bulk chemicals but I work for $85.00+ an hour and have two kids; The time required for me to make my own plant formulation would cost me more in the long run then buying premixed 'snake-oil'. :D

expensive? really ?????? what 100 dollars? for 2 crops? i yield around 8-9 grams a watt and my thc content is the highest out of my group of growers(this includes the guy who started the group who has been growing for 12+ years and answers most of my questions) yes i am a newb who does it better than you. MY regimen is h&g for veg with liquid karma cal mag superthrive and roots exel, for flowering i use: moab shooting powder bud xl x factor amino liquid karma pure flower DM gold base nutes superthrive humbolt honey. i posted pictures look through the thread. Im growing critical mass and it looks like frosty busted a nut on all of my buds. ill get around 26% thc with this batch as well.

OK, thanks for clearing that up. Glad I asked the question.

Considering the utter ignorance on display here, I no longer have to take anything else you say in this thread seriously.

I'm not sure whether or not you really ARE actually this stupid when it comes to basic chemistry, or you were just trolling to begin with (though I favor the latter), but your game here is over.

Here's a little "clue" for you: Not only is THC not 100% soluble in EtOH but there are many other substances (and not just cannabinoids) within dried cannabis plants that are also soluble in alcohol.

There is simply NO F@#$KING WAY that this "assay" (and I use the term loosely here) can deliver an accurate THC measurement, and in fact, were that true, lab testing of THC wouldn't be an expensive and highly specialized proposition.

So enjoy your alleged 25% THC "elite" weed. . .you're a legend in your own mind.
you know nothing about chemistry and bonding and you miss used or don't know what a solution is. Its fine guys im in michigan everyone grows out here and i still have the best medicine because of the ferts/roids i use and how i use them. I found a good strain and made it an elite strain(with chemicals) that yields high in thc and in mass. Im sorry your offended but your obsolete and now the only need for different strains is strictly a vain one ( granted with respect to sativa and indica strains). My medicine tastes great (through proper flushing and curing, thank you rollitup teaching how).
i yield around 8-9 grams a watt and my thc content is the highest out of my group of growers...................yes i am a newb who does it better than you.

You are saying that if you had a 250 watt hps, you'd yield over 2000 grams? lol. When the bullshit flies......

Put up some proof of your findings and give us some tangible evidence that you aren't lying. If you really have the "best" medicine in Michigan and you are a NEWB like you stated, then where is your proof? You are full of shit. And nothing you say will change that. You can't be new at this and all the sudden be a master. If you were the best in Michigan, you'd be making heads turn and would have a nick name that everyone in Mich. knew you by, because ALL of them would be saying "who is this new guy?"

You are full of shit.
You are saying that if you had a 250 watt hps, you'd yield over 2000 grams? lol. When the bullshit flies......

Put up some proof of your findings and give us some tangible evidence that you aren't lying. If you really have the "best" medicine in Michigan and you are a NEWB like you stated, then where is your proof? You are full of shit. And nothing you say will change that. You can't be new at this and all the sudden be a master. If you were the best in Michigan, you'd be making heads turn and would have a nick name that everyone in Mich. knew you by, because ALL of them would be saying "who is this new guy?"

You are full of shit.
.8-.9 grams sorry dipshit i figured you would have just picked up on that.
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