New Vermicomposter

Well I'll try and take some pics in the next day or so. Boy did I ever underestimate the voracity of these little guys. Since the worms arrived I have EASILY produced 15 lbs of castings. I'm within a couple of days of a third bin switch, so will take pics then. Worm farming is dreadfully easy. If you want premium fertilizer this seems to definitely be the way. Now for some worm humour.

I have to say, I'm really, really enjoying your sharing of your experiences here. As I've said all along, when more people read about simple this is, the more will be encouraged to do this.

Thanks for encouraging others.
I work it out like this. The worms arrived pregnant, (That's the only explanation I have for the sudden spike in worm population) I've produced 15lbs of premium fertilizer that would have cost me $2.00 a pound plus shipping if I'd purchased it. The worm farm should be darned near perpetual with only soil amendments and perlite being actual ongoing costs. Everything else that goes in is literally garbage. I'm recycling waste from three households in the worm bin. So Three reduced carbon footprints, ALL my cannabis waste goes back into the bin for recycling, All my paper waste (bills invoices and junk mail etc) gets shredded and goes into the bin. LEO has access to literally none of my info should they toss my trash because it's feeding my worms.

So my breakdown is as follows. (assuming the composter provides 5 lbs a week (I'm thinking it'll level off but as the worms increase in volume their capacity will also climb so I could be wrong))

I gain a ton of peace of mind (even though I'm a legal grower)
I gain $10.00 a week in fertilizer or $520.00 a year
My plants will be stronger, bigger and more pest and disease resistant because they'll be healthier.

That's the basic run down, on a less than $100.00 investment? It's a no brainer to me.

That's without selling worms or castings say for bait etc.
Ok guys, so i really want to do this. Im trying to figure out whats the best design for me. I kind of want one a little bigger than those totes, as i have a pretty big outdoor garden that could use some as well.

...trying to find a video or pics of wood made ones, and figure how they differ from the tote made ones. Rrog, whats your geo pot one like? Can you do multiple layers that way?
I just use the 1 layer, and I have 2 of the 30 gallon Geopots. The second one is not going yet, as I am still building pile #1. The extreme aeration allows the worms to go deeper than a solid sided container. The 30 Pot is $15... nice...

Now that you're hooked, let's get this thing going. What else are you wondering about or needing to know?
remember it needs to be a manageable size as well. I'll likely be adding another tray to mine, that will take it to a 30 gallon capacity, If castings are a third of your garden by volume you still probably need a lot less than you think. They make deeper totes, I think for a larger sized garden I'd just go with deeper bins, or maybe once one the size I've built is rocking maybe build a second. That said whatever you decide feel free to post pics and stuff right here. I'm eager to see what you come up with.
I need to get on this! My buddy bought a vermicomposter and the thing barely takes up any room maybe a 2' x 2' square in the corner.....
Exactly! And it can go in any unused part of the house. Mine's in the basement. Just needs to stay a bit warm.

So what can we do to get you over the starting line here?
Exactly! And it can go in any unused part of the house. Mine's in the basement. Just needs to stay a bit warm.

So what can we do to get you over the starting line here?

Every day I I get closer and closer...I'm getting one for sure I'm just trying to catch up with you guys and all your useful information it's a lot to absorb and understand but once you understand it all you start to realize how much money one spends buying bottled nutes from the hydro store..I used to be a HOuse and Garden nutrients guy and dont get me wrong I liked the stuff but I dont even want to get into how much I spent buying all those fancy bottles not to mention their Roots Excelurator and Amino Acid ( shiny metal bottles)
The nearest person to me offering LIVING vermicompost is Cathy from Cathy's crawly composters (my initial supplier). She's over 2 hours away from me. If I continue to have success with these little miracles I'll be selling castings and worms locally. There's zero reason not to do this, even if you don't grow, or you're 100% chemical hydroponic farmer they still compost your cardboard, bills, and other paperwork. Even small scale they pay for themselves basically instantly.