Trichy Bastard
Well-Known Member
Could you explain the difference between the red cloudtops and the bios nozzles? I wonder what makes them produce different types of root growth? I am not looking at plastic nozzles but it is still useful info for sure, thanks.
The biocontrol nozzles are impingement style- as in they have a larger orifice less prone to clogging, but stream a short distance to impale itself on a "impingement pin" that causes the water to fan out and break up. They have the correct droplet size (actually a bit bigger than cloudtops) and they afford much better coverage and throw of mist so you can use less nozzles yet achieve good coverage while keeping your gpm down. The spray pattern also tends to coax the roots downward as opposed to floating uptop and this causes the roots to not ball-up high and choke themselves off from the spray inside the middle of the rootball like the other nozzles are notorious for doing. tree farmer has tried many many nozzles, and still swears by them as basically being his nozzle of choice at any price- and if your familiar with his results you'll know we're all just basically trying to follow his lead as a starting point for "amazing".

Don't discount them just because they're plastic- the best nozzles are the best nozzles, and have a feeling you're just trying to have the "best" right? Bete makes rather similar ss ones for 40$ a piece, but tf claims the bios still performed better for him if I remember correctly...