the tyrannical government

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
the government has been acting tyrannical for some time now. when do you think there will be a stand up to it? most mainstream americans do not know that the government is tyrannical because they are to caught up in their own lives but this is probably the most important thing to keep track of. the government is doing so many things that it is not allowed to do but really no one truly knows. Will people stand up to the government or will everyone realize were introuble after it is to late?


Ursus marijanus
the government has been acting tyrannical for some time now. when do you think there will be a stand up to it? most mainstream americans do not know that the government is tyrannical because they are to caught up in their own lives but this is probably the most important thing to keep track of. the government is doing so many things that it is not allowed to do but really no one truly knows. Will people stand up to the government or will everyone realize were introuble after it is to late?
Not to harsh your groove, but can you give me examples of tyranny? That is a very strong word. I think of words like slavery. They get slung around rather freely as metaphors, blurring the meaning of the term. I am curious to know what you see as actually, non-metaphorically tyrannical in the US today. cn


Well-Known Member
what is it with all this unfounded tyranny talk lately? is this a new right wing talking point campaign? you guys got nothing on every important issue of the day, so we start throwing around a tyranny discussion?



Well-Known Member
Are we already over to T in the new age dictionary? Or did they start in the back of the book?

I hope no one within the look of my photonic typescript will have to know what actual tyranny is.


Well-Known Member
the government has been acting tyrannical for some time now. when do you think there will be a stand up to it? most mainstream americans do not know that the government is tyrannical because they are to caught up in their own lives but this is probably the most important thing to keep track of. the government is doing so many things that it is not allowed to do but really no one truly knows. Will people stand up to the government or will everyone realize were introuble after it is to late?
So, WE don't tyrannticize WE. That's why WE see that the under informed may think that, but we don't care. Join WE. No tyranny over here.


Well-Known Member
Not to harsh your groove, but can you give me examples of tyranny? That is a very strong word. I think of words like slavery. They get slung around rather freely as metaphors, blurring the meaning of the term. I am curious to know what you see as actually, non-metaphorically tyrannical in the US today. cn
They took away my poker... AND seized my funds. I'm still pissed about that one.

I think the Patriot act pushes the boundaries of being just a metaphor. I absolutely agree with what you say though. I got really tired of "going to war" during elections or football games.


Well-Known Member
I'm usually on the pro-gun side of the argument, but who took whose guns, how many, when? cn
The government is trying to take our 2nd amendment away by staging shootings like sandy hook and the batman theater shooting. They are trying to sway the public into banning guns.


Well-Known Member
what is it with all this unfounded tyranny talk lately? is this a new right wing talking point campaign? you guys got nothing on every important issue of the day, so we start throwing around a tyranny discussion?

Why are you on RUI, to make fun of people? Do you even grow? I have honestly never seen you post anything that doesn't put someone else down.


New Member
what is it with all this unfounded tyranny talk lately? is this a new right wing talking point campaign? you guys got nothing on every important issue of the day, so we start throwing around a tyranny discussion?

If you can't see your country has been in steep decline for decades now youre delusional.

You no longer stand for freedom, liberty and justice or the rule of law and have become an international joke.

Americans need to start seeing the country they live in for what it is...


Well-Known Member
The government is trying to take our 2nd amendment away by staging shootings like sandy hook and the batman theater shooting. They are trying to sway the public into banning guns.

Why are you on RUI, to make fun of people? Do you even grow? I have honestly never seen you post anything that doesn't put someone else down.

i know that, interesting topic, people dont like to talk about it,just watch this,

they took our guns and jobs and make drugs illegal. but whhhhy?
(best one)



Ursus marijanus
If you can't see your country has been in steep decline for decades now youre delusional.

You no longer stand for freedom, liberty and justice or the rule of law and have become an international joke.

Americans need to start seeing the country they live in for what it is...
Compared to the heyday of the '60s and '70s, i agree that the USA are in decline. I am not ready to endorse the adjective (steep) without good backup for the premise from a reliably moderate source. No Infowars or naturalnews please. cn


Well-Known Member
Join WE. No tyranny over here.
so it isn't tyranny as long as you are part of the we? as long as the we maintains a majority there can be no tyranny? so if i choose not to be part of the we, it's my own damn fault? it's funny, but i seem to recall a small piece of paper that limited what the government could do - even if it is backed by a majority of the people. when a government, even under a mandate by the majority, imposes unjustifiable demands upon a segment of the population, this is a tyranny.


New Member
Compared to the heyday of the '60s and '70s, i agree that the USA are in decline. I am not ready to endorse the adjective (steep) without good backup for the premise from a reliably moderate source. No Infowars or naturalnews please. cn
When have I linked to AJ?


New Member
Compared to the heyday of the '60s and '70s, i agree that the USA are in decline. I am not ready to endorse the adjective (steep) without good backup for the premise from a reliably moderate source. No Infowars or naturalnews please. cn
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