elementary school shooting in newton ct

what side do you think im on? macho man wearing a usa flag speedo holding a large gun with a cigar in one hand?

you clearly arent seeing what i meant to say which its fucked up to be a bigot and state "american pride" when im sure theres even more hardcore extremists in countries like iran? im not trying to be the typical american through your eyes but through my eyes i keep an open mind and dont attack a specific country for the choices its made.
short term confinement does not prevent future occurrances ;) and the debt for a candy bar is what precisely? in accordance with the 3 strikes law.... its enough for a life sentence (READ IT).

something of the fundamentals of argument: do not address a point by bringing up a separate and all together different issue simply because there is a correlation. Address the the point specifically and identify directly related info that is validated in order to disprove the point.

Is this your argument? that it is ok to have the "knee-jerk" reaction of an emotional response, but not acknowledge it express it, and explore your feelings? that sharing those feelings with the most general of descriptions is inappropriate when I know I could go into grossly detail?

Im would like to discover how it is reasonable to restrict the healthy freedom of expression? Am I not entitled by life itself to have my own feelings? To explore, express, and understand them?

It doesn't prevent future occurrences, but it stops present occurrences which is the goal. I'm not saying the system we have now is perfect. I don't agree with the laws we have on the books regarding a lot of things, most specifically drugs, I don't believe in mandatory minimum sentences, and I don't believe in the 3 strike laws. That is an entirely different discussion all together.

You are allowed to have all the knee jerk reactions you want and all the internal feelings you want, but I think you should be able to acknowledge them for what they are. You also have the right to believe in santa clause, but I would hope that with even a little critical thinking you would realize your error no matter how much you want to believe in him on an emotional level.
Yeah, you make some valid points which is why I said it's probably not possible.

But, I think it is reasonable to train and issue firearms. It could easily be done at the local level. Just like local law enforcement.

I would feel comfortable sending my child to a school with certain trained, armed teachers. Just as I wouldn't have a problem with them being around trained, armed local law enforcement. I don't know how it would work out logistically. Maybe they would have a concealed carry permit and be armed - maybe not. Or, designated classrooms would have a firearm safe that only a designated individual had the ability to access. Or the firearm safe would only be in a non-classroom area, like an administrative office, etc. Beats me, but I bet folks smarter than me could figure out a way to do it safely.

A teacher could physically, sexually or emotionally abuse a child at a school. So could a police officer. That is not the norm, however.

I'm not sure upon what you base your "guarantee" that a child would steal one of those firearms away. That seems more knee-jerk than my thoughts. Obviously, firearms would not be allowed to simply be left on a teachers desk inadvertently. Most cops go their entire careers without ever pulling their weapon. The probability of a teacher having to use a firearm would be drastically less.

But, you're right. There's probably no way this would happen. Partly for some of the reasons you raise.

Statistics. Look at how many children bring guns into school now when there are none in the school. Add 300,000 guns into the mix, for 180 days every year.
ok, first off, the three strikes law was reformed in CA only to pertain to violent crime.

Secondly, while I agree this is a tragedy and it is truly terrible, why do we only weep for american children? There are children all over this world who die en masse from war, hunger, sickness. More than 20 kids... thousands and thousands lost every year. I feel so terrible for what happened in Conneticut, but when I think about all the children who have been shot, maimed, tortured, starved, every single day for years, all killed, it makes me think that we are the biggest hypocrites. We never shed a tear for the children who die from death squads in columbia, who are shot in killed in conflict in africa, or in the middle east. We're really American centric. I love my country, but we have flaws.

third, the op is a joke. He says really controversial things but then calls others trolls for noticing them. And tried to police the thread. I noticed all the jackasses are newer members of the forums. Attacking Sunni, and CN, and Guy, doesn't do anything to validate your arguments... jesus christ, have some common sense.
ok, first off, the three strikes law was reformed in CA only to pertain to violent crime.

Secondly, while I agree this is a tragedy and it is truly terrible, why do we only weep for american children? There are children all over this world who die en masse from war, hunger, sickness. More than 20 kids... thousands and thousands lost every year. I feel so terrible for what happened in Conneticut, but when I think about all the children who have been shot, maimed, tortured, starved, every single day for years, all killed, it makes me think that we are the biggest hypocrites. We never shed a tear for the children who die from death squads in columbia, who are shot in killed in conflict in africa, or in the middle east. We're really American centric. I love my country, but we have flaws.

third, the op is a joke. He says really controversial things but then calls others trolls for noticing them. And tried to police the thread. I noticed all the jackasses are newer members of the forums. Attacking Sunni, and CN, and Guy, doesn't do anything to validate your arguments... jesus christ, have some common sense.

says your join date was March 2011....
So apparently this gunman was mentally ill, lets hope they dont try to drag that into this. I am a firm believer that if you want a weapon gun,bomb, poison, or vehicle you'll find a way to get it and commit whatever act. So sad that this kid would kill his mother then see fit to go to her work/school and kill innocent children? This is truly fucked.
and? thats almost 2 years. Im talking about people who joined within the last few months
just saying I wasnt sure who you were talking about, and not sure what recently joined meant either.

But I definitely agree with what you wrote about other children all over the world. I feel the same way. The questions... what can we do what can we do would race through my mind, until my son coughs and I remember that I already have my hands so full... small steps.
what was the motive for all this

Crazy people don't have a "motive", they're sick!..............This wasn't a gun control failure, it was a mental health funding failure.
Funding for mental health care is an easy to cut "entitlment", so we've closed all our mental hospitals & turned our mental patients out onto the streets. They eventually commit a crime & then we have plenty of money for prison cells.
Our prisons are 1/2 filled with mental patents that would have been in a mental treatment program, if we bothered to fund them. Since we don't, we wait until they get a gun or car or whatever & harm someone. Then we have a place for them, prison!
The one thing all these shooters have in common is they are all mentally ill, and we ignored them, until it was too late.
but what made him pick up a gonna in the 1st place ive been round people wif mental illnesses n usally its something that makes them snap like that i mean it can be anything from not saying a word right to sneezing i rember i almost got into a fight wif some kid who had problems all cuz i sat in the wrong seat i kno this guy didnt jus wake up n start blastin somethin had to set em off
but what made him pick up a gonna in the 1st place ive been round people wif mental illnesses n usally its something that makes them snap like that i mean it can be anything from not saying a word right to sneezing i rember i almost got into a fight wif some kid who had problems all cuz i sat in the wrong seat i kno this guy didnt jus wake up n start blastin somethin had to set em off

Maybe if we had funded proper mental health programs in this country, he would have been receiving the mental help he was needing. Instead we cut the funding for mental health, because it's an "entitlment".
but y did he do it that's what driving me crazy i guess your right if we had more funding for mental health we would know
but y did he do it that's what driving me crazy i guess your right if we had more funding for mental health we would know
He did it because he wasn't receiving proper mental health care. If he was in proper treatment, he probably wouldn't have done it.
a person that does something like that should be kept alive and torured in the most painful ways for as long as possible before dying the slowest most painful death possible all the while being reminded of the evil they did
I couldn't have said it better myself. In my opinion you lose your human rights after such an act..