elementary school shooting in newton ct

You brought it up, and now Im intrigued... America sucks, the government sucks... and the world sucks in a lot of ways. Crazy stupid people all over the world for sure.

Im intrigued, why do you single out the US?

i didnt mean you i ment
ah yes because america is the only place terrible things happen and they get reported on cause we have access to information like this 24/7.

it came off really rude i almost never talk about my political issues its ment to be kept to my self.
As I stated on another thread. This is a result of decades of under funding mental health. The funding for mental health is an easy to cut "entitlment", so we've closed most of the mental hospitals & turned our mentally ill out onto the streets. They wander around for a while until they comit a crime, then we have plenty of money for prison cells.
Most of these shooters are mentally ill, and should have been in treatment or mental facilities. But we don't seem to ever have money for those things, so they run loose. Heaven help us all!
Sunni I'd love to hear about it on the thread I posted a link to earlier. If ur up for it that is. Its been mature civil and respectable thus far in there with no sign of it changing. I appreciate u not continuing the conversation on this thread regardless. Thank you.
not pride at all, more of an understanding that the usa is not as bad as it seems, you can take all the info that makes us out to look bad and then say "fuck that country and their pride" when i can do the same to you, it took all my nerves in my body to not tweak at how ignorant you are.
Can we please get back to the topic at hand?

I thought of all threads this one would be debate free. Looks like I was wrong.
i will delete my posts im really drunk so ill just go out however again i feel for families never easy to loose a child.or spouse ect
Can we please get back to the topic at hand?

I thought of all threads this one would be debate free. Looks like I was wrong.

For me at least ... it's difficult to get back to the wounded heart of this thread ... when there are simply no words. It's at times like this that the old way of "the keening" makes very much sense to me. cn
Drunk Sunni! :) getting into deep political conversations.... i usually just get dizzy an eventually pass out :/

i apparently cannot have a voice or opinion so i wont make one, the problem at hand right now is the children being murder so i wont get into political issues because of the children, its about them and their families.
can honestly nobody see that regardless of policies,laws, education that it doesnt matter shit cause no country will ever get it perfect. americans protect whats in best interest regardless if someone gets hurt, why? cause when you got 7billion people and 1 person dies cause of a mistake or some other misguided reason towards our government then we get thousands if not millions of people against it and it makes shit impossible to work with, we cant protect everyone, we cannot satisfy everyones needs when majority expect them to, everything in our best interest is to try a reduce casualities while being the most efficient way of doing things and then other people see these "bad" things happen because america televises everything and anything, i see fucked up shit constantly and yes in american its televised more often but what the fuck does that suggest? we are the worst? we are the dumbest? for all you usa haters, were still one of the most advanced countries because of our "fucked" up decisions.

i dont know where i was going with that but im sick of the anti-country ignorant people.
yes and I already stated my empathetic viewpoint regarding that, and am practicing..... in all of the cosmic energies, let them be at peace
For me at least ... it's difficult to get back to the wounded heart of this thread ... when there are simply no words. It's at times like this that the old way of "the keening" makes very much sense to me. cn

This one just seems so... personal. Five year old babies. It's breaking my heart. No child should ever have to die so violently. :(
can honestly nobody see that regardless of policies,laws, education that it doesnt matter shit cause no country will ever get it perfect. americans protect whats in best interest regardless if someone gets hurt, why? cause when you got 7billion people and 1 person dies cause of a mistake or some other misguided reason towards our government then we get thousands if not millions of people against it and it makes shit impossible to work with, we cant protect everyone, we cannot satisfy everyones needs when majority expect them to, everything in our best interest is to try a reduce casualities while being the most efficient way of doing things and then other people see these "bad" things happen because america televises everything and anything, i see fucked up shit constantly and yes in american its televised more often but what the fuck does that suggest? we are the worst? we are the dumbest? for all you usa haters, were still one of the most advanced countries because of our "fucked" up decisions.

youre still missing the point hon its not bout 1 persons mistakes...im so sorry you dont get it but you just dont.
i apparently cannot have a voice or opinion so i wont make one, the problem at hand right now is the children being murder so i wont get into political issues because of the children, its about them and their families.
yes and I already stated my empathetic viewpoint regarding that, and am practicing..... in all of the cosmic energies, let them be at peace
i apparently cannot have a voice or opinion so i wont make one, the problem at hand right now is the children being murder so i wont get into political issues because of the children, its about them and their families.

I'm sorry sunni. I really didn't mean you. I hope I didn't offend you. If I did I'm really really sorry.
I'm sorry sunni. I really didn't mean you. I hope I didn't offend you. If I did I'm really really sorry.

no no but people jsut jumps at others throats if you say in any way america is wrong in anything that they do . you cannot say american is wrong ... for anything its just how it fucking goes

i make one frucking statement and EVERYONE jumps at my throat.
This one just seems so... personal. Five year old babies. It's breaking my heart. No child should ever have to die so violently. :(

I don't know how to say this without seeming crass or unsupportive ... so i will trust you to read it right. I am devastated by this shooting murder crime ... but I cannot see it as worse for them being children. The kids in Columbine, or the young adults at the movie theater, or the full adults in that place in San Fran where a professional ran amok ... to me they are all equally awful. It could be from the touch of autism that I endure. cn