thanks for demonstrating that you are in the dark, Mr. Kynes.
no one making $15k a year will pay anywhere close to $350 a month for health insurance, it will be capped at about $45 a month by law with the government picking up the tab for the rest.
if you're making 400% of poverty, about $46k a year as a single with no kids, your maximum monthly bill for health insurance is capped at about $300. i don't know who you're working for and making $46k and paying $300 a month for health insurance, that doesn't happen in my experience.
if you make $46k a year as a single no kids and decide not to insure yourself, you're a dumbass who is passing your health costs onto the rest of us, you'll face a $95 monthly fine. some places call it a "social responsibility" fine. it covers the cost of all the other dumb shits like you who can afford to insure yourselves but don't.
so... i should sign up for a health insurance program through aetna blue cross or kaiser with a pricetag of $350 a month, and wait for the gubmint to pick up the rest of the tab?
no. ill have to go through the gubmint "exchanges" and basically get a fat ass deductible, from a company i cant trust with coverage determined by some gubmint HMO director with the power to decide what qualifies and what doesnt.
there are no "exchanges" there is no method by which i can get a $45 a month self only insurance plan, but the methods for billing me around $88 a month for not paying $350 a month are already established.
by placing the cart before the horse the gubmint will then make the horse disappear resulting in me being fucked, but YOU dont know anyone who will be fucked, so it's ok.
the ~$350 a month health insurance programs were quotes, deflating the cost from a range of $390 to $340 down to "$300" and then claiming that the real cost for medical insurance will be $45 is just stupid.
i cant even take a cab downtown for $45.
i cant even fill the tank of my truck for $45.
i cant even get two tickets to a movie popcorn and soda for $45.
i cant even get a bottle of decent scotch for $45.
and most importantly, where "by law" is the cost capped at $45 for anybody?
your use of BHO's carefully constructed strawman od me passing healthcare costs on to the rest of the collective is bullshit.
i havent been to a doctor in nearly 8 years, and when i did go to a doc, i PAID FOR IT MYSELF.
thats why you leftiers dont get. when you cant afford something, reeal people dont go to the gubmint, or take out a loan from a bank, they do without.
but not lefties. if they cant afford something they want, then somebody has done SOMETHING to deny them what they desire and thats just not fair.
they may not know who did what, but they didnt get what they want so it's time to grab the picket signs and the patchouli oil and rabble rabble rabble your way to victory.
BHO's fancy new insurance mandate may make you cream your sliken panties, but is makes go all rubbery.
you and your master's one size fits all,
or else plans may be perfect for a police state but not for a country with a constitution.