The Main-Lining Thread

I must have been a very good boy :lol: !!! Thanks Nugs.

Can I ask the SS% you used for JB#3 (about 50% ?)... She looks great!

Thanks again Nugs, this is a huge thing your doing for those with eyes to see.:peace:
i have not run Jillybean yet, but when i do it will be 40ish.
40% is always a good starting point. I'm about maxed out on SS w/ my jillybean, might move up to 10 gallon pots for her soon.
this run i had her in a 2 gal to start w/ about .5 gal of ss in the bottom, went into the 7gal container w/ about 3 gal of SS, 1 gal of base (6 gal total). Top fed to the brim w/ SS at about 19 days flower.
Coming from seed, at what point/time do you start making your mainline topping cuts? And at what tier of leaves do you prefer to be your power tier that you pick for your mainline?
I read into the thread quite far (at page 115) but did not see anything specific's about when to mainline from seed, after seeing your post I looked back 4 pages and saw the pictures demonstrating exactly what I needed to know. Thank you. Now I will work on finishing the next half of the thread and be on board with everything going forward.

edit: I also apologize for calling it the power tier when you refer to it as the hub.
they have a serious tendency to talk down to you here save a few individuals. Shit gets to peoples head as usual. Our shared hobby is no reason for people to not think they are better than you'. But I waited until the 5th node'. This is the way to go with an indicia.
they have a serious tendency to talk down to you here save a few individuals. Shit gets to peoples head as usual. Our shared hobby is no reason for people to not think they are better than you'. But I waited until the 5th node'. This is the way to go with an indicia.
Really dude.....127,000 views, more "likes" than any other thread on R.I.U., 235 pages.....and you my friend are the only...ONLY person to have a problem with the "attitude" and the people within this thread, you may want to check yourself brother.......
thanks for the super-croping info Nugs, should i wait till it was in flower for 10 days befor i try to get it lvled out or should i do the 1 side now witch is 5 days into flower
thanks for the super-croping info Nugs, should i wait till it was in flower for 10 days befor i try to get it lvled out or should i do the 1 side now witch is 5 days into flower
if you could post a good side view, i could get a better idea of what to do....
Nugs, if done outdoor, how early (approximately) do you need to start in order to allow enough time for 16 heads? Do you recommend indoor growing until a certain point in the mainlining process?
Nugs, if done outdoor, how early (approximately) do you need to start in order to allow enough time for 16 heads? Do you recommend indoor growing until a certain point in the mainlining process?
i started my outdoor MLs very late, and they got huge....i sprouted seeds on June 20, and just ML'ed them under the sun....
fpupdate 006.jpg
Really dude.....127,000 views, more "likes" than any other thread on R.I.U., 235 pages.....and you my friend are the only...ONLY person to have a problem with the "attitude" and the people within this thread, you may want to check yourself brother.......

Yes. I am the vocal minority, friend. But I can go through and quote all the times that just YOU have been condescending. I fully understand that you do get quite a few questions a day and most (if not all) can be read in this thread. As you stated..."127,000 views, more "likes" than any other thread on R.I.U., 235 pages" Is quite the large amount of information to sift through. When, as opposed to answering with something along the lines of "L2R scrub", you could have spent less time bitching them out and just answering their questions. I KNOW that I am not the only person that has an issue with you getting a bit "top-heavy" if you will. I'm not sure how you gather that I am the only one but ignorance is bliss I suppose. You've made a bit of a name for yourself in an extremely small subculture. You're not a rock star yet...

O and everyone will get over fluffing you after a while...
dabumps, maybe you should start a thread of your own. Nugs is right. You of all the "regulars" here have the 'tude. Just sayin.
Didn't know if that was pointed in my direction about reading the thread earlier, didn't mean to offend anyone just stating that the info is there. The thread wouldn't be here if the answer wasnt here. There is 236 pages of posts, I think it would be reasonable to ask people to realize that the answer is already there and the same question they seek most likely has been asked duplicate times. The search function or even going to google to type in "rollitup nugbuckets node" is the most underutilized tool available. It was early this morning I hadn't had my morning bowl didn't mean to come off as a dick. My apologies if this was about my comment.