I found like a DOZEN VIDEOS of Christ Himself, He said that He posted on HERE!!!!!

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....NIN video....

I like this NIN song better ProfessorPotSnob!

The sound on this video sucks, but I like the video because its CONSPIRACY THEORY stuff and I've been telling you guys about the FLUORIDE and CHEMTRAILS and CORRUPTION all along!


This video has MUCH better sound and you can see the lyrics! Same song, but I just like the video for the one above.


"Trading in my god for this One, He signs His Name with a capital G!"

G is for George! Whats My Name?

Zappa, of course. The man was a god!

And only fair to include a goddess - Patti Smith

And now just some Bad Religion

Hey guys,
First- What do you think about Christ? What do you like about Christ? or dont like about Christ?
Second- I was wondering what songs you like that are pertinent to Christ? The songs can be Rock, Alternative, Rap, Reggae, Hip-Hop, Pop, Punk, Country, Christian or whatever you like that sings about Christ or God!
Third- When do you believe Christ is coming and what do you believe He will do?

Basically, this thread is an OPEN discussion about Christ The Person; so say what you want and have fun!
Lets PRAISE GOD until we get the VICTORY! Christ The Person is ALIVE and you guys all know, so lets PRAY together and kick the devil back to hell. PRAY and tell, PRAY and type, just PRAY together!
I'm NOT God, I AM Christ The Son of God :D

1a) i dont think about your dead god.
1b/c)your god is fictional, and irrelevant to my life, so i neither like him nor dislike him in a personal sense

2)not being an aficionado of your dead god, i dont listen to music which praises him. when i listen to reggae i do not associate those soings with your dead god, but rather with Haillie Sellasie, who has the advantage of being a real histporical personage (despite being dead)

3) i do not accept the premise. your dead god got his ass kicked the last time he allegedly showed up. only a dolt would try that silly shit again.

4) if you are in fact the son of jehovah why are you referring to yourself in the third person, and asking when you will "return"?
What do I think about Jesus. He was nothing more than a Jim Baker, Jerry Falwell ect...nothing really special. Jesus was just a few thousand years earlier......
1a) i dont think about your dead god.
1b/c)your god is fictional, and irrelevant to my life, so i neither like him nor dislike him in a personal sense

Jesus might be dead but I AM NOT! And I'm claiming to be Christ. I dont think I'm God but I TRY and speak for Him because I'm a prophet. God is The One that MADE EVERYTHING and KNOWS EVERYTHING and He loves you too! If God was dead than we all would be too!

If God is fiction than who made everything? Do you believe in intelligent design? Maybe you evolved from pond scum? lol! God might be irrelevant to your life and thats fine because you might find Him later in life! I did. You dont have to like Him or even believe in Him but the rest of the world does because there is The Higher Power. Do you believe you made and know everything? The Highest Power is God, so you can believe He is Whoever you want to! Most choose to believe He is a Spirit. But if you want to make Him personal than pray to The Higher Power because He lives in you and you live in Him.

I believe you are a god because God made us. I believe everyone is a god but it doesnt mean I have to like everyone. But God is The Head of the Believers and Supreme to all!

I bow to God, I worship God, I love God, I adore God, I owe everything to God!

2)not being an aficionado of your dead god, i dont listen to music which praises him. when i listen to reggae i do not associate those soings with your dead god, but rather with Haillie Sellasie, who has the advantage of being a real histporical personage (despite being dead)

God is more alive than you. Just because you cant see Him, it doesnt mean Hes not there. You dont see yourself all the time too, for example, if your not looking in the mirror or if your sleeping.

As far as Jesus goes,,,,,, well, I cant prove He ever lived and I dont think anyone has tangible evidence of Jesus. I can prove that I AM alive though and I'm claiming to be Christ but I cant prove I'm Christ but I have more evidence than any other person that lived. I'm NOT God though because God is The Greatest! And if God cant be proven, than how can The Son of God be proven? You cant see the wind but its still effects things, and thats like God. I have no doubt God is with all of us but He moves like the wind, effecting and changing things but invisible because He doesnt want an idol of Himself. He is too great to be fathomed by anything because He is everything!

3) i do not accept the premise. your dead god got his ass kicked the last time he allegedly showed up. only a dolt would try that silly shit again.

Like I said, "I can NOT prove Jesus". I actually believe The Bible was written by time travelers that are still alive. I have lived the Life of the story of "Jesus" and if you click on the My link AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF THIS THREAD than you will see My claims.

I'll get My ass kicked "again". We just dont have tangible evidence of Jesus, BUT I will die for WORLD PEACE. I'm 27 but at 33 I will die for WORLD PEACE! I just dont know if you guys will live after I'm dead because its written "I AM The Resurrection and The Life" and "As I live, you shall live also." and "I AM The Way, The Truth, and The Life" and many more! My goal is WORLD PEACE and I would give My Life up for it!

I dont want to die, but I'll do it to prove My point that God will do anything for His people when they come together! Read the link below to see what I plan on doing for the Children of God!


4) if you are in fact the son of jehovah why are you referring to yourself in the third person, and asking when you will "return"?

I really dont like saying "I AM Christ" because I sound like I'm high and mighty when in reality I'm meek, humble, lowly AND I AM VERY SHY! I believe I'm The Son of God, but I dont want to spam it when people might get offended. The last thing I want to do is offend someone or hurt someone.

I'm asking when I will "return" because I'm checking to see who is paying attention. I guess it was a trick question but I wanted to see what people would say.

Someone in that other thread said "His Name Nevaeh is actually Heaven backwards. I wonder if He has an agenda?" And I do have an agenda but I have to be careful not to offend people by shoving My plans for the Kingdom down their throat. Whats My agenda, you might ask? Its to usher in a global paradise where the world is used to its fullest potential, while keeping a balance between nature and man! Its a world where the people have the power and NOT the "elites". Thats why I talk about THE ONLINE GOVERNMENT all the time, because its THE PERFECT way to govern our sad world.

I will be praying for you Dr Kynes. I hope that you find peace in a higher power. But God may be dead to you, but He is just waiting for you to go through that stage your in. You dont need to go to church, but be THE BEST you can be for yourself. I know God is with you though, its because your alive. I dont even go to church!

When you pray, believe God hears you. I believe it says in The Bible "When you pay, believe your prayers will be answered and you shall have anything you believe!" Maybe start by reading The New Testament and know that He loves you so much that He will die for you! The Bible is stories about a Man that is SO GREAT but rejected by the RELIGIOUS people because He threatened their way of life. And dont be religious either, its not cool because Christ was down to earth and He didnt even get along with the religious people and He said dont be like the Pharisees! Christ is cool! He loves all of Us so much that He is RISEN from the dead and is praying and making intercession for us! If you dont think God loves you than believe Christ does because He does. One day the world will see how much compassion Christ has and His empathy and kindness and His love for Gods children! God made all of us and He knew us before we were born and has great plans for our lives. Christ is COOL and He is NOT religious and doesnt condemn people that are not perfect because no one but God is perfect. All you have to do is let God guide you and be on your best behavior, and take it one day at a time. Try and always to the right thing because its for your good but everyone sins from time to time.

To be honest with you Dr Kynes, I dont even know why God would pick Me. I have tons of flaws and I make mistakes every single day. I'm very shy and I dont know everything, I learn every day. Plus I'm crazy and I have delusions and I'm very grandiose. I'm not the best at anything and I dont think I ever will be. But its written "God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise". So dont think your not good enough BECAUSE NO PERSON IS! But if everyone does the best with what they know than thats all God can ask for!

I was an agnostic before I became "born again". It was in ~2007 when I first saw the movie Zeitgeist and right after I saw the movie I said "I dont believe in Jesus" and I thought The Bible was probably just BS (but I never read The Bible at this time). So I lost My faith in Jesus and I became a conspiracy theorist that wanted to destroy the government and prove to the Christians that Jesus was a FAKE! I kept on learning more conspiracy theories and I hated the "sheeple" people for not standing up to the government. I thought, why dont the Christians do anything about the rogue government? I was on a mission and I didnt care if I died from telling THE TRUTH because I didnt believe in Jesus anyways and I was lied to about Jesus all my life! I didnt consider Myself an atheist because I believed God had to create everything, but Jesus to me was just a BIG FAT LIE! I just wanted to tear everything apart back than because Jesus was a lie and I prayed to a person that never existed and wasnt coming back! So I felt how you might feel at times. I thought everyone was brainwashed and stupid for letting the government rape them! Than I found out about My Name (the OMG thing) and I still wanted to die because why would God do that to Me? Now I feel like the biggest loser but at least I know God is working "behind the scenes" for ALL OF US! I have faith and that keeps Me together.

I dont talk about these things in person because most people dont want to hear. And plus its very weird to tell someone in person "I believe I'm Christ". I tried to tell people before (in person) and I've been sent to 8 mental hospitals because of My BIG MOUTH! 2 of the hospitals I went on My own, but the other 6 hospitals I was escorted by THE POLICE! I'm just going to continue to pray and let God do most of the work. God wants to answer your prayers BUT He knows whats best and He has better plans for us. But praying cant hurt. Like I said in that thread I linked,,,, PRAY AND TELL.... PRAY AND TELL.... PRAY AND TELL.... PRAY AND TELL.... PRAY AND TELL..... If the people on RIU got together and STARTED THE ONLINE GOVERNMENT than there is NO STOPPING us from GLORY! It says in The Bible that we are going to go FROM GLORY TO GLORY TO GLORY! Its not that God doesnt want to do great things for His people, its His people arent praying for the right things. If no one tells them than how will they know better? Pray for the moon and it will be blue and green like the earth. Who wants to take a trip to the moon with 1/6 gravity? It is written "My people perish because of LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!" God has the power but His people dont know!

I'm praying for you guys!


this again????
You're such an inspiration
For the ways that I will
Never, ever choose to be
Oh so many ways for me to show you
How your savior has abandoned you

Fuck your God, your Lord, your Christ
He did this, took all you had and
Left you this way, still you pray, never stray, never
Taste of the fruit, never thought to question "Why?"

It's not like you killed someone
It's not like you drove a hateful spear into his side
Praise the one who left you broken down and paralyzed

He did it all for you...
He did it all for you...

Oh so many ways for me to show you
How your dogma has abandoned you

Pray to your Christ, to your God
Never taste of the fruit, never stray, never break, never
Choke on a lie even though he's the one who
Did this to you, you never thought to question "Why?"

It's not like you killed someone
It's not like you drove a spiteful spear into his side
Talk to Jesus Christ as if he knows the reasons why

He did it all for you...
He did it all for you...
He did it all for you...[video=youtube;DedI0tg-G4E]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DedI0tg-G4E[/video]
These young boys really know what it's like to love Jesus...

I've merged your threads George. It's important to me that you have a voice to speak here if you wish, but keep this topic to one thread. Do not start another thread to talk about being Jesus. That is what this one is for.
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