My first attempt at growing


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Well the hydroton rocks didn't make here today..... But I am posting some pics.. The plants are looking good, really large top leaves but I'm a lil concerned with how thin they are in the lower canopy. I'm thinking I may try adding some more cfl and try to get more light more evenly on the plants.. also if I do this I am going to take the florescent down.. gonna have to do a lil reading on that to make sure that will be effective. I also spotted a lil like minature fly looking bug... Ive seen some stuff about neem oil, I'm not sure what it is but I think it has to do with pest control.. I'm gonna do a lil reading here and find out.... Ok still high and babbling... pics of the ladies to follow..

in the pic below you can see where it is a lil thin.. this is what is making me think that I might need a lil more light..

In this pic ya can see a small cluster of leaves that really wilting badly...

and here I just love the veiw! Look how freaking big! I love it!!!!!

another example of the thinning here



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Ok I transplanted today and inexperince has been a factor! I had to order the hydroten rocks and wasnt sure how much to order... being a bit of a slow adult I ordered the smallest amount.... no need to go into the flawed logic there.... at any rate it is done and 4 of the 5 plants have room to grow!!! 1 of the 4 in pots is in a pot much to small but that is all I had enough to put rocks in... and the 1 lonely still in rockwool alone will be transplanted soon.. Im gonna overnight some more.... any way here are pics of the plants.... looking bushy.. gives me a lil chubby!!!:peace::joint:



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Night before last I went in to check on my plants before going to bed and found the leaves all drooping straight down... I remembered from someone else's journal (cant remember exactly who) that they had the same problem and the entire thing was a lack of water... I checked my pump and found that when I had transplanted to 3 gal pots with hydroton that 5 gal wasn't enough anymore.. The nute solution didn't drain quick enough to get back to the reservoir. So I immediately changed the water and added 10 gal, also I read the journal that grnman had directed me to a journal talking about nutes and ppm.. I did it the way it was done in the journal and my plants seem to be liking now.. When I checked them the next morning when i woke they where nice and strong....



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Here are some pics I took today.. Just to show the recovery they made from the lack of water... When should I start thinking about cloning?


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Yup..that was definitely a sign that they needed water. I like to let mine get like that before I water again. Not drooping to bad, but enough to tell you that it's time to water again.

I think you would be safe to take some cuttings now, but you don't even know if they are female correct? Or were these clones, I can't remember.

Your plants are looking really good.



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Actually I have no idea the sex yet, that is why I want to clone. I'm going to force flower the clones to tell sex.. All seeds are from same strain but ones I pulled from a qp in the past... IM glad that ya are thinking they look good.. Having never done this before I wonder at times but to be honest Im pretty happy with em... I hope I can do this well till the end... I keep reading more and more posts and journals and learning more...rollitup kicks ass....
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HAHAHA, nice fucken avatar...

Are you a dude? I would take that from your avatar you are or else you are a really cool chick.


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Yea Im a dude!lol i was afraid people would think I was chick with that name... by mary I mean maryjane.... would be great if a chick had that avatar!!! a good lil nasty!:twisted:


Well-Known Member
LMFAO...TRU DAT homie.

It's all good bro, I'm still here for ya. ;)

Hows the weather out in LA? You guys going to have some fucken huge as canes this summer or what?


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been fucking raining and flooding a lil for the past 3 days.. but all good thats the norm.. cools thing off! the cane rolls on no matter for sure!