Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member have cited B'Tselem as two of their sources. You feel they're not credible because the numbers aren't fixed in favour of Israeli regime? I'd hoped that $$2grand for hasbara bought you a bit of sense.
:spew:Love your analogy for palestinian body counts. Those who referred to the jewish body count during WWII as "suspect, and often entirely fictional" are called anti-semites and holocoust deniers. Each to their own i suppose...
yes, they refered to b'tselem as TWO of their sources.



think about it....

between dec 9 1987 and sep 28 2000 (first intifada) btselem reports: 1551 palestinian and 421 israeli casualties in the conflict...

<add in dozens of other sources>

then between sep 29 2000 and sep 30 2012 b'tselem reports 7317 palestinan and 1097 israeli casualties

the other sources in between do not span the time between 11:59 pm, sep 28 2000, and 12:01 am, sep 29 2000. thus the hazard of double counting is not only very real, but almost unavoidable

it's interesting to note that B'tselem includes nearly 700 palestinians executed by the PLO and hamas as part of their palestinian casualty list.

your sly attempt to conflate the inaccuracy and deliberate inflation of casualty reports from the palestinain organizations with the holocaust is not only shameless, but well played.

it's not accurate but it is a fine rhetorical maneuver. the nazis prepared their own records and served them up hot and fresh for internal use only. the palestinian groups prepare their reports for use by the press, and bigger numbers always makes casualty lists more appealing to reporters and editors.

pallie casualty reports are fiction, in the same vein as Enron's quarterly financial reports and obama's job creation numbers.

Edit: also, that was NOT an analogy, that was analysis... the two are very different.


New Member
yes, they refered to b'tselem as TWO of their sources.



think about it....

between dec 9 1987 and sep 28 2000 (first intifada) btselem reports: 1551 palestinian and 421 israeli casualties in the conflict...

<add in dozens of other sources>

then between sep 29 2000 and sep 30 2012 b'tselem reports 7317 palestinan and 1097 israeli casualties

the other sources in between do not span the time between 11:59 pm, sep 28 2000, and 12:01 am, sep 29 2000. thus the hazard of double counting is not only very real, but almost unavoidable

it's interesting to note that B'tselem includes nearly 700 palestinians executed by the PLO and hamas as part of their palestinian casualty list.

your sly attempt to conflate the inaccuracy and deliberate inflation of casualty reports from the palestinain organizations with the holocaust is not only shameless, but well played.

it's not accurate but it is a fine rhetorical maneuver. the nazis prepared their own records and served them up hot and fresh for internal use only. the palestinian groups prepare their reports for use by the press, and bigger numbers always makes casualty lists more appealing to reporters and editors.

pallie casualty reports are fiction, in the same vein as Enron's quarterly financial reports and obama's job creation numbers.

Edit: also, that was NOT an analogy, that was analysis... the two are very different.
Analogies are sometimes used to persuade those that cannot detect a flawed or non-existent argument. Israel & Keynes - Case in Point.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Analogies are sometimes used to persuade those that cannot detect a flawed or non-existent argument. Israel & Keynes - Case in Point.
hurp a derp.

you cant figure out that bt'selem has NAMES and DETAILS for all their casualties in their list and covers the entire time period at querstion and is thourough, thus making the additional "sources" of dubious veracity not simply redundant but deceptive?

you are as thick as pig shit.

^^ that is an analogy. your thickness and that of pig shit are indistinguishable.

make a note.


Well-Known Member
pallie casualty reports are fiction, in the same vein as Enron's quarterly financial reports and obama's job creation numbers.

Edit: also, that was NOT an analogy, that was analysis... the two are very different.

What cannot be argued is israeli expansion into Palestinian terroritorys
It is the main reason they are going apeshit over palestine getting UN recognition

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
What cannot be argued is israeli expansion into Palestinian terroritorys
It is the main reason they are going apeshit over palestine getting UN recognition
actually the israelis should welcome UN recognition.
then the onus is on the pallies to recognize israel, and stop with the terrorist attacks.

if the israeli govt says "oo look, the west bank is now palestine and anybody who lives there is under the authority of the plaestinian authorites" all the israelis in the settlements will run for the green line like they were ducking out on a bar tab.

then they just gotta fight about jerusalem and gaza.


Well-Known Member
I read recently the Israeli gov. is withholding taxes because of the recent UN decision

Seems like they're punishing the Palestinians (even more) because of an international recognition..

What's that about?


Well-Known Member
"Defend itself" through offensive means..


When the Palestinians "defend themselves", it's terrorism.

I know you're being sarcastic, but what's the difference?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
"Defend itself" through offensive means..


When the Palestinians "defend themselves", it's terrorism.

I know you're being sarcastic, but what's the difference?
its really not an "offensive" to charge into a semi-autonomous occupied territory (occupied by your forces) to bust up some weapon emplacements which are launching artillery rockets at your neighborhoods and schools and hospitals.

no more than it's "offensive" to punch out the guy who's trying to steal your girlfriend's purse.

or to shoot back at the guy who's popping off rounds at your house.

see where im going here?