Over 26 dead in school shooting


Well-Known Member
Don't blame the RIFLE,blame the crazy motherfucker WITH the weapon.I get angry a lot but I would never KILL someone..........without cause or reason...........because im HUMAN.These people are animals with something wrong in their peabrains.If one person had a CCL, maybe ....maybe the maniac could have been stopped before anyone was shot at that school.God bless those lost and allow me meet that son of a bitch in hell!!peace


Well-Known Member
I was incorrect about the murder rate ... but Britain has a rather higher violent crime rate. The right to carry handguns can be argued as a brake on this. An aples/apples comparison? No, but still something that belongs in the debate imo.

And I viscerally agree with Budlover: don't blame/ban the tool. cn

The two modern countries with the most liberal gun laws also have the highest death rate per capita with guns. Those countries are the US and South Africa. Obviously it doesnt put a brake to shit. Anyone who thinks more guns is the answer at this point really needs their head examined.


Well-Known Member
I guess no one is going to mention that the highest murder rates with guns come from liberal cities with strictest gun laws? Ironic eh?


King Tut
The two modern countries with the most liberal gun laws also have the highest death rate per capita with guns. Those countries are the US and South Africa. Obviously it doesnt put a brake to shit. Anyone who thinks more guns is the answer at this point really needs their head examined.
Do you by chance know what their murder rates by means other than a firearm are in comparison with our own?


Well-Known Member
I was incorrect about the murder rate ... but Britain has a rather higher violent crime rate. The right to carry handguns can be argued as a brake on this. An aples/apples comparison? No, but still something that belongs in the debate imo.

And I viscerally agree with Budlover: don't blame/ban the tool. cn
I have seen figures on this showing that there was a large number of people in a survey who defended themselves or their property with a gun. I don't believe the stats. a popular chemical in used by weight trainers accidentaly kills two people (what ever that stuff is in turkeys), it is banned. Bath salts causes a death or two - it is banned. Hell, LAWN DARTS caused some injury - they are banned. the majority of these incidents involve the death of the person using the chemical or item killing himself, and they are banned. But guns? somebody takes a gun out and kills 27 people and the gun community claims it isn't the "gun's fault". No it isn't but they are diverting attention to the real issue. Folks like to kill folks in the U.S. And when folks like to kill folks, they can kill more folks, plenty more folks, when they use a gun to do it.

Now comes the real hard news. These deaths are the cost of doing business in America. Everyone wants to dance around it or ignore it but the fact is that our freedom is partial born by those kids who died today. Our freedom has collateral damage and that damage is often children - and the best thing we can do is come out and say so. Those children died for our right to bear arms.

Say it with me. Those childrend died for our right to bear arms.

And then go on about your business because it will never and can never change.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
The NRA must be squirming. Two sets of killings in two days? How many in the last few months? And gee, no one used knives or poison or chain saws or choking - they all used guns. guns don't kill people, people kill people, but guns sure make it easier for psychopaths to kill LOTS of people really fast.
I don't understand what "guns" has to do with this story? This school was a gun-free zone. Gun restricting laws would not have made this school a "gun-freer" zone.


Well-Known Member
Don't blame the RIFLE,blame the crazy motherfucker WITH the weapon.I get angry a lot but I would never KILL someone..........without cause or reason...........because im HUMAN.These people are animals with something wrong in their peabrains.If one person had a CCL, maybe ....maybe the maniac could have been stopped before anyone was shot at that school.God bless those lost and allow me meet that son of a bitch in hell!!peace

Nope - blame the guy AND the weapon that enabled him to kill more than his fair share - BOTH the easy availabliity of weapons and this person's willingness to take lives are responsible because if he did not intend to kill anyone, no number of firearms would have caused any death. If he did intent to kill someone he would have had a tough time buying explosives and had he not managed to obtain a firearm he might have managed to kill one or two.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I have seen figures on this showing that there was a large number of people in a survey who defended themselves or their property with a gun. I don't believe the stats. a popular chemical in used by weight trainers accidentaly kills two people (what ever that stuff is in turkeys), it is banned. Bath salts causes a death or two - it is banned. Hell, LAWN DARTS caused some injury - they are banned. the majority of these incidents involve the death of the person using the chemical or item killing himself, and they are banned. But guns? somebody takes a gun out and kills 27 people and the gun community claims it isn't the "gun's fault". No it isn't but they are diverting attention to the real issue. Folks like to kill folks in the U.S. And when folks like to kill folks, they can kill more folks, plenty more folks, when they use a gun to do it.

Now comes the real hard news. These deaths are the cost of doing business in America. Everyone wants to dance around it or ignore it but the fact is that our freedom is partial born by those kids who died today. Our freedom has collateral damage and that damage is often children - and the best thing we can do is come out and say so. Those children died for our right to bear arms.

Say it with me. Those childrend died for our right to bear arms.

And then go on about your business because it will never and can never change.
Steroids, bath salts, and lawn darts are not mentioned in the constitution, "arms" are rather prominently mentioned.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Nope - blame the guy AND the weapon that enabled him to kill more than his fair share - BOTH the easy availabliity of weapons and this person's willingness to take lives are responsible because if he did not intend to kill anyone, no number of firearms would have caused any death. If he did intent to kill someone he would have had a tough time buying explosives and had he not managed to obtain a firearm he might have managed to kill one or two.
The shooter was from New Jersey. There is no "easy availability" of guns in New Jersey.


Ursus marijanus
I have seen figures on this showing that there was a large number of people in a survey who defended themselves or their property with a gun. I don't believe the stats. a popular chemical in used by weight trainers accidentaly kills two people (what ever that stuff is in turkeys), it is banned. Bath salts causes a death or two - it is banned. Hell, LAWN DARTS caused some injury - they are banned. the majority of these incidents involve the death of the person using the chemical or item killing himself, and they are banned. But guns? somebody takes a gun out and kills 27 people and the gun community claims it isn't the "gun's fault". No it isn't but they are diverting attention to the real issue. Folks like to kill folks in the U.S. And when folks like to kill folks, they can kill more folks, plenty more folks, when they use a gun to do it.

Now comes the real hard news. These deaths are the cost of doing business in America. Everyone wants to dance around it or ignore it but the fact is that our freedom is partial born by those kids who died today. Our freedom has collateral damage and that damage is often children - and the best thing we can do is come out and say so. Those children died for our right to bear arms.

Say it with me. Those childrend died for our right to bear arms.

And then go on about your business because it will never and can never change.
It has to do also with utility. Lawn darts, bath salts, weight-training chems (steroids, no?) ... low utility; low cost to the ban.

On the other side take cars. Very high death/injury rate, but very high utility. Banning them is a thought limited to the greenest fringe.

Guns are in between. As long as there is so much crime (and varmints to be controlled on ranchland) , guns will have a high utility. I realize you don't believe the stats, but does that guarantee they're incorrect? cn


King Tut
Btw Canndo, explosives don't have to be bought and there are also some very effective ones that can be bought at any local gun store or on the internet.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Nope - blame the guy AND the weapon that enabled him to kill more than his fair share - BOTH the easy availabliity of weapons and this person's willingness to take lives are responsible because if he did not intend to kill anyone, no number of firearms would have caused any death. If he did intent to kill someone he would have had a tough time buying explosives and had he not managed to obtain a firearm he might have managed to kill one or two.
The school is a gun-free zone. How are those restrictive gun laws working out for you?


King Tut
Back that one up if you would.
That was supposed to be a question mark at the end lol. i was asking if you had the stats of the US vs other countries, excluding firearm deaths. Like knife deaths in Great Britain vs knife deaths in the US.


Well-Known Member
You are welcome to characterize it any you want, the first amendment guarantees your right to propagandize.

As are you to ignore the fact that is exactly why they died. In a culture without a guarantee that each peson is entitled to have a firearm, this likely would not have happened. Even if it had, we would not have had what? 3 in the last 6 months? or has it been 4, I've lost count.


Well-Known Member
A week or so ago a kid went into his fathers classroom and shot him in the head with a compound bow, a p.o.s near me smoked some wet and decapitated her two year old. Shits just fucked. There's no way to stop it. People Suck. Gonna go home and hug my two year old.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Britain has four times more violent crime per capita than the US. Britain is number one on the list with the most violent crime per capita. The US is not even in the top ten for per capita violent crime.