Thank you Mr Paul and screw you lindsay grahm and john mccain

believing in individual property rights equals racist.

no, maintaining that a supposedly public accommodation be allowed to blanket discriminate against people of color is racist, and that is exactly what randy pawl defends.

title II, mother fucker. are you against title II as well?
Private businesses are now public accommodations?

how is a hotel with a huge sign advertising its prices to drivers on the highway private? that falls under the umbrella of public accommodation.

private refers to something like a country club.

are you really that dumb, or are you just playing dumb? which is it?
no, maintaining that a supposedly public accommodation be allowed to blanket discriminate against people of color is racist, and that is exactly what randy pawl defends.

title II, mother fucker. are you against title II as well?

This is what you fail to realize. Racism still exists, you can not legislate against stupid. What happens when you force someone to serve me when they don't want to is I get spit in my food without my knowledge. Why on earth would anyone want to be where they are not welcome?

I'd rather know up front who wants my business or not and not go where I'm not wanted. I respect your right to be an ignorant racist as long as it doesn't affect me. I can go to a restaurant that wants my business and avoid those that don't. You made it impossible for me to know who and where to avoid.

Without anti-discrimination laws Chick-fila might have banned gays. If they had done that they would not be in business today for obvious reasons. They either would have changed their policy to keep business or they would have been boycotted into bankruptsy. I think that's much more effective than making laws to control behavior. It also respects property rights which social laws do not do.

People segregate themselves by choice, you can't legislate that away. If you don't understand why, may I recommend any freshman level sociology book?
how is a hotel with a huge sign advertising its prices to drivers on the highway private? that falls under the umbrella of public accommodation.

private refers to something like a country club.

are you really that dumb, or are you just playing dumb? which is it?

Private refers to private ownership, public refers to public ownership. It really is that simple.
This is what you fail to realize. Racism still exists, you can not legislate against stupid.

but we did, and it worked.*

What happens when you force someone to serve me when they don't want to is I get spit in my food without my knowledge. Why on earth would anyone want to be where they are not welcome?

are you just playing dumb too?

people need to put fuel in their cars. people need a place to rest their heads. people need a place to grab a bite to eat, and should not have to expect that the food be spat upon just because of the color of their skin.

I'd rather know up front who wants my business or not and not go where I'm not wanted. I respect your right to be an ignorant racist as long as it doesn't affect me.

but it did affect many. why do you think the green book for negro travelers even existed?

I can go to a restaurant that wants my business and avoid those that don't. You made it impossible for me to know who and where to avoid.

i'm sure black people just wanted to know which places to avoid rather than not be discriminated against for the sin of being born a certain color, eh?


Without anti-discrimination laws Chick-fila might have banned gays. If they had done that they would not be in business today for obvious reasons. They either would have changed their policy to keep business or they would have been boycotted into bankruptsy. I think that's much more effective than making laws to control behavior.

then you are ignoring history.

many businesses did just fine with "no negroes welcome" signs on the door. boycotts did not end that, the civil rights act did.

People segregate themselves by choice, you can't legislate that away. If you don't understand why, may I recommend any freshman level sociology book?

your retarded arguments aside, you still never answered the question. do you oppose title II of the civil rights act?
Private refers to private ownership, public refers to public ownership. It really is that simple.

no, it is not.

private refers to things like country clubs, public accommodations refers to privately owned businesses that claim to be open to the general public.

need a fucking history lesson there, sistah?
how is a hotel with a huge sign advertising its prices to drivers on the highway private? that falls under the umbrella of public accommodation.

private refers to something like a country club.

are you really that dumb, or are you just playing dumb? which is it?
I see the black student association was doing a membership drive when I attended University, posters and people handing out pamphlets. Guess who couldn't join? Perhaps the Gay Softball association should be forced to accept heteros? I guess there must not be freedom of association in the USA eh? The civil rights act was made BY GOVERNMENT to undermine and nullify GOVERNMENT JIM CROW LAWS.

Public restrooms were run by government back then, as were the drinking fountains, who do you think made the rules that blacks had to use separate facilities? Ole racist Joe down the road?

It's their right to be racist, but most likely any business that relies on the public patronage to make a profit and tried to discriminate would go belly up quite quickly. After a short time you have racists who will gladly do business with anyone. After all, there are 5 things that drives men to do what is necessary.. M-o-n-e-y.
I see the black student association was doing a membership drive when I attended University, posters and people handing out pamphlets. Guess who couldn't join? Perhaps the Gay Softball association should be forced to accept heteros? I guess there must not be freedom of association in the USA eh? The civil rights act was made BY GOVERNMENT to undermine and nullify GOVERNMENT JIM CROW LAWS.

Public restrooms were run by government back then, as were the drinking fountains, who do you think made the rules that blacks had to use separate facilities? Ole racist Joe down the road?

It's their right to be racist, but most likely any business that relies on the public patronage to make a profit and tried to discriminate would go belly up quite quickly. After a short time you have racists who will gladly do business with anyone. After all, there are 5 things that drives men to do what is necessary.. M-o-n-e-y.

first of all, there were plenty of businesses that discriminated and denied service. they did just fine. so throw that out the window as your fantasy. the free market doesn't really care about racists, history tells us so.

so keep your "free market will fix it!" fantasies in your pants.

secondly, you are correct. the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT had to correct the wrongs of racist STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. your omission gives away your dishonesty.

we all know you advocate for more localized control anyway.

just like you advocate for free market solutions while taking government intervention farmer welfare. hypocrite.
but we did, and it worked.*

are you just playing dumb too?

people need to put fuel in their cars. people need a place to rest their heads. people need a place to grab a bite to eat, and should not have to expect that the food be spat upon just because of the color of their skin.

but it did affect many. why do you think the green book for negro travelers even existed?

i'm sure black people just wanted to know which places to avoid rather than not be discriminated against for the sin of being born a certain color, eh?


then you are ignoring history.

many businesses did just fine with "no negroes welcome" signs on the door. boycotts did not end that, the civil rights act did.

your retarded arguments aside, you still never answered the question. do you oppose title II of the civil rights act?

title II is for government owned isn't it? That should go without saying.

You act like the government saved us from racism when it was the efforts of people like Rosa Parks and Dr. King that changed the awareness of the country. Fuck you for taking their credit and giving it to the government. The same government that made slavery legal and Jim Crow laws the law of the land.

I can claim (won't, but can) that without anti-discrimination laws we would be way ahead in our evolution against discrimination. The country would be less racist without race baiting laws. Telling somebody they CAN'T do something makes them want to do it that much more. Did making pot illegal keep you from smoking it?

The government created the problem, yet you want to give them credit for fixing it. When was equal rights enacted, when were the race riots? Shouldn't the new laws have prevented this if you were actually right about something?
title II is for government owned isn't it? That should go without saying.

OMFG. fail.

You act like the government saved us from racism when it was the efforts of people like Rosa Parks and Dr. King that changed the awareness of the country. Fuck you for taking their credit and giving it to the government. The same government that made slavery legal and Jim Crow laws the law of the land.

more fail.

king wanted the federal government to help end the abuses of state and local governments in the south.*

it wasn't "the same government", it was the feds versus state and local governments. learn your fucking history before opening up your cock sucking hole.

I can claim (won't, but can) that without anti-discrimination laws we would be way ahead in our evolution against discrimination. The country would be less racist without race baiting laws. Telling somebody they CAN'T do something makes them want to do it that much more. Did making pot illegal keep you from smoking it?

you won't make that argument because it's retarded.

the green book for negro travelers stopped being published the very year civil rights was passed into law. you can't claim it would have vanished any quicker than that.

and yes, i would have tried pot earlier in my life had it not been illegal.
You have any evidence of this? Prove this specious claim please.

this proves definitively that many businesses disallowed blacks or discriminated for them but stayed open for business with no problems. this book would not have existed otherwise.

Damn Buck, you are still stuck in past aren't you? We used think you were less intelligent if you were born in Poland too. The majority of people now know this isn't true and we didn't even need legislation to get there.

Believe it or not, there are still people who think like this. I've seen it on this forum where people born in a certain region are given characteristics just because they were born on this plot of land instead of that plot of land. That's just stupid isn't it. What laws can we pass to end this stupidity?
Damn Buck, you are still stuck in past aren't you? We used think you were less intelligent if you were born in Poland too. The majority of people now know this isn't true and we didn't even need legislation to get there.

Believe it or not, there are still people who think like this. I've seen it on this forum where people born in a certain region are given characteristics just because they were born on this plot of land instead of that plot of land. That's just stupid isn't it. What laws can we pass to end this stupidity?

without having examined the issue in depth, i can still suggest laws mandating higher achievement for those poor, mentally handicapped southerners. better math skills, reading "compensation", etc.

it's not my fault the empirical evidence aligns so nicely with the nation's preconceived notions, see my sig.
this proves definitively that many businesses disallowed blacks or discriminated for them but stayed open for business with no problems. this book would not have existed otherwise.


Actually that proves NOTHING since it is a list of establishments that WILL do business with black people, it isn't a list of the only businesses, just the ones Mr Green knew of. Just because a business was not listed in the book does not mean it was a racist's business.

Going to have to do much better trying to pull the wool over my eyes there bucky beaver.
without having examined the issue in depth, i can still suggest laws mandating higher achievement for those poor, mentally handicapped southerners. better math skills, reading "compensation", etc.

it's not my fault the empirical evidence aligns so nicely with the nation's preconceived notions, see my sig.

How do southerners test compared to blacks? Because when blacks do poor on standardized tests you claim it's because of the tests, why can't southern states claim standardized tests are geared more toward northern culture? Why is the argument different?

Oh I forgot, you think "the negro" can't do as well but it's not their fault. Southeners CAN do as well, they just have shitty education. Do southern blacks need more help than southern whites?

Edit: oh, wtf with mandating achievement? I almost missed that. I'm laughing at you man, not with you.