elementary school shooting in newton ct

Well first of all I don't condone sending someone to prison for stealing a candy bar. Secondly the act of imprisonment is not meant to bring the candy bar back, but to prevent you from stealing future candy bars. When you have paid your debt and get out then your future actions can be judged for themselves.

You don't have to follow through on an emotional response in order to color the response. If you hate gay people and have fantasies of taping them up and torturing them to death solely for the fact that they are gay, then those are sadistic and hate filled thoughts regardless of whether you actually carry them out. The only thing carry them out does is change them from a thought to an action. The thought remains the same either way.

short term confinement does not prevent future occurrances ;) and the debt for a candy bar is what precisely? in accordance with the 3 strikes law.... its enough for a life sentence (READ IT).

something of the fundamentals of argument: do not address a point by bringing up a separate and all together different issue simply because there is a correlation. Address the the point specifically and identify directly related info that is validated in order to disprove the point.

Is this your argument? that it is ok to have the "knee-jerk" reaction of an emotional response, but not acknowledge it express it, and explore your feelings? that sharing those feelings with the most general of descriptions is inappropriate when I know I could go into grossly detail?

Im would like to discover how it is reasonable to restrict the healthy freedom of expression? Am I not entitled by life itself to have my own feelings? To explore, express, and understand them?
I think the shooter executed his plan {however sick that may be}, he got our attention and for what reasons we will never understand.... but that is a moot point now.

This hurts plain and simple.
Your argument being one of logic... undoes itself. There is absolution in reason for any individual that commits such heinous acts. Justice being the perspective reason. I have no "sadistic emotional desire" for anyone undeserving of such treatment.

Mine was admittedly an emotional response. Using words to express emotions is healthy. Acting on those words is entirely different.

Is your argument that the persons choices and actions doesnt merit such treatment? Based on your statement, you suggest that doing it for "no other reason Or that because the emotional response contains such uninhibited anger and desire for revenge and punishment it is morally "wrong" to feel that way about such a person?

I am not the judge, nor do I prescribe sentencing. I am a father that loves my children, and could not contain the love expressing itself in hurt and loss. I hold fast to my statement, those feelings will never change.

Is imprisonment not a form of torture? Having been incarcerated for a year I can tell you it is.

I consider the death penalty to not be about justice but revenge. I do not want to give the gov't my authorization to commit murder 1, which an execution necessarily is: premeditated, cold-blooded murder of the designated citizen. cn
I consider the death penalty to not be about justice but revenge. I do not want to give the gov't my authorization to commit murder 1, which an execution necessarily is: premeditated, cold-blooded murder of the designated citizen. cn

dont see anything about the death penalty in what I wrote...
More knee jerk reactions. Let's think about this for just a minute. There are almost 99,000 public schools in america. source: http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=84

You think it would be reasonable to train and issue guns to several faculty members at every one of those schools?

You would feel comfortable sending your child to school with teachers and faculty holstering loaded weapons?

What do you think the probability of a single student in one of those 99,000 schools being able to steal a gun away from one of the teachers or faculty members is? I will guarantee there would be at least one case of that happening out of all those schools. Or a teacher or faculty member leaving a gun on their desk. I know, I know, that should never happen, but the fact of the matter is that it does. Read the news, kids get into guns everyday. Of course you can say those people who did that are idiots and gun safety is not that hard to follow, but you think all 300,000 of those people that now carry guns during school hours are going to be as responsible as you are? They won't. It's statistically improbable at best.

Yeah, you make some valid points which is why I said it's probably not possible.

But, I think it is reasonable to train and issue firearms. It could easily be done at the local level. Just like local law enforcement.

I would feel comfortable sending my child to a school with certain trained, armed teachers. Just as I wouldn't have a problem with them being around trained, armed local law enforcement. I don't know how it would work out logistically. Maybe they would have a concealed carry permit and be armed - maybe not. Or, designated classrooms would have a firearm safe that only a designated individual had the ability to access. Or the firearm safe would only be in a non-classroom area, like an administrative office, etc. Beats me, but I bet folks smarter than me could figure out a way to do it safely.

A teacher could physically, sexually or emotionally abuse a child at a school. So could a police officer. That is not the norm, however.

I'm not sure upon what you base your "guarantee" that a child would steal one of those firearms away. That seems more knee-jerk than my thoughts. Obviously, firearms would not be allowed to simply be left on a teachers desk inadvertently. Most cops go their entire careers without ever pulling their weapon. The probability of a teacher having to use a firearm would be drastically less.

But, you're right. There's probably no way this would happen. Partly for some of the reasons you raise.
Yeah, you make some valid points which is why I said it's probably not possible.

But, I think it is reasonable to train and issue firearms. It could easily be done at the local level. Just like local law enforcement.

I would feel comfortable sending my child to a school with certain trained, armed teachers. Just as I wouldn't have a problem with them being around trained, armed local law enforcement. I don't know how it would work out logistically. Maybe they would have a concealed carry permit and be armed - maybe not. Or, designated classrooms would have a firearm safe that only a designated individual had the ability to access. Or the firearm safe would only be in a non-classroom area, like an administrative office, etc. Beats me, but I bet folks smarter than me could figure out a way to do it safely.

A teacher could physically, sexually or emotionally abuse a child at a school. So could a police officer. That is not the norm, however.

I'm not sure upon what you base your "guarantee" that a child would steal one of those firearms away. That seems more knee-jerk than my thoughts. Obviously, firearms would not be allowed to simply be left on a teachers desk inadvertently. Most cops go their entire careers without ever pulling their weapon. The probability of a teacher having to use a firearm would be drastically less.

But, you're right. There's probably no way this would happen. Partly for some of the reasons you raise.

ooooo ... I want one of those trained firearms!! cn
I do not nor do I think I ever will understand why people have to take shit out on innocent children. Just tragic.
Makes me sick those little 4-5 y/o being murdered another tough guy with a gun. If i were one of the parents i would already be planning the murder of his parents, as they created this grub.

Kill the shooters parents?! Well the mother worked at the school and he did kill her. How do you feel now smart guy? It's not the parents fault in a situation like this where the shooter is mentally ill. Think before you spout off please, it makes you look like a not very good person to want to kill the innocent parents. Wow.
Same day...

Lets not stoop down to that level on this site by posting any of them...IMO


...kidding. cn
I have a 6 yr old in 1st grade and a 2 yr old. It makes me very ill to think it could happen to them. What is this world coming to.

I can't even imagine picking up the pieces and going on with life after this happens to your child. Life would be so void of everything good.
so fucking sad, i couldnt imagine that...i have some real issues with america and its way oflife but i wont discuss them i dont talk about it alot i keep it to myself


so sorry for the children and their families, i feel so horrible, so disgusting and sad oh my god no words really
so fucking sad, i couldnt imagine that...i have some real issues with america and its way oflife but i wont discuss them i dont talk about it alot i keep it to myself


so sorry for the children and their families, i feel so horrible, so disgusting and sad oh my god no words really

Yeah, USA sucks and all but... this Happens all over the world sunni ;)
so fucking sad, i couldnt imagine that...i have some real issues with america and its way oflife but i wont discuss them i dont talk about it alot i keep it to myself


so sorry for the children and their families, i feel so horrible, so disgusting and sad oh my god no words really

ah yes because america is the only place terrible things happen and they get reported on cause we have access to information like this 24/7.
i know youre american pride is too big to understand what the issues are like i said im not getting into it
i know youre american pride is too big to understand what the issues are like i said im not getting into it

You brought it up, and now Im intrigued... America sucks, the government sucks... and the world sucks in a lot of ways. Crazy stupid people all over the world for sure.

Im intrigued, why do you single out the US?