More specific the media will ignore it because it's in their better interest to do so.
This. Not only do these events affect the LAPD, but it also is telling about the government, which controls the media. It is very telling about how out of control our local, state and national govts have become.
That is why you tell everyone who has any interest the truth of the situation. My family doesnt follow politics but I explained to them every detail of the situation, not only so that they will be educated about it, but so they can spread that knowledge to their friends and acquaintances.
Knowledge is power. If only 50% of our population had > 50 IQ, we could use this knowledge to comprehend and act upon our out of control government.
Just imagine if we allowed a State of the Union Address made by the innocent ladies who were shot at by the LAPD, and the whole nation took notice.
I can see the argument now:
We are being stripped of our guns as a result of irresponsible and mentally ill individuals using them to commit heinous crimes against innocents. However, when the police, more specifically the LAPD, commit these same crimes, they are viewed as accidental. That the "gun" had nothing to do with the amount of destruction the police just accomplished upon us innocent civilians. But no, a gun ban for police will never take place, because they need them for protection from civilians shooting at them. What about the police shooting at us? Are we less valuable than a uniformed individual? Should our rights and liberties be held to lower standards than our "faithful" armed enforcers? What form of protection should we use in the event of the police using "assault weapons" against us "accidentally"? A knife? A bat?
Lol... Obama and the rest of the individuals advocating legislation towards gun bans would be verbally ass raped into oblivion.