Growmans 2013 Monsters, 4 Month Indoor Veg, 4 LB. Per Plant Minimum


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info growman. What is the light cycle for your veg before you put these girls outside in April ? I'm also trying to get a head start on my girls at 28 degrees and I'm a bit nervous about creating stress and flowering if I dont get the cycle right before moving outside. I'm used to starting seeds outside in June and have never tried starting early under cfl's to get a head start. Any info would be greatly appreciated. In fl. you are only getting 12 hours of daylight in April. So how do you acclimate the plants for this ? Thanks
Hey bro, thanks for stopping by. I have my plants on a 20-4 cycle right now. I will gradually decrease the light as time creeps closer to outside times. On april 30th here there will be just over 14 hours of light, you have to include twilight because the earth is still lit even if the sun isnt over the horizon yet.
Stick around and watch and i will cover whatever you would like to know, also any other questions you may have do not hesitate to ask.


Active Member
Yea but there must be some threshold. I understand the twighlight . Do you try to get the indoor light to match the outdoor at the time of transplanting. I have to plan now , if I "stick around" and wait for answers it will be to late. I need to figure this out now and i appreciate all the info you can give. I'm best with seed starting outdoors in June but want to get ahead of the game by cheating the Fl. sun. Maybe I'm in the wrong place for the answers I need but you seem to be up on the technique that I'm trying achieve as I think your in the same long/lad. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Yea but there must be some threshold. I understand the twighlight . Do you try to get the indoor light to match the outdoor at the time of transplanting. I have to plan now , if I "stick around" and wait for answers it will be to late. I need to figure this out now and i appreciate all the info you can give. I'm best with seed starting outdoors in June but want to get ahead of the game by cheating the Fl. sun. Maybe I'm in the wrong place for the answers I need but you seem to be up on the technique that I'm trying achieve as I think your in the same long/lad. Thanks
I will only go down as far as 17/7. Its not the light schedule that will induce the stress as much as the intensity and heat from the sun. A plant going from an average temp of 78 to 85 plus or a humidity of 45 percent to 85% in a rapid fashion will have adverse effects. When i put them outside i will put in complete shade for a whole week, then I will slowly accomodate them to the sun by putting them in a spot that gets mostly shade but maybe 2 hours of direct light etc. until they are fully accustomed to the outdoors. what is your average yield per plant from seed starting in june?


Active Member
I will only go down as far as 17/7. Its not the light schedule that will induce the stress as much as the intensity and heat from the sun. A plant going from an average temp of 78 to 85 plus or a humidity of 45 percent to 85% in a rapid fashion will have adverse effects. When i put them outside i will put in complete shade for a whole week, then I will slowly accomodate them to the sun by putting them in a spot that gets mostly shade but maybe 2 hours of direct light etc. until they are fully accustomed to the outdoors. what is your average yield per plant from seed starting in june?
I like that you start them out in shade,,,experience for shure bongsmilie


Active Member
Wow! I figured in complete shade I would induce flower. My yield is not much as this is my 3rd season. On average 8 oz/ plant and that is where my dissapointment is. Not sure where you are but I have to concentrate on sativas or sativa dominant hybrids as we tend to get 90- 98 degrees in Sept. with a high humidity. My goal is to get 1 lbers and I know I can achieve this. If i go indica dom I will have problems with mold etc. I really want to get the head start you are talking about with some good sati vas . The plants I have done int the past would get 5- 8 ft in height but seemed to lack the weight as I have always been streched a bit


Well-Known Member
I will only go down as far as 17/7. Its not the light schedule that will induce the stress as much as the intensity and heat from the sun. A plant going from an average temp of 78 to 85 plus or a humidity of 45 percent to 85% in a rapid fashion will have adverse effects. When i put them outside i will put in complete shade for a whole week, then I will slowly accomodate them to the sun by putting them in a spot that gets mostly shade but maybe 2 hours of direct light etc. until they are fully accustomed to the outdoors. what is your average yield per plant from seed starting in june?

Its the average soil temperature that the temps really do damage in, the florida sun is unbelievably hot even in dead winter. Anything dark will absorb the heat from the sun and heat it up substantially. Take a black truck for example, I promise you that black truck is going to get much hotter than the white one sitting right next to it. when the average soil temp jump at a great amount so fast it will put your plants into shock quick, a slow acclimation to the florida sun is the key to success down here. If anyone has been out in the sun in the middle of summer down here, they will know hot friggen hot that muther ****** really is.


Well-Known Member
Shade wont induce flower as it is still very light outside and the plant can still carry on photosynthesis. It is just not in the direct rays of the hot florida sun.


Active Member
Yea maybe my homeade big pots are not the way to go here in Fl. Thought that Tom Hills advice was great but I'm rethinking


Well-Known Member
yea i do 7 plants 3 weeks today and 5 into flowering no sex signs yet and its just bagseed and 2 t5s 2 t8s 30'' of height space so their bent over no pic or ne thing yet :neutral:
I see :)

Only 30 inches of height? hmm you have taken into consideration that it is very possible for your plant to stretch to 3x the height it was when you started 12/12/


Well-Known Member
Yea maybe my homeade big pots are not the way to go here in Fl. Thought that Tom Hills advice was great but I'm rethinking
Ill use smart pots, just look them up and you should see why they work well around here. also they come in various sizes all they way to 50 gallons and more


Active Member
Goodstuff bro, all the best, i would like to follow you grow tho :)
well ill work on gettin some pics and start a thread and let ya know,,it might be a few days got a lot of craziness happenin right now with dc appointments and job huntin and living situations lol im bamboosaled(think thats how to spell it)