Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO


New Member
the IDF and mossad do not deliberately target non-combatants
Check your sources or in your case the Torah. Flotilla raid in 2010 was targeted by the IDF to deter anyone else from doing the same.

Commandos shot unarmed civilians with some of the dead succumbing to CNS wounds. But all those terrorists with construction & medical supplies for the Palestinians must of deserved it being enemy combatants and all...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
if shaggy dog stories and pub jokes are the debate you want to have, i got a MILLION of them.

in the 1967 war, one stretch of the Jordanian front bogged down to a stalemate, with bot sides holding trenches and unable to advance.
after a few hours of silence, a voice drifted over no-man's land: "Mustafa! are you there?"
one Jordanian poked his head up and said "I am here, who is calling m..." Bang! an Israeli sniper took his dome off.
a few minutes later a voice called out over the trenches: "Abdullah! Where are you?"
Abdullah peeked up and said, "Here I am!" Bang! the Israeli sharpshooter stuck again.
a few minutes later a voice called out, "Achmed, Are you still alive?"
Achmed tried to stand up, but his comrades pulled him down saying "Fool! It's dirty Israeli trick!"
one of the Jordanian sharpshooters decides "two can play this game!" and he shouts "Moishe! are you here?" and readies his rifle for a shot
after a few minutes of silence he calls again: "Moishe? Are you still alive?" Silence.
several minute later a voice calls out, "Hey! Who was looking for Moishe?"
the Jordanian sharpshooter jumped up excitedly and said "That was me!" BANG!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Check your sources or in your case the Torah. Flotilla raid in 2010 was targeted by the IDF to deter anyone else from doing the same.

Commandos shot unarmed civilians with some of the dead succumbing to CNS wounds. But all those terrorists with construction & medical supplies for the Palestinians must of deserved it being enemy combatants and all...
try running a flotilla of boats past a coast guard checkpoint into sydney harbour, see how far you get.

also "Unarmed" is not a relative term. they WERE armed, with a variety of weapons (smuggled in without the actual peace protestors knowledge,, silly hippies)including crowbars, cargo batons, chunks of decking, lengths of handrail etc... all deadly weapons, which will get you a fatal shooting in ANY encounter with police or soldiers anywhere in the world, including australia. the IDF claims they found shell casings which did not match IDF weapons and there is video of the "peace activists" throwing stun grenades.

if youre gonna sell a story, make it a story that is at least somewhat believable. even wikipedia doesnt support what your peddling


New Member
try running a flotilla of boats past a coast guard checkpoint into sydney harbour, see how far you get.

also "Unarmed" is not a relative term. they WERE armed, with a variety of weapons (smuggled in without the actual peace protestors knowledge,, silly hippies)including crowbars, cargo batons, chunks of decking, lengths of handrail etc... all deadly weapons, which will get you a fatal shooting in ANY encounter with police or soldiers anywhere in the world, including australia. the IDF claims they found shell casings which did not match IDF weapons and there is video of the "peace activists" throwing stun grenades.

if youre gonna sell a story, make it a story that is at least somewhat believable. even wikipedia doesnt support what your peddling
Stopping to search a vessel is one thing, ordering special forces to raid it and kill civilians is not even a comparison.

But that sort of response should have been expected of Israel considering it's treatment of Palestine.

And no fuckwad, no reasonable cop is gonna shoot you in AUS for coming at them with a bat or pole. That's why they're issued with batons & tasers in addition to a firearm.

IDF commandos were either ordered to kill a good couple of civies or are a bunch trigger happy N'Yahoos who just love killing. The later is not synonymous with the term commando.

Activists aboard Mavi Marmara speak of shock at rapid attacks and deny assaults on Israeli commandos this report has more credibility than anything the IDF puts out.

"[The attack] was a surprise, because it happened in the middle of the night, in the darkness, in international waters, because we knew there would be a confrontation but not in international waters. Their first tactic was to cut all of our satellite communications and then they attacked. All I witnessed first hand was the shooting. They came on board and started shooting at people."

"We expected them to shoot people in the legs, to shoot in the air, just to scare people, but they were direct," she said, in a separate interview with the Folha de São Paulo newspaper. "Some of them shot in the passengers' heads. Many people were murdered – it was unimaginable."

Maybe we'll just treat number of dead like the Palestinian body count you refer to as
suspect, and often entirely fictional.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Stopping to search a vessel is one thing, ordering special forces to raid it and kill civilians is not even a comparison.

But that sort of response should have been expected of Israel considering it's treatment of Palestine.

And no fuckwad, no reasonable cop is gonna shoot you in AUS for coming at them with a bat or pole. That's why they're issued with batons & tasers in addition to a firearm.

IDF commandos were either ordered to kill a good couple of civies or are a bunch trigger happy N'Yahoos who just love killing. The later is not synonymous with the term commando.

Activists aboard Mavi Marmara speak of shock at rapid attacks and deny assaults on Israeli commandos this report has more credibility than anything the IDF puts out.

"[The attack] was a surprise, because it happened in the middle of the night, in the darkness, in international waters, because we knew there would be a confrontation but not in international waters. Their first tactic was to cut all of our satellite communications and then they attacked. All I witnessed first hand was the shooting. They came on board and started shooting at people."

"We expected them to shoot people in the legs, to shoot in the air, just to scare people, but they were direct," she said, in a separate interview with the Folha de São Paulo newspaper. "Some of them shot in the passengers' heads. Many people were murdered – it was unimaginable."

Maybe we'll just treat number of dead like the Palestinian body count you refer to as
NINE "activists" dead in a tussle with the israeli defense forces in the middle of the night on a ship which the israelis suspected was smuggling weapons and contraband...

if the evil zionist piggie jews are so wicked and so determined to exterminate the pallies,




man, for being evil the zionist piggie jews sure dont seem to want to actually bring it.


Well-Known Member
I have a difficult time understanding your viewpoint Keynes..

I agree, the Palestinians shouldn't show opposition through force, but you seem like a fanatic in Israeli regard. Like a Fox correspondent in the states, Republicans can do no harm while the Democrats are welcoming the apocalypse..

I feel you'd have more credibility around here if you called a spade a spade and didn't support Israel hand and foot, no matter what. I mean, you've got to admit when a terrorist state commits terrorist acts, otherwise, credibility goes out the window.

I support Palestine, but I acknowledge the Palestinians commit terrorist acts. This in no way means I support their methods of protest. It doesn't make me a terrorist. In the same light, it wouldn't make you a terrorist for supporting the Israeli plight. As I do in certain aspects, it's genuinely fucked up they have to deal with rocket attacks from the enemy, it's fucked up they have to deal with internal car bombings. These things are without question, terrorist attacks. Indistinguishable from the military and civilian populations. But Israel does it, too. What'll it take for you, and people like you to acknowledge as much? Both sides are at fault, and both sides have legitimate reasons. The leadership is where the problems exist and the population deals with the repercussions.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I have a difficult time understanding your viewpoint Keynes..

I agree, the Palestinians shouldn't show opposition through force, but you seem like a fanatic in Israeli regard. Like a Fox correspondent in the states, Republicans can do no harm while the Democrats are welcoming the apocalypse..

I feel you'd have more credibility around here if you called a spade a spade and didn't support Israel hand and foot, no matter what. I mean, you've got to admit when a terrorist state commits terrorist acts, otherwise, credibility goes out the window.

I support Palestine, but I acknowledge the Palestinians commit terrorist acts. This in no way means I support their methods of protest. It doesn't make me a terrorist. In the same light, it wouldn't make you a terrorist for supporting the Israeli plight. As I do in certain aspects, it's genuinely fucked up they have to deal with rocket attacks from the enemy, it's fucked up they have to deal with internal car bombings. These things are without question, terrorist attacks. Indistinguishable from the military and civilian populations. But Israel does it, too. What'll it take for you, and people like you to acknowledge as much? Both sides are at fault, and both sides have legitimate reasons. The leadership is where the problems exist and the population deals with the repercussions.
my viewpoint is simple to understand.

Israel is a nation, this nation behaves in a manner which is consistent with their nature, to protect their borders and people from those outside.
all governments, from empires to nations, to city states, to home owner's associations all have the same basic function, to protect that which is inside, from that which is outside.

the palestinians are NOT a nation, empire or home owner's association, they are the barbarians at the gates seeking to invade a nation (israel) throw down it's walls, and take it's bounty for themselves
they operate in the same broad strokes just like the Mongolian hordes, the Barbary slavers, the Viking raiders and the modern Somali pirates. they attack from a position of concealment, then flee back into the trackless wilderness,, where they hide preparing their next attack. as a people with no official nation, no reliable law or government from which to seek redress, and no concern for the repercussions of their actions on the next innocent travelers who happen to dress like the bandits who just fled over the hill, they are in every way, barbarians. they have no borders to invade, no cities to bomb, and no nation to defeat in a war. they are a seething mass of "anarcho-mohammedanists" with no agenda beyond "kill the jews, take over israel, ummm.... profit?"

some invading armies operate differently, like the Vandals, the Visigoths, the Germans (roman era barbarian tribe) the Germans (hun era nation state with dreams of empire) and the Germans (nazi era socialist state with dreams of world domination). they attack from their own strongholds and seek to establish their dominance over more territory, if the palestinians actually admitted that that is what they are doing, then irael would crush them like bugs in an actual WAR war, instead they crouch down in the4 mud and hide among the "innocent victims" of the british mandate from 1947. if you read the reports from the brit mandatory authority and the various commissions (which were NOT pro-jewish by any stretch) you would see that when the brits said "we's gona make a new country out of this former imperial ottoman territory" a squatter's land rush began, as every assclown in the surrounding arab nations ran in to claim a bit of dirt with the pretense that "we been here since moses built the al aqsa mosque in 5000 bc"

the "palestinians" who actually lived in the region before the 1947 land rush were mostly HASHEMITES not arabs. hashemites and arabs have a long history of distrust and hate all their own, and this huge seething mass of arab squatters is a good part of the reason jordan (The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, to be precise) doesnt want the west bank any more. (previously it was their main reason for joining in the first war against israel) this is why, unlike most of the rest of the region (even under occupation) local Tribal Leaders and Tribal Structure are the dominant social unit, but no fro the "palestinians", since they are a random mix of random arabs from all over the arab world who ran in to squat a plot and become land owners instead of tenant farmers. their squatting was not allowed by the british mandatory commissions, and is not recognized by israel (or jordan, or syria, or egypt etc etc) and is merely a convenient ploy to gin up western media angst and ashy knucked rage against the jews for being "zionist piggie jews" and "land stealers"

as such, i view the "palestinians" arguments of dispossession apartheid, and genocide as, in the main, fiction. because they are fiction.
Dispossessing a squatter is not "stealing land" it is evicting a squatter.
Aparthied is separation of one part of your own people from another, the "palestinians" are not, nor do they even claim to be israelis. thus the separation is just as proper and valid as ANY border fence in the world.
Genocide presumes that there is a "Geno" being targeted, not a loose association of foreigners, non-local tribesmen and squatters, and it also presumes there is a "Cide" going on, but there are now far more "palestinians" than there were in 1947, by orders of maginitude.

when the palestinians finally claim to be a nation, and behave like one, israel will be forced to deal with them as nations do, just as they do with iran, syria, jordan, and egypt. not a real friend in the bunch, but also a shocking lack of assaults on anyone except Lebanon, who are playing host to hezbollah, by their own admission, and got duly paddled for their laxity in the area of International Diplomacy's "Do Not Host Terrorists" Rule. thats a pretty important and long standing rule. allowing your citizens to form a non-governmental militant organization, and not stopping them from attacking a neighboring nation is considered rather poor form, and even a little rude. this has resulted in wars many times in the past. Why even the US had a problem with Fenian Militants in New York launching repeated INVASIONS of Canada. if not for the US's actions in rooting out and eliminating the troublesome militants we could well have had another war with britain in the 1860's.

if the "palestinians" continue with their current scheme, i'll not care what happens to them, just as i do not care how many somali pirates get waxed by Spetznatz commandos, Navy Seals or the SAS. barbarians get snuffed by civilized nations all the time. if they stay in their own land and dont fuck with other people's shit they wouldnt draw the anger of people with the ability to hunt them down and smoke them.

if you really want some violence to decry, how about:
East Timor?
Iran's Ba'hai minority?
Iran's Jews?
the Uyghurs?
the non-albanians in the kosovo valley?

see these are REAL genocidal oppressions, dispossession, and ethnic cleansings of people who aare not simply vagrants squatters and theives.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
hurp a derp.
im still just as retarded as ever
still trying to sell that edited context-free snippet as some sort of accidental revelation of my associations with judaic religious books?

newsflash, nobody is buying it.

the context makes clear that just like the aryu vedas, the red branch cycle, cato the elder's histories and treatises on every subject known to rome, and the epic of gilgamesh, religious beliefs are found in all old writings.
only those writings deemed "bad" by postmodernist enema bags, and deconstructionist "Anarcho-Douchenozzles" (like thyself) shall be dismissed for their religious content, as they are poisonous to your political ideology.
meanwhile, other works of dubious provenance are regarded as valuable by the selfsame mushbrained dipshits.
or did the bagvad gita become science when i wasnt looking?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Know what else nobody is buying? Arafat died of natural causes.

Cause you know, polonium poisoning is just like, Israel defending itself.
you know what nobody cares about? arafat.

arafat's death was natural causes, and your wishful thinking and fervent desire for him to have gone out in a valiant struggle against the evil zionist machine is just fantasy.
he died from being an old self-indulgent libertine who loved strong drink and easy women.
you may WISH he died a martyr, but the fact remains, he died in a french hospital, from natural causes NOT from poisoning, and certainly not from anything as exotic or dramatic as polonium poisoning.


Well-Known Member
my viewpoint is simple to understand.

Israel is a nation, this nation behaves in a manner which is consistent with their nature, to protect their borders and people from those outside.
all governments, from empires to nations, to city states, to home owner's associations all have the same basic function, to protect that which is inside, from that which is outside.

Israeli always has and always will go above and beyond what you say. And that is just the first paragraph of your Zionist propaganda


Active Member
Wow is this thread still alive. There's no point debating it any longer no one is willing to change their viewpoint. Dr Kynes will believe his propaganda and everyone else will believe theirs.


Well-Known Member
Real Mediterraneans Rock Like this:

Tzatziki Sauce

16 oz plain yogurt
2 large cucumbers peeled seeded and diced
2 tablespoons unfiltered olive oil
1/2 lemon, juiced
3 cloves garlic, diced
1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill
1 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 1/2 teaspoons salt

In a food processor or blender, combine yogurt, cucumber, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, dill and garlic. Process until well-combined. Transfer to a separate dish, cover and refrigerate for at least one hour for best flavor.

try it on a sweet italian sausage with a couple tomatoe wedges, chopped onions, and a sprinkle of poppy seeds in a sourdough roll

my homeys call it a GreekTown Dago Dog

Thanks. Got all the fixins and gonna do this real soon.