I work it out like this. The worms arrived pregnant, (That's the only explanation I have for the sudden spike in worm population) I've produced 15lbs of premium fertilizer that would have cost me $2.00 a pound plus shipping if I'd purchased it. The worm farm should be darned near perpetual with only soil amendments and perlite being actual ongoing costs. Everything else that goes in is literally garbage. I'm recycling waste from three households in the worm bin. So Three reduced carbon footprints, ALL my cannabis waste goes back into the bin for recycling, All my paper waste (bills invoices and junk mail etc) gets shredded and goes into the bin. LEO has access to literally none of my info should they toss my trash because it's feeding my worms.
So my breakdown is as follows. (assuming the composter provides 5 lbs a week (I'm thinking it'll level off but as the worms increase in volume their capacity will also climb so I could be wrong))
I gain a ton of peace of mind (even though I'm a legal grower)
I gain $10.00 a week in fertilizer or $520.00 a year
My plants will be stronger, bigger and more pest and disease resistant because they'll be healthier.
That's the basic run down, on a less than $100.00 investment? It's a no brainer to me.
That's without selling worms or castings say for bait etc.