Induction Lights? The newest (supposedly) technology in Induction Grow Lights


Well-Known Member
Oh believe me hortilux, lumatek etc and so on all lie as well...for instance sunpulse in particular only manipulate the green and yellow portions of the spectrum to change the Kelvin numbers to what would seem to be better for different stages of growth....and we all know that blue and red parts of the spectrum is what is more important and kelvin really does not matter...well we know this but most do not they just go for the hype

Let me reiterate that there are many scenarios in which led or induction may have merit and anyone who wishes to $$$ delve into and use them I am happy eventually something better will come along as when hid invaded and took over the grow scene from fluorescent tubes

Been in this game a long time and have witnessed many claims about better cooler safer less power and read all the junk science but upon implementation the results do not back up the junk science pure poppycock bullshit that I have not witnessed occur ever... such as the LED claims that a 240 watt panel will outgrow a 1000 watt hid...

So I am watching and waiting...and IMO mh plasma will get there soon and hopefully leds as well and outperform hid...but until I witness this occur as the norm in actual growing by a large enough following, I pretty much disregard the claims until I see the results to back it up

There are two trends I have noticed in manufacturers that cause me to doubt them...lotsa "scientific words" to bamboozle your minds and outrageous pricing...when those two are present then my "bullshit" detector fires alarm

Another area of lighting that is just as corrupt is uvb many lies there abound from no uvb to uvc emissions as well as the horti groups claims that their bulb emits uv or leds saying they include uv...bogus

uv leds priices make it impossible
I think it's time everyone stopped repeating the same old garbage spewed by dubious LED manufacturers in the beginning of "LED mania", the only manufacturers who actually have that sort of claim in their advertising are dodgy ebay sellers and frankly everyone knows it's BS.

""such as the LED claims that a 240 watt panel will outgrow a 1000 watt hid..."" you are using this ridiculous statement made by a small minority to tarnish an entire industry and you know it.

There is more than enough proof out there beyond RIU that shows LED's work, I personally achieve 1-1.15gpw consistently and have done so for some time now with area51 lights. That's 36oz+ per 8 weeks...

You don't know what you are talking about. The world changes everyday my friend...


Well-Known Member
Careful, Newworld; if you don't grow plants that have one giant cola, according to KH, your plants are puny and incomparable to HID :p


Well-Known Member
here we go again......
We don't have to, just stop using semantics to prop up your opinions. You are most entitled to them but they have no basis in fact. I use new technology solely so I am in a position to talk brazenly about it. You aren't!

We'll leave it at that!


Well-Known Member
Careful, Newworld; if you don't grow plants that have one giant cola, according to KH, your plants are puny and incomparable to HID :p
It's easier to grow a single cola than growing thumb sized cured nugs that would normally have been popcorn or in the hash pile.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
We don't have to, just stop using semantics to prop up your opinions. You are most entitled to them but they have no basis in fact. I use new technology solely so I am in a position to talk brazenly about it. You aren't!

We'll leave it at that!
whatever...go have fun dude


Well-Known Member
I'm speechless. Representative...WTF does an HPS spectral graph have to do with your lamp? It's kinda like showing you a picture of a Mercedes S Class and selling you a VW as it's representative of a German car with 4 wheels. Is there a rabbit hole around here I slipped and fell into?

All this on an iGROW forum and this is their response. Color me done with these guys.

Hey Gordo you do have a pair hanging there, I'll give you that, but based on your last email to Cary I don't think you've improved your position on getting a free light any time soon.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
We don't have to, just stop using semantics to prop up your opinions. You are most entitled to them but they have no basis in fact. I use new technology solely so I am in a position to talk brazenly about it. You aren't!

We'll leave it at that!
your mouth says lots but it does not prove jack shit except ...well you already know


Well-Known Member
your mouth says lots but it does not prove jack shit except ...well you already know
Took you a while to respond, did I rattle you?? Were you looking in the mirror when you wrote this?? Let me or it didn't happen. I've put my work up on here many times before, yet I don't see your LED work or even induction, so what can you talk about when you have no experience? Am I to assume you categorize watching a few you tube videos or checking a few threads as experience??

Who's the joke buddy??

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Took you a while to respond, did I rattle you?? Were you looking in the mirror when you wrote this?? Let me or it didn't happen. I've put my work up on here many times before, yet I don't see your LED work or even induction, so what can you talk about when you have no experience? Am I to assume you categorize watching a few you tube videos or checking a few threads as experience??

Who's the joke buddy??
you're the know cant grow worth a fuck so you ran away from riu to your spanish us a favor and stay there

as this attests to your lack of knowledge

all your FAILED work is what you're pandering...


Well-Known Member
I just try to use as much led or induction or cfl as I can hell I`ll use hps if I have to I mean a 600w hps with a hood is £70 with a bulb there`s no way I can get leds that cheap and sometimes there`s a risk of losing your gear

So yeah hps has its uses but I`d rather run 600w of led or led and induction and or cfl instead of 600w of HID if I can I mean come on is anyone here saying that 600w of hps is better then 600w of good leds ?

On a side note maybe we could talk about some non i-grow brand induction lights ????


Well-Known Member
I just try to use as much led or induction or cfl as I can hell I`ll use hps if I have to I mean a 600w hps with a hood is £70 with a bulb there`s no way I can get leds that cheap and sometimes there`s a risk of losing your gear

So yeah hps has its uses but I`d rather run 600w of led or led and induction and or cfl instead of 600w of HID if I can I mean come on is anyone here saying that 600w of hps is better then 600w of good leds ?

On a side note maybe we could talk about some non i-grow brand induction lights ????
Those companys dont have any paid shills to discuss their lights

Kite High

Well-Known Member
I just try to use as much led or induction or cfl as I can hell I`ll use hps if I have to I mean a 600w hps with a hood is £70 with a bulb there`s no way I can get leds that cheap and sometimes there`s a risk of losing your gear

So yeah hps has its uses but I`d rather run 600w of led or led and induction and or cfl instead of 600w of HID if I can I mean come on is anyone here saying that 600w of hps is better then 600w of good leds ?

On a side note maybe we could talk about some non i-grow brand induction lights ????
That last part sounds good. Please elaborate on Ibeam and Indagro. Pros cons and specifications as well as comparison


Active Member
Nah...You usually have to 'pay in' to i dont see you getting one for nothing. I guess its the hassle of getting a used light back (in some condition) and then what to do with it...that.. and they dont really know who they are a lending a light out too...
Yeah in hindsight I can see how that could become a real nuisance with all of those types of requests. In a way now that I've seen it from this perspective I think I'm going to watch a few more LED and Induction grows ie PSUAGRO, BEEF, SPLIFF etc to see how their gardens turn out. I won't just throw the baby out with the bathwater as a result of what would have been (thanks again for not saying I told you so) a very expensive undertaking that would have been a long term lighting commitment to refining whatever it was I felt I was doing wrong from grow to grow.


Well-Known Member
you're the know cant grow worth a fuck so you ran away from riu to your spanish us a favor and stay there

as this attests to your lack of knowledge

all your FAILED work is what you're pandering...
Gosh you really are grasping at straws aren't you, more hand picked semantics from you, you must just hate someone putting you in your place telling you not to bring up that old chestnut "45W glowpanel out paces 1000W hps" bullshit. My pics in my profile say enough about me, the recent pics drop in mapito thread and dawgs led thread say more than enough........where are your pics to show your ability, I've put up in dawgs thread and the mapito thread, I'm waiting for you to prove that you are more than a mouth trying to still flog that dead horse that is ......" 90W UFO destroys 1000W hps" crap.

You must be perfect because you have never had a failed crop. Loser has feelings hurt by being corrected, but tries valiantly to try and discredit by shifting focus onto others.

PS. Tell me about Spain? sounds riveting!!

Look how incompetent I am....



Tonight I will upload my latest LED pics for you, you can see how incompetent I am, in the meantime feel free to put your money where mouth is, from your profile I see nothing from a nothing!!