Moderatrix of Journals
statistically speaking, the FBI maintains a false accusation rate of 2-8% in rape cases.

except the FBI also believes that only 37% of rapes are actually reported, making the chart look more like this:

and then, according to (the rape, abuse & incest national network) 9% of total cases (just shy of 20% of reported cases) go to trial and 3% of total cases (just shy of 7% of reported) see any jailtime, thus if you round the above pie chart up to 4% and adjust for those figures it starts to look like this:

just shy of 1.5%. according to the FBI again, the average rate of false criminal accusation in general is 2%. i think it's pretty telling of society in general that every time a widely publicized rape case comes up, there's always some apologist saying "yeah well they deserve the punishment (IF they did it) but what if the bitch just changed her mind?" but rarely such similar apologists for murder, assault, robbery, etc. when you're just as, if not more likely, to be falsely accused of any of those. which in turn contributes to the vicious cycle of less victims feeling comfortable enough to report they've been raped, and more rapists going scot-free.

except the FBI also believes that only 37% of rapes are actually reported, making the chart look more like this:

and then, according to (the rape, abuse & incest national network) 9% of total cases (just shy of 20% of reported cases) go to trial and 3% of total cases (just shy of 7% of reported) see any jailtime, thus if you round the above pie chart up to 4% and adjust for those figures it starts to look like this:

just shy of 1.5%. according to the FBI again, the average rate of false criminal accusation in general is 2%. i think it's pretty telling of society in general that every time a widely publicized rape case comes up, there's always some apologist saying "yeah well they deserve the punishment (IF they did it) but what if the bitch just changed her mind?" but rarely such similar apologists for murder, assault, robbery, etc. when you're just as, if not more likely, to be falsely accused of any of those. which in turn contributes to the vicious cycle of less victims feeling comfortable enough to report they've been raped, and more rapists going scot-free.