can honestly nobody see that regardless of policies,laws, education that it doesnt matter shit cause no country will ever get it perfect. americans protect whats in best interest regardless if someone gets hurt, why? cause when you got 7billion people and 1 person dies cause of a mistake or some other misguided reason towards our government then we get thousands if not millions of people against it and it makes shit impossible to work with, we cant protect everyone, we cannot satisfy everyones needs when majority expect them to, everything in our best interest is to try a reduce casualities while being the most efficient way of doing things and then other people see these "bad" things happen because america televises everything and anything, i see fucked up shit constantly and yes in american its televised more often but what the fuck does that suggest? we are the worst? we are the dumbest? for all you usa haters, were still one of the most advanced countries because of our "fucked" up decisions.