Ursus marijanus
Damn! That's a great idea, I'm gonna try that the next time!
Yell "itch!" over and over ... oh second grade, I remember thee ... cn
Damn! That's a great idea, I'm gonna try that the next time!
Totally normal. Your son is a boy.I have two. They've both been through this phase. As a matter of fact, my oldest son will be 13 next year, and I have a feeling we'll go through the penis obsession phase again somewhere around there.
I'm starting to get a little bit worried about my seven year old son. He won't stop obsessing about his penis. It's the punch line of every joke, he draws pictures of it, he calls me to come see what he can do with it when he's in the bath, he even tells me how sad he is for me that I don't have one...should I have him looked at, is this normal?
Oh. He um. He's 7 lol. He may not know you stick it in a vagina, but he knows...a lot about it lol. Not everything! Don't panic! He has *probably* experimented with masturbation. He has almost certainly not *ahem* "finished" masturbating yet. But he knows it's a fun thing to have.I know he doesn't know what it's for yet...I can only imagine what i'm in for when he does.
Oh my goodness lol. Do not yell random odd sentences at your 7 year old lol! He'll only think of even weirder things to retort with. Just sit him down, tell him in so many words that acknowledging his penis is completely normal but something you keep to yourself. It's a normal conversation you'll have to have eventually anyway and it's a great time to bring up the whole strangers don't touch you here conversation too. Seems like he's ready to talk about it. He'll probably giggle and you'll have to remind him a few times what is and isn't inappropriate, and then it'll even up. You'll be fine. In the meantime, get some of it on video. You'll need something to laugh at later.
lol, I've saved his's mostly of him pissing on someone's face, which he finds hysterical. Damn kids!
Bam is a punk. I don't know how many times I've seen the guy cryyour child is gunna be the next BAM or johnny knoxville lol
Bam is a punk. I don't know how many times I've seen the guy cry
lol i never liked any of those guys seemed dumb imhoBam is a punk. I don't know how many times I've seen the guy cry
I found out about sex when I was around 7 but I had an older bro and sister, I just don't know who will be the one to tell my boys. What age did you all have a talk with your kids?
I'm starting to get a little bit worried about my seven year old son. He won't stop obsessing about his penis. It's the punch line of every joke, he draws pictures of it, he calls me to come see what he can do with it when he's in the bath, he even tells me how sad he is for me that I don't have one...should I have him looked at, is this normal?
I don't have the foggiest who Bam is, I'm going to go catch up.
Playboy at 10I found out about sex when I was around 7 but I had an older bro and sister, I just don't know who will be the one to tell my boys. What age did you all have a talk with your kids?
lol i never liked any of those guys seemed dumb imho
I'm starting to get a little bit worried about my seven year old son. He won't stop obsessing about his penis. It's the punch line of every joke, he draws pictures of it, he calls me to come see what he can do with it when he's in the bath, he even tells me how sad he is for me that I don't have one...should I have him looked at, is this normal?