Well-Known Member
Points scored for hid as this is the normal placement for them in these applications
And I am pretty confident that this operation knows what the fuck they are doing
If you ever listen to Time4Hemp on American Freedom Radio you'll hear Darryl giving interviews with people many different people involved in cannabis growing and politics. Last week it was an MD out of Oaksterdam University who had a vet with PTSD and a veterans advocate who is pressing congress for reforms that allow vets to get the treatment they so desperately need. VA is in a catch 22 with current federal law but they have an enormous problem on their hands with all the vets committing suicide. That show was excellent and can be heard on the archives @ dated 1-25-13.
My point in telling you this is that the Canadians are much further along with main stream medical granting cannabis greenhouse grows to homeopathically treat a long list of conditions.

Tim Selinkski is a seasoned grower who owns Head Shop Canada and is licensed by the Canadian government to grow weed for his patients in his greenhouses located in Saskatchewan CN, not known for it's year round growing environment. Tim used to use HID but no longer does. He has converted his greenhouses over to the Inda-Gro 420's for the benefits he's seen in strain development, yield and shortened times to harvest which means enormous benefits to his patients. If you check back in the show archives on 2-6-13 you can hear an interview with Darryl and Tim that goes into detail about why he made the switch from HID to Inda-Gro. Tim buys alot of IG lights.
Not to pick on your greenhouse Kite but why are these high wattage HID lights running over that huge area to the left where nothing is growing? Any chance they're a shareholder in the utility and they want to drive their rates up?
Points scored for hid as this is the normal placement for them in these applications
Also that whole row to the right is like 1 foot off of the demising curtain. If this is points scored for normal placement where you just lost 50% of the light up against a curtain than I want a new score keeper. But what do I know, this 'operation surely knows what the fuck they are doing' unlike those of us who, by your inference, have no idea what we're doing but don't worship at the utilities altar either.