elementary school shooting in newton ct


Well-Known Member
20 children 6 adults at the school and one adult at the home seems the final official and confirmed total and 1 injured. As mentioned above shooter was ryan lanza 24 years old. No further mention of the second suspect they gad apprehended earlier.


Well-Known Member
This shits a mess. The shooter is believed to be the one named above however their receiving reports. The suspect may have been carryingsomeone else's id. The part that got me was this. "Sheriff reports indicate that the shooting was isolated to one area of the school 2 KINDERGARTEN CLASSROOMS one of which is believed to have been instructed by the suspects mother "

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
What exactly would be accomplished by slowly torturing this guy? It wouldn't bring anyone back to life, it won't undo any damage that is done, and it won't prevent anything like this happening in the future. The only thing I can think of that it would accomplish is to feed the sadistic desires of those promoting it. If you think about it, doesn't wanting to cause pain and suffering to another person for absolutely no reason other than to satisfy your own emotional desire make you just as sick and twisted as that fuck? Many of you will say no, but just think about it.


Well-Known Member
What exactly would be accomplished by slowly torturing this guy? It wouldn't bring anyone back to life, it won't undo any damage that is done, and it won't prevent anything like this happening in the future. The only thing I can think of that it would accomplish is to feed the sadistic desires of those promoting it. If you think about it, doesn't wanting to cause pain and suffering to another person for absolutely no reason other than to satisfy your own emotional desire make you just as sick and twisted as that fuck? Many of you will say no, but just think about it.
maybe you're right but sometimes its an eye for an eye.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
maybe you're right but sometimes its an eye for an eye.
Why though? I agree we need laws and punishment, but what is the point of causing needless suffering, even to people you think are evil? If there is some justifiable reason I could understand, but in this case the damage is done. Those people are dead and no amount of pain felt by the perp will change ANYTHING.


Well-Known Member
This was the point I was trying to make earlier lol. By becoming vengeful your no better than they. It doesn't solve anything just misplaces the problem... but I don't disagree either. Its a human element. Eye for an eye is kinda.a contradiction unto the book in which its written but it is a very attractive option with people like this.


Well-Known Member
What exactly would be accomplished by slowly torturing this guy? It wouldn't bring anyone back to life, it won't undo any damage that is done, and it won't prevent anything like this happening in the future. The only thing I can think of that it would accomplish is to feed the sadistic desires of those promoting it. If you think about it, doesn't wanting to cause pain and suffering to another person for absolutely no reason other than to satisfy your own emotional desire make you just as sick and twisted as that fuck? Many of you will say no, but just think about it.
Your argument being one of logic... undoes itself. There is absolution in reason for any individual that commits such heinous acts. Justice being the perspective reason. I have no "sadistic emotional desire" for anyone undeserving of such treatment.

Mine was admittedly an emotional response. Using words to express emotions is healthy. Acting on those words is entirely different.

Is your argument that the persons choices and actions doesnt merit such treatment? Based on your statement, you suggest that doing it for "no other reason Or that because the emotional response contains such uninhibited anger and desire for revenge and punishment it is morally "wrong" to feel that way about such a person?

I am not the judge, nor do I prescribe sentencing. I am a father that loves my children, and could not contain the love expressing itself in hurt and loss. I hold fast to my statement, those feelings will never change.

Is imprisonment not a form of torture? Having been incarcerated for a year I can tell you it is.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
i would reduce suffering as much as possible. Hammurabi code is a bit outdated and eye for an eye is only acceptable in warfare, but that's just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit. I'm pissed. I wish I had been there with my firearm so I could've taken that fucker out.

I'm sure it's not possible, but if some of those adults in that school had been armed maybe some lives could have been saved. Perhaps not make it mandatory, but at least select several teachers, faculty, whatever that are willing and have the training and the means to quickly access a weapon. Even if it's just a few adults out of the entire faculty. Set up a strict, comprehensive procedure to react to various crimes and crisis scenarios. One tailored specifically for faculty at each specific school.

If I had children, I would want, at the very least armed security on the premises at all times. At the very least.

I'm guessing a teachers union would never go for it, tho. Just wish there was a better, more efficient way to take out a mass murderer at a school. Police show up after it's too late. Seems like the cowards who engage in this horrific behavior are amateurs, preying on easy targets. Let's level the playing field a bit with trained, armed teachers in the building who know how to react and can possibly save lives.

Damn, this is just sad. I didn't even go into the office today. Just glued to the news.


Well-Known Member
The global elites will stop at nothing and I mean nothing!!! to de-arm the American public. They've gone as far as to kill fucking children for their global agenda and I know it seems horrendous, but I ask all of you to stand firm and do not, I repeat, do not!! let them take your guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Your argument being one of logic... undoes itself. There is absolution in reason for any individual that commits such heinous acts. Justice being the perspective reason. I have no "sadistic emotional desire" for anyone undeserving of such treatment.

Mine was admittedly an emotional response. Using words to express emotions is healthy. Acting on those words is entirely different.

Is your argument that the persons choices and actions doesnt merit such treatment? Based on your statement, you suggest that doing it for "no other reason Or that because the emotional response contains such uninhibited anger and desire for revenge and punishment it is morally "wrong" to feel that way about such a person?

I am not the judge, nor do I prescribe sentencing. I am a father that loves my children, and could not contain the love expressing itself in hurt and loss. I hold fast to my statement, those feelings will never change.

Is imprisonment not a form of torture? Having been incarcerated for a year I can tell you it is.
It is an emotional response. I feel the same knee jerk reaction to this as you guys do, but I am able to realize that it is an emotional response and there is no good reason to follow through with it. Please do enlighten me as to what reasons you would want this man tortured since you have no "sadistic emotional desire".

You may consider imprisonment a form of torture, but it also serves a very useful purpose. It segregates them from the rest of society. In that case there is a very clear and tangible reason for the "torture".

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
The global elites will stop at nothing and I mean nothing!!! to de-arm the American public. They've gone as far as to kill fucking children for their global agenda and I know it seems horrendous, but I ask all of you to stand firm and do not, I repeat, do not!! let them take your guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fuck man thats gotta be a joke.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Holy shit. I'm pissed. I wish I had been there with my firearm so I could've taken that fucker out.

I'm sure it's not possible, but if some of those adults in that school had been armed maybe some lives could have been saved. Perhaps not make it mandatory, but at least select several teachers, faculty, whatever that are willing and have the training and the means to quickly access a weapon. Even if it's just a few adults out of the entire faculty. Set up a strict, comprehensive procedure to react to various crimes and crisis scenarios. One tailored specifically for faculty at each specific school.

If I had children, I would want, at the very least armed security on the premises at all times. At the very least.

I'm guessing a teachers union would never go for it, tho. Just wish there was a better, more efficient way to take out a mass murderer at a school. Police show up after it's too late. Seems like the cowards who engage in this horrific behavior are amateurs, preying on easy targets. Let's level the playing field a bit with trained, armed teachers in the building who know how to react and can possibly save lives.

Damn, this is just sad. I didn't even go into the office today. Just glued to the news.

More knee jerk reactions. Let's think about this for just a minute. There are almost 99,000 public schools in america. source: http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=84

You think it would be reasonable to train and issue guns to several faculty members at every one of those schools?

You would feel comfortable sending your child to school with teachers and faculty holstering loaded weapons?

What do you think the probability of a single student in one of those 99,000 schools being able to steal a gun away from one of the teachers or faculty members is? I will guarantee there would be at least one case of that happening out of all those schools. Or a teacher or faculty member leaving a gun on their desk. I know, I know, that should never happen, but the fact of the matter is that it does. Read the news, kids get into guns everyday. Of course you can say those people who did that are idiots and gun safety is not that hard to follow, but you think all 300,000 of those people that now carry guns during school hours are going to be as responsible as you are? They won't. It's statistically improbable at best.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
i don't own one, i don't like them. if i'm ever gonna resort to killing a man, i'll do it with my bare hands, weapons make it too easy. no wonder people get desensitized. it takes alot to beat a man to death, and its easy to stop a fist fight once you start, but one shot can decide it all with a gun, that's something i've never respected.


Well-Known Member
It is an emotional response. I feel the same knee jerk reaction to this as you guys do, but I am able to realize that it is an emotional response and there is no good reason to follow through with it. Please do enlighten me as to what reasons you would want this man tortured since you have no "sadistic emotional desire".

You may consider imprisonment a form of torture, but it also serves a very useful purpose. It segregates them from the rest of society. In that case there is a very clear and tangible reason for the "torture".
but it doesnt put the candy bar back that I stole!! and when I get out Ima steal more and more to make up for time lost... and while I was in there this guy taught me how to make meth, get away with rape, and convinced me violence is the answer!!! Not segregated anymore, more well trained to hurt and cheat and steal though for sure.... only effectiveness would be Actual rehabilitation... which has a success rate of what 3-15% depending on crime, program, demographics, and region etc. or did you mean a torturous permanent segregation (life in prison).... where given the choice of a guaranteed life in prison or quick swift death I would choose death.

hmmmm.... now what of my emotional response did I follow through on? Other than to stand up for the validity of the emotional response itself? Its a response you admit to having yourself, but deny the expression. When these thoughts and feelings arent expressed they sometimes build until they are acted on without conscious choice ;) Perhaps thats how this person ended up doing what he did this morning.... denying and suppressing his emotions until they grew unawares beyond his control

In all reality I would just want that person gone... never to return to have the opportunity to repeat the event. Prison or death.... the emotional desire not being sadistic was the point... if it was truly sadistic, it would be carried out.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
but it doesnt put the candy bar back that I stole!! and when I get out Ima steal more and more to make up for time lost... and while I was in there this guy taught me how to make meth, get away with rape, and convinced me violence is the answer!!! Not segregated anymore, more well trained to hurt and cheat and steal though for sure.... only effectiveness would be Actual rehabilitation... which has a success rate of what 3-15% depending on crime, program, demographics, and region etc. or did you mean a torturous permanent segregation (life in prison).... where given the choice of a guaranteed life in prison or quick swift death I would choose death.

hmmmm.... now what of my emotional response did I follow through on? Other than to stand up for the validity of the emotional response itself?

In all reality I would just want that person gone... never to return to have the opportunity to repeat the event. Prison or death.... the emotional desire not being sadistic was the point... if it was truly sadistic, it would be carried out.
Well first of all I don't condone sending someone to prison for stealing a candy bar. Secondly the act of imprisonment is not meant to bring the candy bar back, but to prevent you from stealing future candy bars. When you have paid your debt and get out then your future actions can be judged for themselves.

You don't have to follow through on an emotional response in order to color the response. If you hate gay people and have fantasies of taping them up and torturing them to death solely for the fact that they are gay, then those are sadistic and hate filled thoughts regardless of whether you actually carry them out. The only thing carry them out does is change them from a thought to an action. The thought remains the same either way.

kenny ken 77

Well-Known Member
The global elites will stop at nothing and I mean nothing!!! to de-arm the American public. They've gone as far as to kill fucking children for their global agenda and I know it seems horrendous, but I ask all of you to stand firm and do not, I repeat, do not!! let them take your guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's some paranoid view bruv, you're not a tweaker are you?
you truly believe international power brokers arranged for today's and any other massacre?


Well-Known Member
Glad to see the NRA found this thread lol.
Tld. U got a great perspective man. I'm feeling your outlook. Me you and cn need to sit and chat over some kind. That'd be a trip lol