Layoffs coming...

And somewhat off topic, my apologies. Look!.........................Squirrel!

no, its totally on topic.

price pressures, cost cutting, and reduced confidence in the economy is all putting pressure on the economic forecasts, and making compnaies that actually MAKE shit look to other shores where there is no ever vigilant EPA standing on every corner waiting to fuck somebody silly even if they have to engage in fraud to do it.

the obamaconomy is shaky and trending down, and without some positive news to shore up thye confidence of investors and savers we are gonna be facing a long cold winter, and a bleak future.

lead is just one example of public hysteria causing real and deliberate harm to our economic underpinnings for the benefit of the mandarins and plutocrats who feed on our economy like parasites. these assholes are the REAL "consumers" in our economy, not the people. people work, make a living, buy shit, sell shit and ARE the economy, mandarins and plutocrats simply suck the juices out of us "for our own good" but they are the ones getting fat.

our nation and economy have one major problem, and until that cancer is excised nothing else will change, no matter how furiously we struggle to keep the patient alive.

the Federal Reserve Bank.
no, its totally on topic.

price pressures, cost cutting, and reduced confidence in the economy is all putting pressure on the economic forecasts, and making compnaies that actually MAKE shit look to other shores where there is no ever vigilant EPA standing on every corner waiting to fuck somebody silly even if they have to engage in fraud to do it.

lead is just one example of public hysteria causing real and deliberate harm to our economic underpinnings for the benefit of the mandarins and plutocrats who feed on our economy like parasites.

I am recovering from lead poisoning you A Hole
it's real and it can kill you
The OP was about layoffs and involved unions. The discussion turned to unions and Wal-Mart was brought up. The discussion then went to the social costs of companies without unions. We are on a branch of the topic from the opening post. I never said it was just democrats, but a majority of the push is from them. Your reply was simply a reply to something other than the discussion. The point was: Why did democrats push medicare through then get upset when people used it instead of using other available health care? Your answer was Bush gave out foodstamps. Do you see the major flaw in your statement?

Anybody who argues unions are not needed is nuts. Depending on humans to do what is right or what is even safe or necessary when money is involved is insane and shows a true ignorance of history.
no, its totally on topic.

price pressures, cost cutting, and reduced confidence in the economy is all putting pressure on the economic forecasts, and making compnaies that actually MAKE shit look to other shores where there is no ever vigilant EPA standing on every corner waiting to fuck somebody silly even if they have to engage in fraud to do it.

the obamaconomy is shaky and trending down, and without some positive news to shore up thye confidence of investors and savers we are gonna be facing a long cold winter, and a bleak future.

lead is just one example of public hysteria causing real and deliberate harm to our economic underpinnings for the benefit of the mandarins and plutocrats who feed on our economy like parasites. these assholes are the REAL "consumers" in our economy, not the people. people work, make a living, buy shit, sell shit and ARE the economy, mandarins and plutocrats simply suck the juices out of us "for our own good" but they are the ones getting fat.

our nation and economy have one major problem, and until that cancer is excised nothing else will change, no matter how furiously we struggle to keep the patient alive.

the Federal Reserve Bank.

"The EPA was proposed by President Richard Nixon and began operation on December 2, 1970, after Nixon signed an executive order."
More ranting by the psychotic Kynes tilting at windmills. All his government demons seem to be creations of GOP Presidents. Including NAFTA. Dreamed up and pushed by George HW Bush, the neocon wimp.
Anybody who argues unions are not needed is nuts. Depending on humans to do what is right or what is even safe or necessary when money is involved is insane and shows a true ignorance of history.

I know of a few companies that operate setting standards in safety and pay. Outshining union shops.
Sadly, they are few, most have been bought up by Corps., then profits trump Safety and pay.
I have to wonder how you ingested that much lead. A simple, minimal paper face mask would have made the difference . cn

if his water pipes, work exposure, and other enviornmental factors were already pushing the liver and kidney's ability to eliminate lead he could have popped over the top from topical exposure, and if he used a heat gun to make the job eaiser a paper mask wont do shit.

some over the counter solvents can also cause topical absorbtion of lead and other heavy metals when used without the necessary protective gloves and whatnot, and when working at home many people forget that dust sneaks in through windows, cracks etc. he could have been basking in lead when he slept, dining on lead when he ate, and breathing lead 24/7 for weeks.
I am recovering from lead poisoning you A Hole
it's real and it can kill you

i didnt say lead was a health tonic, nor that it was harless. removal of lead from paints, plastics, toys, etc is a good thing. removval of tetra ethyl lead from gasoline was a foolish over-reaction caused by hysteria not science.

also, i hope you feel better soon. raw green veggies and plenty of vitamins, and drink shitloads of water. lay off the fish, and get your house cleaned professionally by a certified lead abatement specialist. that lead dust can stay around the house forever.
I have to wonder how you ingested that much lead. A simple, minimal paper face mask would have made the difference . cn

Using a Paint Eater grinding pad on lead paint. I was wearing a dust mask. SKin exposure, dust in clothes

I went to the doctor 2 weeks after finishing with abdomenal pains and kidney pains

They say the kidney pains wasnt from lead poisoning. My blood level was 48 micrograms per deciliter any higher and I would of had to seek medical treatment. As Kynes said. I just had to wait until my body got rid of it and I got blood tested every two weeks until it went below 10 which took 3 months
Using a Paint Eater grinding pad on lead paint. I was wearing a dust mask. SKin exposure, dust in clothes

I went to the doctor 2 weeks after finishing with abdomenal pains and kidney pains

They say the kidney pains wasnt from lead poisoning. My blood level was 48 micrograms per deciliter any higher and I would of had to seek medical treatment. As Kynes said. I just had to wait until my body got rid of it and I got blood tested every two weeks until it went below 10 which took 3 months

They didn't give you a course of chelation? Did they suggest you eat lots of eggs? cn
yes it was
workers got health care, retirement and employee stock programs
in the 70s and 80s the motto was you are not just an employee you are a co owner

In 1971, he introduced a profit-sharing plan that allowed employees to put a certain percentage of their wages towards the purchase of subsidized Wal-Mart stock. For employees who stuck around, this could mean quite a bit of money. According to a truck driver named Bob Clark, quoted in Walton’s autobiography: “[Walton] said, ‘If you’ll just stay with me for twenty years, I guarantee you’ll have $100,000 in profit sharing’ … Well, last time I checked, I had $707,000 in profit sharing, and I see no reason why it won’t go up again.”Equally important was Walton’s ability to sell employees on the notion that working at Wal-Mart meant limitless opportunity.

They still get all that stuff. What changed that made it a worse place to work? Profit sharing was replaced by 401k matching - which actually resulted in a net gain in benefits if you bothered to participate. What is your basis for saying that it changed?
They still get all that stuff. What changed that made it a worse place to work? Profit sharing was replaced by 401k matching - which actually resulted in a net gain in benefits if you bothered to participate. What is your basis for saying that it changed?

sounds like a great place to work at. is that why walmart employees command such high levels of respect? :lol:
They still get all that stuff. What changed that made it a worse place to work? Profit sharing was replaced by 401k matching - which actually resulted in a net gain in benefits if you bothered to participate. What is your basis for saying that it changed?

Only if you are full time and can afford to contribute on gross 400 bucks a week wages

Alabama as a tax state

Weekly Gross Pay

[TD="class: align-right, width: 225"]$400.00
-Net Pay

Net Pay

[TD="class: align-right, width: 225"]$328.24
Federal Withholding
Social Security

[TD="class: align-right"]$34.47[/TD]

[TD="class: align-right"]$16.80[/TD]

[TD="class: align-right"]$5.80[/TD]

[TD="class: align-right"]$14.69[/TD]


Only if you are full time and can afford to contribute on gross 400 bucks a week wages

which is no problem when you're making the big bucks, i.e. $7.70 an hour instead of the $7 minimum wage in some states.

i mean, a 10% raise to $7.70 an hour? we should all be so lucky!

thank you, walmart, for your uber awesome treatment of your employees. that must explain why they always seem so happy!
I know of a few companies that operate setting standards in safety and pay. Outshining union shops.
Sadly, they are few, most have been bought up by Corps., then profits trump Safety and pay.

And their employees stay with them and defend them and work harder for it all too I'll bet. I too worked at such a business in the early 70's when I left the Corps. The owners - there 3 - all worked very hard at the business and never asked anyone to do anything they had not already done themselves. Or were willing to do. When they told you that you were needed for inventory all weekend while working both full weeks on each side you didn't like it but you knew it was truly needed or they wouldn't ask. And all three worked the entire weekend. I only got the job because I was just getting out of the Marines and they had a program to hire veterans preference. Electrical supply and we existed and thrived despite Grainger and Graybar and other large companies.

The original owners died and the heirs decided to sell out. Sad. They could not compete against Lowes and Home Depot's contractor sales.
sounds like a great place to work at. is that why walmart employees command such high levels of respect? :lol:

The disrespect is mostly with people like you who look down on them. It is a shame you don't see you are being condescending when you decide an entire swatch of people need help and can't take care of themselves. You are literally taking their self respect away by making it so lucrative to accept handouts.