Well-Known Member
Just as an experiment I checked the ph of bong water. Water from my tap tested at 7.6 and is what I filled my bong with. After smoking half a bowl, I tested the bong water at 8.0. Substantial increase.
i remember reading something on overgrow about a person asking if he could use bong water.. i've wondered that myself also
but like the other guy said, since resin in the buds arent water soluble, they are pretty much little tar particles floating in the water
using this bong water to water ur plants can potentially destroy it
seeing how the resin in the bong water can clog up the roots.
sounds feasible to me
that was a great test to run... hu i wouldnt have thought that it would jump that high! After seeing this using bong water to balance out the ph of the soil would sound like a fun way to get basic water. say u added to many nutes and your running a 5.0ph, smoke a bowl dump the bong water and pull it back up to a 6.5ph!Just as an experiment I checked the ph of bong water. Water from my tap tested at 7.6 and is what I filled my bong with. After smoking half a bowl, I tested the bong water at 8.0. Substantial increase.
before you say 'no, you wont get a buzz from drinking the stuff... ', maybe you should try it first? i know for a fact it will work. i know people who will 'gunge' (as they call it) their bong regularly, when it gets too dirty, filtering out the water, drying out the black crap then they smoke it again through their bong (or save it for when they have none). i know it works, i have tried it, more than once too, it tastes absolutely terrible but it definitely works. not all of the bud (or hash) will burn in the cone or burns completely, its black and can be chunky. i also knew a guy as a teenager who's father would drink the bong water when he had nothing, he used to do it because he used to get really smashed from it as long as he could hold it down (which i heard wasnt always the case). another friend would just say when i told him how horrible it was what he was doing to his lungs (an asthmatic like myself) was 'desperate times call for desperate measures mate!'. even worse? another guy i worked with just over a year ago would mix some this black crap with his green 'to make it last', that i just could not ever do to my bud mix but i know he was doing it. i couldnt think of anything worse to do to some high grade bud that we were both smoking at the time.Anytime anyone is thinking about putting bongwater on their plants, they should drink a few litres of it first (and no, you won't get a buzz from drinking the stuff... )
there you go! a harder man than i!Using bong water will not increase the thc content of the finished product. I wouldnt use bong water.I'd drink it lol