
no im not you idiot, i wrote that.

the only copy and pasted parts were the quotes that i added in to show you what a mutation is. i find it disrespectful that you said i copied that info off the net. look how i "talk" in my posts, and look how it was written. it was written by me.

i thought i told you to stay out of my threads? you are a very vile disrespectful indiviual. worse than trousers.

and SOMEBEECH, im serious. look up mosaic virus. you say all your plants enjoy the environment you give them, except for one. make sure the blue mystic is not sick..hows that so wrong to say?

Please dont make me embarass you, your doing just fine without me.i suggest alot more reasearch on your post,Before posting!! Your already working on being the Village idiot.:lol:

What you should do is read a book and learn some COMMON FUCKING SENSE before trying to grow again. If you cloned that last thing you called a plant then God help you. BTW i see you sprayed your plants, yet i know ive seen you tell people not to spray their plants. Your a fucking idiot. I hope your shit dies.
Who the fuck died and made you king? If you dont like what the kid posts then dont read it. Your nothing more than an internet bully. Go back to the sugar tit your mommy made you.
Who the fuck died and made you king? If you dont like what the kid posts then dont read it. Your nothing more than an internet bully. Go back to the sugar tit your mommy made you.

Im a bully...Arent you telling me what to do... Take your own advice, if you dont like it dont read it. I know your trying to stand up for Bmeat, but the mods told us to have at em'. Your walking into a lions den when it comes to giving bmeat shit for his kindergarten advice.
OMFG....You might be right....:shock:
I take that back, he only wrote the first 6 paragraphs.
theres no teaching you. CHILD.

"Chromosome damage in individuals exposed to heavy metals† Presented at the Workshop on Carcinogenic and/or Mutagenic Metal Compounds, Geneva, September 12–14, 1983. View all notes"

"Heavy metals are mutagenic and clastogenic, they cause teratogenic and/or carcinogenic effects."
If you were an adult, we could call you the 'copy/ paste king', but...........
I really wish instead of copy/ pasting so much, you would bookmark a link to an online dictionary.
Here, I'll even do the legwork for ya.
and consequently the seeds that it produces will only produce a female, OR a feminized male.
Feminized male,What the hell is tht?Store bought hermie........

I can't believe the torture he put that ugly plant through. If I learned anything its that Marijuana can out smart bmeat!

Sorry to all who killed their first grow bmeat is a little better than you!
and consequently the seeds that it produces will only produce a female, OR a feminized male.
Feminized male,What the hell is tht?Store bought hermie.......


precisely..I'm not smart enough to invent it but i sure am smart enough to understand the basics. why do you think we call them feminized and not female?

all metals are strong mutagens. I'm not allowed to cite info, do take my word ;)

I'm 21 for the hundredth time. never said i was any other age