How many have seen a gun pulled on another, except legally by cops?

Have you witnessed a gun being pointed at another illegally?

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Maybe he can blame the Christmas tree.

1) Breyer was a dissent.
2) No one can know what the framers meant, except if a zombie framer tells us. In which case his opinion of Breyer would be, "I want brains!"

you do know they wrote more than just the one document right?

tench coxe goes on a wild rampage (lin a literary sense) on the need for arms not just to protect the nation but the person as well.
Jefferson advised young men to take "exercise with their dog and gun" and he was not speaking of duck hunting. he was discussing the young man-about-town indulging in what today would be called "Vigilante Patrols" (inB4 zimmerman)
aaron burr and alexandr hamilton's duel would indicate their intention that gentlemen reconcile their differences over "a few shots" in a field rather than a few shots at a bar.
andy jackson got in numerous duels in defense of his wife's reputation, a far less precious commodity than a shed full of cannabis plants or a 92 corrolla

in breif if you cant find evidence of the founder's opinion on arms as a personal right and self defense as not just a right but an obligation, then you arent reading enough.
And my good Dr., at one point, the govt required the citizens of a certain Connecticut town, to buy muskets. That came up in the Health Care debate. It is the only example, they say, of a US govt forcing anyone to buy anything. And it was a gun.
And my good Dr., at one point, the govt required the citizens of a certain Connecticut town, to buy muskets. That came up in the Health Care debate. It is the only example, they say, of a US govt forcing anyone to buy anything. And it was a gun.

it was not just that one town, that one town just enforced the militia act of 1792 which required ALL free males between 16 and 60 to own and maintain a musket and ammunition. there were even provisions for the local militias to buy the arms at congressional expense for poor motherfuckers and let em pay it off on an installment plan.

that part of the militia act was found unconstitutional as a mandate but the remainder of the provisions remained in effect unmodified untill 1903, when instead of muskets, the arms were designated "of a type in common use" and that remained in effect till (allegedly ) this year. the requirement was still there but unenforced, it's main function was to establish the standard of compulsory militia service and allow for the draft and the standing army by the canard that the army is the "organized militia"

the militia act's requirement was not that you purchase such arms, only that you have them, like say, your cousin has 2 muskets, or you have your granpappy's old musket, you could make your own, etc etc etc. at that time NOT having a musket was considered just weird, while today owning firearms puts you one the watchlist, since eventually your gun is gonna MurderDeathKill somebody.

obamacare is NOT a musket since medical insurance is not a durable object which can be transferred if you no longer need it, there was no lifetime requirement for you to continue paying forever, you cannot receive your uncle's old medical insurance as a bequest after his death, and medical insurance is designed for the profit of the insurance company, not for the protection of life and limb, or as a means of averting starvation.
Does that mean I have to give up my guinea hen swat team? How is a fella supposed to make it in this world?
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How about Well-regulated Militia Ants? cn


Many Thanks M8.

I am an avid air rifle nut. I am looking into a 45 caliber that can push a 140gr pellet at 1050fps and is totally suppressed. I have some hogs showing up out back that will be the right size for harvesting right after winter and that little gun would be the shizznit for that. I have killed a small hog 120lb with the 25 cal and a headshot, but overall, need a bit more for hogs, they are stubborn when it comes to giving up the



Lol, so ironic.
Lol, so ironic.

okay, I can see that comprehension is not one of your stronger suits...:lol:

Peace towards most, but definently not all. Hogs are very destructive and blackbirds ruin everything they land on. Besides, we are all hunter/gatherers. So be true to yourself. Hope this helps.


Years ago when I delivered pizzas I had two guys pull guns on me to rob the 30 bucks I had and two pizzas. I had more money and weed in my wallet which they didn't take. Nor did they take my cell phone or car that was right there running. Must have been real hungry .

We recently had a story on the news about 2 guys that robbed a pizza man. They caught the "lookout". The lookout's cut was exactly 2 slices of pizza. Several years in jail for a whopping 2 slices of pizza.
We recently had a story on the news about 2 guys that robbed a pizza man. They caught the "lookout". The lookout's cut was exactly 2 slices of pizza. Several years in jail for a whopping 2 slices of pizza.

Some would refer to that as natural selection. I think it is wonderful they remove themselves from the gene pool, if only for a moment.:lol:


We recently had a story on the news about 2 guys that robbed a pizza man. They caught the "lookout". The lookout's cut was exactly 2 slices of pizza. Several years in jail for a whopping 2 slices of pizza.

Several years in jail for conspiracy to commit robbery. The fact that it was for 2 pieces of pizza just makes the guy more stupid.
I want to know how many have actually witnessed, in person, another ILLEGALLY pointing a gun? Either trying to kill the person, robbing them, etc?

What was the circumstance? Explain.

Self defense, etc, doesn't count. It has to be a criminal use of a gun. It can't be you just heard it either. You had to actually seen the gun and knew it was one too

I was riding around in my friends car to pick up another friend. By chance someone who had beef with him was at a neighbors house. He walks out the front door and while my other friend was getting in the car they start talking shit.

The guy pulls out a revolver and fires two shots. The passengers font side window shattered and we peeled off. When we got back to a rest area we looked around. one of the bullets went through the front side passenger window, thru the head rest, and fucked up the rear view window. The rear view didn't break, just a small hole, but god dam that was close. My friend sat back down and the hole in the head rest was less then 2 inches form his head

The only other time i have seen a gun being pulled was the police surrounding a car that crashed into a pole. I guess he was a runner
When I was in kindergarten my older sister was in a softball tourney. I was playing with a few kids at the playground and we seen a man and woman arguing. The man pulled his gun and shot her three times point blank. They were next to the bathrooms which were right across from the playground. I remember it like it was yesterday.
We recently had a story on the news about 2 guys that robbed a pizza man. They caught the "lookout". The lookout's cut was exactly 2 slices of pizza. Several years in jail for a whopping 2 slices of pizza.

See, this is the conspiracy, the emotion tampering. You have been manipulated. This is Incrementation. It is practiced by children and Liberals who think the World can be a child's garden. Do you know how fucked up that pizza man is, to be robbed? You haven't been, I suppose. I have been, as I mentioned. Now I'm stone cold, steely eyed, with a Mossberg 12.

In your book, where is the edge? Is it an entire box of pizza? 6 boxes? See what I mean? Or maybe to you pizza doesn't count? Food doesn't count?

It doesn't count, in your book, to assault someone and take his stuff? What should it be? An apology? See this is the stuff the Hard Left wants. Everyone gets a break except the victims.
its just my way of thinking, stuff is not worth a life , if shooting is necessary it can be done easily without taking a life

Sorry Mr Sam, but that is totaly a moot point. You have no way whatsoever of knowing that persons intentions, no way at all, ever. Wound a thief, he will or he gets someone else to kill your family, stupidity at its highest level m8.

If you have a family, and you do not put them first and foremost in your defensive thinking, you might as well hand the criminal your house keys and walk the fuck away from all of it.

The only good thief is a dead thief, PERIOD!

its just my way of thinking, stuff is not worth a life , if shooting is necessary it can be done easily without taking a life

Sorry Mr Sam, but that is totaly a moot point. You have no way whatsoever of knowing that persons intentions, no way at all, ever. Wound a thief, he will or he gets someone else to kill your family, stupidity at its highest level m8.

If you have a family, and you do not put them first and foremost in your defensive thinking, you might as well hand the criminal your house keys and walk the fuck away from all of it.

The only good thief is a dead thief, PERIOD!


Do you differentiate between the following scenarios:

You're home, your car is parked out front, and someone breaks in to your home.


You come home to find someone in your house.
Do you differentiate between the following scenarios:

You're home, your car is parked out front, and someone breaks in to your home.


You come home to find someone in your house.

No Sir, both place me and my family in an uncertainty and that triggers my full blown defense responce, I know no other way to react, and personally, don't need nor want another way to react.

If you come into or onto my castle with the intent to do wrong, I am not going to ask you what you are doing, but if I do, you can bet your ass I will do it from behind a gun and I will only ask once, not the time for idle chit chat.

