How do I get to heaven? Answers to your questions on eternal life.

...indeed, it is.

All Religions Are One
William Blake

The Voice of one crying in the Wilderness

As the true method of knowledge is experiment, the true faculty of knowledge must be the faculty which experiences. This faculty I treat of.

That the Poetic Genius is the true Man, and that the body or outward form of Man is derived from the Poetic Genius. Likewise that the forms of all things are derived from their Genius, which by the Ancients was call’d an Angel & Spirit & Demon.

All men are alike in outward form, So (and with the same infinite variety) all are alike in the Poetic Genius.

No man can think or write or speak from his heart, but he must intent truth. Thus all sects of Philosophy are from the Poetic Genius adapted to the weaknesses of every individual.

As none by travelling over known lands can find out the unknown, So from already acquired knowledge Man could not acquire more; therefore an universal Poetic Genius exists.

The religions of all Nations are derived from each Nations’s different reception of the Poetic Genius, which is every where called the Spirit of Prophecy.

The Jewish and Christian Testaments are An original derivation from the Poetic Genius. This is necssary from the confined nature of bodiliy sensation.

As all men are alike (tho’ infinitely various) So all Religions & as all similars have one source:
The true Man is the source, he being the Poetic Genius

poetry is the province of Fintan and Mannanan Mac Lir

from Mannanan, Fintan gained the Ogham, and by Ogham he created the First Poetry.
from Mannanan, Fintan learned the hour of his death and was bound by his Weird, and through this Weird he gained the power of the Will and the Word.
from Mannanan, Fintan learned the Healing Arts, and by these arts he forged his Doom, binding his life with the Hawk of Achill and sealed his fate.
from Mannanan, Fintan learned the speech of animals and trees, and the nature of their forms, and by this knowing he gained the power of transformation.
from Mannanan, Fintan learned the nature of the Bann, and through his Will and Word he gained the magic he taught to the Tuatha de Dannan
from Mannanan, Fintan learned the Nature of Things, and by this he gained the Wisdom of Things. this wisdom allowed him to view things as they are, not as they seem, and thus he wandered the paths of the Bann freely
from Mannanan, Fintan learned the Virtues, and the Five Arts and thus laid down the foundations of Brehon law.

funny, seems like jesus and jehovah forgot to pop by the REST of the world with their awesome message. we poor schlubs have to make do with what we can find.
Where do I start?Christianity is a scam, heard stories of a bible with all of the chapters that were edited out and it would be 3 ft tall.I dont trust anything that was written by Man concerning god's and I'm sure not going to trust a second edition.What you see is what you get and you should be thankful for that because nature is fuckin awesome.I guess it's hard for alot of people to realize they are on there own and there's no Valhalla or Heaven just worms and dirt or ashes, I'm being dumped in the Pacific by my old Squadron...Jesus was real in my opinion, alot of writing's about Him specifically but he would have been a short arab and not the brown haired stoner on Granny's wall.At the same time Jesus was voted saviour in chief everyone was a profit, he just pulled a crowd better.Virgin birth is an old story too there were several God's born of virgins if you believe the history.Just a couple more thing's..Why didn't The Bible say the Earth was round?Up until 700 or so years ago there was never any mention of eternal fire in Hell.Catholic's just admitted to that little addition.
All about money people.I have known alot of preachers personally and I have yet to meet one I trust.So I'm an agnostic I guess, I lack sufficient proof but they say all ya need is faith the size of a mustard seed but that's just another get you in the door plan.Last one...If there was an almighty super being what makes you think He would give a shit about the soup we live in.Seems like a rational God would have wiped us out during the industrial revolution.
Where do I start?Christianity is a scam, heard stories of a bible with all of the chapters that were edited out and it would be 3 ft tall.I dont trust anything that was written by Man concerning god's and I'm sure not going to trust a second edition.What you see is what you get and you should be thankful for that because nature is fuckin awesome.I guess it's hard for alot of people to realize they are on there own and there's no Valhalla or Heaven just worms and dirt or ashes, I'm being dumped in the Pacific by my old Squadron...Jesus was real in my opinion, alot of writing's about Him specifically but he would have been a short arab and not the brown haired stoner on Granny's wall.At the same time Jesus was voted saviour in chief everyone was a profit, he just pulled a crowd better.Virgin birth is an old story too there were several God's born of virgins if you believe the history.Just a couple more thing's..Why didn't The Bible say the Earth was round?Up until 700 or so years ago there was never any mention of eternal fire in Hell.Catholic's just admitted to that little addition.
All about money people.I have known alot of preachers personally and I have yet to meet one I trust.So I'm an agnostic I guess, I lack sufficient proof but they say all ya need is faith the size of a mustard seed but that's just another get you in the door plan.Last one...If there was an almighty super being what makes you think He would give a shit about the soup we live in.Seems like a rational God would have wiped us out during the industrial revolution.

you seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that the god of the jews, the god of the arabs and the god of the christians are the same, this could not be farther from the truth.

the god of the jews, the god of abraham,, jehovah, was a capricious and jealous god who commanded first and foremost that there should be no other gods before himself, thus indicating that there are other gods, but he gets to be the chief god. the entirety of the torah and the christian re-imagining of the "Old Testament" bears this out. the pharoah's magicians were able to transform staffs into serpents and whatnot, various demons and spirits were cast down, solomon used a magic ring to command demons to assist in building his first temple etc etc etc...
all this, if assumed to be true, provides ample evidence of other supernatural powers of varying might, but jehovah was the strongest (naturally) since nobody would worship a second banana god, and thus jehovah is established as the mightiest of the many supernatural forces at work in the region.

the god of the koran is the ONLY god, yet there are countless other supernatural forces, and each is depicted as an enemy of allah, yet allah did not simply smite them all with his smotency, thus he could not be all-powerful. an all-powerful god with that level of butthurt over opposition would hardly be expected to allow his opponents to wander freely and harass his supplicants. and yet, djinns, iblis himself, various spectres and ghouls, and all manner of nefarious spirits brought no end of bother to the moslem mythology.

christianity brings whole new levels of confusing inconsistency to the abrahamic pantheon, with not only a father god, but a semi-divine mortal hero demigod son, a wacky intangible spirit with a very shaky backstory, and again, all manner of demons to be cast down, angels to sing the praises of the chief god, and of course the appearance of "satan" as the chief foil. it seems "monotheism" gets more crowded with each revision.

when you get down to cases, the entire abrahamic narrative is quite inconsistent, and consistency is something i look for in a religious organization, particularly one (or three) which demands complete acceptance of their dogma despite the wobbly mythology which supports it.
the eastern religions dont hold up much better, for example, in china, the combination of ancestor worship, taosism, confucianism and buddhism results in a pantheon thats as crowded as a Delta House kegger.

hinduism has a dizzying panoply of gods that beggars the imagination, and some of them are proper bastards. seriously, who has a god of lies and destruction that requires it's cultists to strangle and rob travelers to stave off the apocalypse? even Loki didnt get up to those kinds of shenanigans, and he got fucked by a horse!

even taken as a solo act, buddhism is kinda bizzare, a religion with gods, but the gods are pretty much just window dressing, cuz all you really need to do is get your mind right, and you win.

on the up-side most eastern religions are very lean on the dogma, and seem to lack the rampant damnation present in the abrahamic cults.

the closest buddhism comes to eternal damnation was pinning sun wu kong under a mountain, and that was only temporary, totally deserved, and his punishment was lifted when he promised to help out with the Journey to the West.

taoism has a shitload of eternal torments on offer, but you have to do seriously bad shit to earn a place in the Hell of being Boiled Alive, or the Hell of Hanging Upside Down in a Vat Of Oil. nobody gets sentenced to the Hell of Being Lashed With Horse Hair Whips for not accepting the "Good News" about Shen Nong, and Shen Nong invented weed, so you know he's totally not a Narc.

even by comparison to the Runner Up in the global religion sweepstakes, abrahamic religions come off mean-spirited, and perplexingly capricious.
We'll get their what? ;)

"there" = Heaven

Have pure intentions, you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Then what is the point? Why this life on Earth?

Why would we need to live a human life of usually around give or take 100 years to determine if a soul that was created by an omnipotent being was good enough to enter Heaven?...

This is something that has always peaked my interest. Why not just build the human soul within the construct of human morality?

Why give it a choice to turn against it?

It seems, from this perspective, that human choice is independent of moral decisions. One can choose to be good or choose to be bad. fdddddddd

...To be Continued....
Heaven???? Been there done that.
Some people don't understand that religion was originally developed to instill a moral compass, nothing more.
poetry is the province of Fintan and Mannanan Mac Lir

from Mannanan, Fintan gained the Ogham, and by Ogham he created the First Poetry.
from Mannanan, Fintan learned the hour of his death and was bound by his Weird, and through this Weird he gained the power of the Will and the Word.
from Mannanan, Fintan learned the Healing Arts, and by these arts he forged his Doom, binding his life with the Hawk of Achill and sealed his fate.
from Mannanan, Fintan learned the speech of animals and trees, and the nature of their forms, and by this knowing he gained the power of transformation.
from Mannanan, Fintan learned the nature of the Bann, and through his Will and Word he gained the magic he taught to the Tuatha de Dannan
from Mannanan, Fintan learned the Nature of Things, and by this he gained the Wisdom of Things. this wisdom allowed him to view things as they are, not as they seem, and thus he wandered the paths of the Bann freely
from Mannanan, Fintan learned the Virtues, and the Five Arts and thus laid down the foundations of Brehon law.

funny, seems like jesus and jehovah forgot to pop by the REST of the world with their awesome message. we poor schlubs have to make do with what we can find.

...yeah, I realized after posting that principle 6 could cause a little something. Not intended. I love the rest of its message.

I freely admit that (with the little I know of 'em) the Irish interest me. The Scottish, as well.

Regardless, i think we would have much more meaningful conversations if you allowed yourself, or at least made a conscious effort, to write in a way that is easily understandable. Maybe you could write what you want first, and then explain exactly what it means second, that way you can express yourself the way you want first.

...hey, strife, I wouldn't ignore your comments. I can't stay awake the way I used to :eyesmoke:

...I'll try what you've prescribed in your last sentence.


...thing is, the conversations are meaningful to me. I don't make this stuff up, a lot of it is in texts (religious, and otherwise), so someone has to understand what I am saying since it was there before me. The comprehension doesn't always arrive in a timely manner, some things are meant to be contemplated. That's how we get those 'ah-ha' moments...when we're not looking for them.
Technically, the Greek was attempting to translate the Hebrew bible which says B'reshit, or 'In the Beginning. '

...Bereishit is "in the beginning". Considering "God Built" in Genesis, "making" makes sense (:lol:).

...also, I've read the idea of "gen" and "isis", which would be generations of isis. Or, of the universal 'mater' on the 6th day in Yesod / Foundation which is sex. In that act a spark / seed is placed into matter and unfolds in the womb. So yes, agreed that it is more personal.

I am not familiar with Hebrew. Are you telling me that B'reshit or Bereishit is the title of the first book of Torah? cn
Technically, the Greek was attempting to translate the Hebrew bible which says B'reshit, or 'In the Beginning. '

i already challenged you sir, i want to be wise. rebuttle this for me

I pray that many people will be saved from hell by viewing this thread.
People are already living in hell right now on planet earth. The lake of fire is as imaginary of a place as never-never land with it.
it's not hard as an adult to move on from this dogma. Trust me.

Jesus is the only way in which we can enter into the gates of heaven.
His sacrifice enables us to be cleansed from our many sins,
being made righteous through Him.
Well then you're idea of jesus isn't being fair to the kids who were born into islamic families, let alone Islamic states. They aren't even educated about the glorified (western) version of christianity..... Are they suppose to leave their families behind because the other half of the world say's that the western prophet can save them?
Does this sound like a logical idea to you?

Get baptized, and turn from your sin.
You don't need to dip yourself into bath water, to start living positively. It's called a choice, you make one and follow through with it.

Know you are going to heaven by doing these three simple things.

Read the bible to find strength and knowledge in God and His path for your life.
I can read the Karan, Torah, and the Kebra Negast to find strength and knowledge in God. These books don't qualify me a spot in la-la land. They help me in my spiritual journey.

To the purple: I meet people every few days for whom this is indeed a recommended procedure. ~holds nose~ cn