elementary school shooting in newton ct

no no but people jsut jumps at others throats if you say in any way america is wrong in anything that they do . you cannot say american is wrong ... for anything its just how it fucking goes

i make one frucking statement and EVERYONE jumps at my throat.

I hoped to counter that impression. cn
i understand clearly, some kid killed 27 people including his mother and children, its sad that their lives were taken, but death happens to everyone and everyone always feels like shit so i tend to not let it get to me, why? death is inevitable and theres nothing anyone can do so i choose to not be feeling sad about it but tend to see it as another day.

another thing is i wasnt referring to this rampage but the fact of "american pride" which every foreignor thinks its some sort of insult to have pride in thir country, not saying i do but to be as ignorant as stating "american pride" and use it as an example is so fucking stupid, you only just showed pride to your country.
no no but people jsut jumps at others throats if you say in any way america is wrong in anything that they do . you cannot say american is wrong ... for anything its just how it fucking goes

I agree with you. There are occasions where I have trouble dealing with resentment when the U.S. is criticized. It's innate. A visceral instinctive reaction. It catches me off guard at times. We are fiercely protective of our country and at times it can be a serious character flaw. We need comprehensive gun control laws but because the right to bear arms is part of the Constitution we can be rather prickly about discussion on the issue. The NRA's powerful lobby machine has exacerbated the problem. American politics. ::sigh::
no no but people jsut jumps at others throats if you say in any way america is wrong in anything that they do . you cannot say american is wrong ... for anything its just how it fucking goes

i make one frucking statement and EVERYONE jumps at my throat.

maybe its cause your on a mostly american site? also it seems to me that if i bring shit up about anothers country they get defensive? why i wonder.....
maybe its cause your on a mostly american site? also it seems to me that if i bring shit up about anothers country they get defensive? why i wonder.....

oh sweetie dont even i have family in america, and if i look outside my window i could fucking walk to your country dont even ima go black woman on you and tell you to talk to the fucking hand

I agree with you. There are occasions where I have trouble dealing with resentment when the U.S. is criticized. It's innate. A visceral instinctive reaction. It catches me off guard at times. We are fiercely protective of our country and at times it can be a serious character flaw. We need comprehensive gun control laws but because the right to bear arms is part of the Constitution we can be rather prickly about discussion on the issue. The NRA's powerful lobby machine has exacerbated the problem. American politics. ::sigh::

my issue has nothing to do with gun control lol
I don't know how to say this without seeming crass or unsupportive ... so i will trust you to read it right. I am devastated by this shooting murder crime ... but I cannot see it as worse for them being children. The kids in Columbine, or the young adults at the movie theater, or the full adults in that place in San Fran where a professional ran amok ... to me they are all equally awful. It could be from the touch of autism that I endure. cn

My reaction is biased. I have so many nieces and nephews and the thought of losing one is devastating. Especially in such a violent manner. No life is more precious than any other. (the doctrine I was raised on) But children have a special place in my heart.
ah yes, i see it now, typical bat shit crazy women.... i should have thought of that earlier, your practically a misscolored brick wall.
My reaction is biased. I have so many nieces and nephews and the thought of losing one is devastating. Especially in such a violent manner. No life is more precious than any other. (the doctrine I was raised on) But children have a special place in my heart.

It is wondrous to me how they can be so beautifully unspoiled and yet such spoiled rotten little bluejays.
ah yes, i see it now, typical bat shit crazy women.... i should have thought of that earlier, your practically a misscolored brick wall.

Seriously? You really feel the need to shit all over this thread? Is this the same high moral character that took offense to the rainman fiasco? Take it to pm's or start your own debate thread. Hypocrite.
"something" about his mom..... idk, to go off like that. Sure would be nice to be able to recognize the signs of the illnesses that cause people to do this and treat them first!
"something" about his mom..... idk, to go off like that. Sure would be nice to be able to recognize the signs of the illnesses that cause people to do this and treat them first!

according to anderson 300 he said that the suspect was having mental issues warnings for months before hand but no one did anything about it..
no no but people jsut jumps at others throats if you say in any way america is wrong in anything that they do . you cannot say american is wrong ... for anything its just how it fucking goes

i make one frucking statement and EVERYONE jumps at my throat.

I hope that's not how I made u feel. I was just extending a genuine invite to a thread started based off of one of my own perhaps "regretable "? Post in this thread that's just kinda turned into discussion about odd unpopular and taboo opinions. Judgement free place to say what u normally wouldn't without being flat out attacked for it.