Induction Lights? The newest (supposedly) technology in Induction Grow Lights

Points scored for hid as this is the normal placement for them in these applications


And I am pretty confident that this operation knows what the fuck they are doing

If you ever listen to Time4Hemp on American Freedom Radio you'll hear Darryl giving interviews with people many different people involved in cannabis growing and politics. Last week it was an MD out of Oaksterdam University who had a vet with PTSD and a veterans advocate who is pressing congress for reforms that allow vets to get the treatment they so desperately need. VA is in a catch 22 with current federal law but they have an enormous problem on their hands with all the vets committing suicide. That show was excellent and can be heard on the archives @ dated 1-25-13.

My point in telling you this is that the Canadians are much further along with main stream medical granting cannabis greenhouse grows to homeopathically treat a long list of conditions.


Tim Selinkski is a seasoned grower who owns Head Shop Canada and is licensed by the Canadian government to grow weed for his patients in his greenhouses located in Saskatchewan CN, not known for it's year round growing environment. Tim used to use HID but no longer does. He has converted his greenhouses over to the Inda-Gro 420's for the benefits he's seen in strain development, yield and shortened times to harvest which means enormous benefits to his patients. If you check back in the show archives on 2-6-13 you can hear an interview with Darryl and Tim that goes into detail about why he made the switch from HID to Inda-Gro. Tim buys alot of IG lights.

Not to pick on your greenhouse Kite but why are these high wattage HID lights running over that huge area to the left where nothing is growing? Any chance they're a shareholder in the utility and they want to drive their rates up?

Points scored for hid as this is the normal placement for them in these applications

Also that whole row to the right is like 1 foot off of the demising curtain. If this is points scored for normal placement where you just lost 50% of the light up against a curtain than I want a new score keeper. But what do I know, this 'operation surely knows what the fuck they are doing' unlike those of us who, by your inference, have no idea what we're doing but don't worship at the utilities altar either.
20130211_163735.jpgperimeter plants at 39 days and others at 30 days from the time I put the seed in the soil. from 22 inches to 10 inches, respectively. All started under inda-gro 200 and the last 3 days under the 420. for the price of the lights compared to the ibeam light and the size of the chamber I use. I'm satisfied without spending $650 for an ibeam and having to downsize the chamber. Virtually a maintenance free system. btw that basil plant came up 3 days ago and the venus fly trap works great for any insects that may come in from the exterior vent. all organic soil. straight rain water.
I'm having trouble posting pics for some reason but my plants range from 20" tall to 36" tall and are in ten gallon buckets. Somewhere between 30 and 60 days veg. I cram 6 plants under each light and call it good. I usually get at least 1 gram per watt,but now I'm doing a scrog and doing some heavier under cutting now that should boost that number up a lot I think. I never hit 1g per watt with my old 1000w hps. All organic too bro, no gravity or other bud hardners.
Not to mention that I love to go in my rooms and see my plants for what they are,not orange or even worse purple or red. This is just me but I will never use LEDs cause I can't stand all the fucked colors they throw. I think they work well,but honestly I'd rather go back to hps/mh and deal with heat and a fucked power bill than go into a room that is purple or red. But thats me

ahhh fuck. I'd hoped it wasn't this bad. cloning cows. WTF is this country coming to.

I am of the firm belief that the vast majority of the electorate doesn't even know that we have a USDA. They vote because there is a 30 second sound bite of a politician with his sleeves rolled up stumping in front of a grain elevator promising more high paying jobs in THIS COUNTRY! They elect these Manchurian Candidates and go on to miss the news that will impact them, their children and their children's children while they catch every nuance of the latest Dancing with the Stars.
By quality go up do you mean boom in flower growth? Ya we still get that lol, and I personally love walking into my room to see what looks like extraterrestrials trying to steal my dank because they have never seen anything like it lol. As far as the USDA thing chaz that is the tip of the iceberg for gov't run orgs that people do not know full extent of power. Didn't the USDA get a ton more right to regulate shit since that whole meningitis fiasco? They use fear as a tool to manipulate the people, tried not to get off on too much of a tangent, only reason I voted in this past election was to stop my local village from building a 5 million dollar sports complex for a collab between two towns, the pop totals no more than 50,000.... This the last thing this school district needs to do, what they need to do is build a school not in a flood plain/ low point of the town next to a river that floods its banks in spring.... RETARDS, they closed my school atleast once a year because water would hit the front doors lol. but by all means build that sports arena...Since I had to vote for that I ended up voting for obama because Romney was not good enough at lieing...
If you ever listen to Time4Hemp on American Freedom Radio you'll hear Darryl giving interviews with people many different people involved in cannabis growing and politics. Last week it was an MD out of Oaksterdam University who had a vet with PTSD and a veterans advocate who is pressing congress for reforms that allow vets to get the treatment they so desperately need. VA is in a catch 22 with current federal law but they have an enormous problem on their hands with all the vets committing suicide. That show was excellent and can be heard on the archives @ dated 1-25-13.

My point in telling you this is that the Canadians are much further along with main stream medical granting cannabis greenhouse grows to homeopathically treat a long list of conditions.

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Tim Selinkski is a seasoned grower who owns Head Shop Canada and is licensed by the Canadian government to grow weed for his patients in his greenhouses located in Saskatchewan CN, not known for it's year round growing environment. Tim used to use HID but no longer does. He has converted his greenhouses over to the Inda-Gro 420's for the benefits he's seen in strain development, yield and shortened times to harvest which means enormous benefits to his patients. If you check back in the show archives on 2-6-13 you can hear an interview with Darryl and Tim that goes into detail about why he made the switch from HID to Inda-Gro. Tim buys alot of IG lights.

Not to pick on your greenhouse Kite but why are these high wattage HID lights running over that huge area to the left where nothing is growing? Any chance they're a shareholder in the utility and they want to drive their rates up?

Also that whole row to the right is like 1 foot off of the demising curtain. If this is points scored for normal placement where you just lost 50% of the light up against a curtain than I want a new score keeper. But what do I know, this 'operation surely knows what the fuck they are doing' unlike those of us who, by your inference, have no idea what we're doing but don't worship at the utilities altar either.
As to the placement I am sure it is also for their vision as well...IOW lighting the whole area evenly so they can also see what they are doing no matter where they are...and dont hate on those that can afford utilities...for if you cannot it means your business model is not well designed...

Sorry but I see no improvement in any area compared to what I am doing...and it costs me a whopping $120/mo for my climate room... 1200 watts hid, 432 watts t5, 140 mh uvb minisplit and dehumid... really actually completely sealed insulated...a 20# co2 tank lasts average 50 days.... I see no way that this tech would help MY setup my outcome would suffer from the switch...not to mention the awkwardness of the humongous heavy tanks...I mean you also have heat from the ballast in there as setup does not..even my T5's and MH uvb lamps ballasts are outside of the grow area

And lets be realistic...sure the lamp glass does not get as hot but it HAS to create more heat in total due to the lower light per watt emission...In electronics whatever is not converted becomes way around it...and I know you know this

I never intended to infer that you do not know what you are doing...I just dont see it as beneficial nor practical

That is not my greenhouse is horti lab under license to GW Pharmaceuticals for their sativex hash oil pills
What I ment is more sugar/frost/trichs you know. All of my strains look better grown under my 420s than hps. Not sure what you ment by boom in flower growth. Like bigger buds? If so,no,my hps buds were bigger but not as frosty. Quantity is not king in my house. And for what little I gave up in in flower size should be made up by scrogin instead of growing bushes. Then add a pontoon,oh the possibilities....
Not to mention that I love to go in my rooms and see my plants for what they are,not orange or even worse purple or red. This is just me but I will never use LEDs cause I can't stand all the fucked colors they throw. I think they work well,but honestly I'd rather go back to hpcs/mh and deal with heat and a fucked power bill than go into a room that is purple or red. But thats me
I run CMH

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Pretty white light containing lotsa red and blue...I too see what my plants really look like​
By quality go up do you mean boom in flower growth? Ya we still get that lol, and I personally love walking into my room to see what looks like extraterrestrials trying to steal my dank because they have never seen anything like it lol. As far as the USDA thing chaz that is the tip of the iceberg for gov't run orgs that people do not know full extent of power. Didn't the USDA get a ton more right to regulate shit since that whole meningitis fiasco? They use fear as a tool to manipulate the people, tried not to get off on too much of a tangent, only reason I voted in this past election was to stop my local village from building a 5 million dollar sports complex for a collab between two towns, the pop totals no more than 50,000.... This the last thing this school district needs to do, what they need to do is build a school not in a flood plain/ low point of the town next to a river that floods its banks in spring.... RETARDS, they closed my school atleast once a year because water would hit the front doors lol. but by all means build that sports arena...Since I had to vote for that I ended up voting for obama because Romney was not good enough at lieing...
Being a libertarian I was double blessed by being able to also vote for the ONLY pro marijuana candidate...Gary Johnson
I'm having trouble posting pics for some reason but my plants range from 20" tall to 36" tall and are in ten gallon buckets. Somewhere between 30 and 60 days veg. I cram 6 plants under each light and call it good. I usually get at least 1 gram per watt,but now I'm doing a scrog and doing some heavier under cutting now that should boost that number up a lot I think. I never hit 1g per watt with my old 1000w hps. All organic too bro, no gravity or other bud hardners.
gram per watt is ridiculous in the first place as it doesn't indicate a thing except one knows a little math...such as time, other elements of the grow etc. I do not ever use high P foods much less any of the other snake oils bullshit they peddle
hey kite any issues running those retro whites and remote ballasts? I think that the all starts/energy advantage aren't as finicky with an extended lamp cord.......
View attachment 2520901perimeter plants at 39 days and others at 30 days from the time I put the seed in the soil. from 22 inches to 10 inches, respectively. All started under inda-gro 200 and the last 3 days under the 420. for the price of the lights compared to the ibeam light and the size of the chamber I use. I'm satisfied without spending $650 for an ibeam and having to downsize the chamber. Virtually a maintenance free system. btw that basil plant came up 3 days ago and the venus fly trap works great for any insects that may come in from the exterior vent. all organic soil. straight rain water.
What caught my eye on the ibeam was the great reduction in weight over the indagro...and please do not anyone misinterpret me here...I am not knocking your choice for your grow...I just do not see how it would help anything in mine...
hey kite any issues running those retro whites and remote ballasts? I think that the all starts/energy advantage aren't as finicky with an extended lamp cord.......
I have 15 foot cords and not a single problem...I even have a cheapy htg in my theater rom closet for testing strains and selfing / crossing with a 10 foot cord and never a hitch
I have them all tied down to keep an even canopy. I find keeping a low even canopy with the I Beams works real well, since I am able to keep the lights so close. Im no expert. I am just learning, and alot of that is just by trial and error. There arent alot of people running these lights, so not alot of people to bounce things off of.