I'm on a tablet using a touch screen keyboard, and not proof reading. Boohoo. Great response though, you really changed peoples minds. You really are a jackass you know, yo need to get this "I'm perfect" notion out of your head, I think countless people have put this point across to you in recent history. If you are incapable of noticing the mistakes yet understand what I had meant, then well sod it, you're bloody retardedHey, I can sink to your level if you like. I'd rather be unable to type than be unable to stay out of prison.
Come up with a mature response next time if you can't handle the notion of your laws being flawed.
you make statements such as this "you people are so ignorant, it it highly amusing. "
yet you can't even proof read your own posts. make it about me though.

oh, another prison joke. nice way to show your true colors.

"mature response". oh the irony.