Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
Maybe he can blame the Christmas tree.
1) Breyer was a dissent.
2) No one can know what the framers meant, except if a zombie framer tells us. In which case his opinion of Breyer would be, "I want brains!"
you do know they wrote more than just the one document right?
tench coxe goes on a wild rampage (lin a literary sense) on the need for arms not just to protect the nation but the person as well.
Jefferson advised young men to take "exercise with their dog and gun" and he was not speaking of duck hunting. he was discussing the young man-about-town indulging in what today would be called "Vigilante Patrols" (inB4 zimmerman)
aaron burr and alexandr hamilton's duel would indicate their intention that gentlemen reconcile their differences over "a few shots" in a field rather than a few shots at a bar.
andy jackson got in numerous duels in defense of his wife's reputation, a far less precious commodity than a shed full of cannabis plants or a 92 corrolla
in breif if you cant find evidence of the founder's opinion on arms as a personal right and self defense as not just a right but an obligation, then you arent reading enough.