Voidling's Wicking Bed

Yeah in a house but nosey neighbors who all know the landlord outdoor wouldn't be wise. I don't think 90% of the people who live in this neighborhood would even care, but I live next to the only nosey old white folks in this neighborhood apparently. Next time we move it's going to be to the country whether it's here in TX or somewhere on the west coast. If we end up staying in TX I'll probably stay where I'm at til we can afford to buy a little land somewhere but the plan is to move and will probably rent there for a year or two til we can buy some land there. As it is I really need to clean all the plant shit off my back porch before the nosey neighbors notice....

oh yeah mike hunt never saw that before lol i was wondering why you were using someone's real name online makes more sense now ;)
I meant an outdoor veggie garden, not outdoor pot grow. If you have veggie or flower garden you're working on outdoors them the soil on the back porch won't be suspicious.

Yeah I don't know he's real name. Just something there reminded me of mike hunt. Aqua teen hunger force used that joke, maybe Simpson's too
Ah yeah we grew tomatoes and chili peppers last year in our backyard we started late so didn't get a lot before the winter freeze but winter was so mild several of the plants made it anyway. Not going to plant anything this year since we're planning on moving once I get set up at whereever we move with more land will be going to town... worm bins, compost piles, raised beds, etc.

That really sucks. I wanna get some poppies going I ended up getting rid of the seeds owl gave me during the big scare of '12 ;)
Poppie seeds are legal, you can buy them at the grocery store. Mine don't look like regular poppy flowers, they look like black pompoms
I've heard that but never believed it ;) did you get yours at the store? i once ordered some supposed to be high quality from canada but never had a chance to grow'em out gave one pack to a friend the other i scattered at a discrete location in a park i used to visit but they never grew. Should plant some in our back yard.
I coulda swore I read it was illegal to even grow poppies, but just checked it and it seems it's not a big deal so long as you don't do anything with'em. If that's the case I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem to pop some in the yard... any of you ever tried to grow'em indoors?
The seeds are legal, it's what the use for poppy seed bagels.

Growing them is technically illegal. These don't look like the usual poppy so most people won't catch on.
From what I read even though it's technically illegal, you'd have to be pretty unlucky for anything to happen growing them is apparently pretty common -- you just don't want to be caught with the byproduct or evidence of making it :) Not that any of us would do that since we don't discuss anything illegal on these fine forums. :weed:

If I started some in the next week or so, when you think they would be mature? or is it too late for this season i think i remember a lot of people plant in the fall? thinking i'm probably gonna be where i'm at til the end of september at this point.
Most people sow seeds in fall but spring is not unheard of. Mine will be. Go for it, most you lose is a couple bucks if they're not ready at move time.

They used to be common in old cottage gardens across the US. I want to just produce seeds and spread them everywhere in seed bombs
Has anyone seen mike hunt ?

No, I didn't get Rob's cross, I thought he used lemon cleaner x THC bomb but could be wrong. You heart from him anymore?

Sparkle is bbyy's pineapple c99 x g13 haze I believe

You putting together an outdoor garden this year hc? I'm working on getting mine going. Purple tomatoes and tomatillos this year

i had a big veggie garden for about 18 yrs in a row but took a hiatus from it a few yrs ago. It was pretty big and a lot of work. Been getting into flowers around the house the last couple of yrs and have plans for more perenials and annuals this spring. Actually the seed pacs have been sitting on the counter all week. Been meaning to start them indoors. I think I'll do some veggies to but on a much smaller scale.

Thanks for asking man!
I'm behind on our veggies too.. Water molasses water on the fire ants to keep them out of where you want to plant.

Ive always wanted to go up to the condos, and apartments around town and offer the services of teaching them how to properly do container culture. Potted veggies done right can tip the scales in returns and companion planting, with thoughts to the vertical, and training plants can produce a large amount of veggies even on balconies. Even better if they'd be able to do a rooftop garden.
It's a business idea that could bee worth exploring. B balconies facing the north ate kind of screwed though
So today starts week 5. I'll take pics when I wake up. Not sure why I waited so long to drug myself to sleep. Going to be a wasted day.

I think I'm getting better at macro shots with my little camera.

What do you think the browning on that one single leaf means?