Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I just read 7% of mormons are hispanic... perhaps assuming Hispanic Mormons were rare was a little ignorant of me.

I like when people know who they came from. My mothers side are deep in history of Scotland. My father has no clue. Boring...


Well-Known Member
I just read 7% of mormons are hispanic... perhaps assuming Hispanic Mormons were rare was a little ignorant of me.

I like when people know who they came from. My mothers side are deep in history of Scotland. My father has no clue. Boring...
2011 was the first year where whites were born in the minority in the USA, so 7% of EVERYTHING is hispanic, at least :P.

And yeah I tell any American i'm English and they can reel off a list of it seems dozens of nationalities that they're supposedly linked to. Seem to make it their place to know as far back as the stone ages.. I read an article once from the writer of Downton Abbey (gay ass english show based in top-hat and frills era) that said Americans can't do period acting well because they're too contemporary/always looking forward (which obviously works in your favour some places) and don't have the natural historical identity that other older countrys have. Cynical but that would explain it.


Well-Known Member
Woot! Tracked my package, waiting on a 4" inline fan to better air cool one of my hoods(currently using a single 6" and a "y" split for 2 hoods.). FedEx man is out for delivery!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bastard better get here before 5 :cuss:

And before ya'll say a 6" should be fine for 2 hoods...I'm still gonna be using it for 2 hoods, I've been waiting on this 4" inline to install my 3rd hood. So the 6" will be cooling 2 x 6" hoods, and the 4" inline gets a 4" hood all to itself...And insulated ducting for everyone!!!!


Ursus marijanus
Woot! Tracked my package, waiting on a 4" inline fan to better air cool one of my hoods(currently using a single 6" and a "y" split for 2 hoods.). FedEx man is out for delivery!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bastard better get here before 5 :cuss:

And before ya'll say a 6" should be fine for 2 hoods...I'm still gonna be using it for 2 hoods, I've been waiting on this 4" inline to install my 3rd hood. So the 6" will be cooling 2 x 6" hoods, and the 4" inline gets a 4" hood all to itself...And insulated ducting for everyone!!!!
If you think you "duct" the critics ... cn


Well-Known Member
It's here it's here it's here it's here it's here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FedEx Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame!

And EARLY too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



New Member
Theirs no war without casualties.
On our next war, there would be casualties but won't be nearly as much as these have. Everyone is gonna be using robots to fight for us and we're gonna be behind a monitor playing it like a real life video game.


Well-Known Member
On our next war, there would be casualties but won't be nearly as much as these have. Everyone is gonna be using robots to fight for us and we're gonna be behind a monitor playing it like a real life video game.
I don't know about robots,the cylons did turn on the humans who made them in battlestar galactica.


Well-Known Member
I wish.......I really wish that my neighbors dog will SHUT.....THA.....FUCK.....UP!! its not that much barking in the fuckin world.


New Member
There's a few Youtube videos about it, It's been awhile since I've seen them but it's coming, depending on how long we can hold out till the next war, it's a definite possibility.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Anyone ever drop acid in their dreams?

Did that last night, like in the middle of my dream I am offered acid and take it with my brother.

Talk about a mind fuck of a dream.
Kept waking in and out of the same dream, a acid trip of a dream.

Haven't had a hallucinogen in years but I did have ice cream before bed...:neutral:

Yeah must be the ice cream.


Ursus marijanus
Anyone ever drop acid in their dreams?

Did that last night, like in the middle of my dream I am offered acid and take it with my brother.

Talk about a mind fuck of a dream.
Kept waking in and out of the same dream, a acid trip of a dream.

Haven't had a hallucinogen in years but I did have ice cream before bed...:neutral:

Yeah must be the ice cream.
Yes!! Twice. I dreamt about tripping hard ... and I'd not even tripped yet. In retrospect, the dreams were surprisingly to point. cn