Those poor rapists

i have had chicks get me drunk to get laid....i was always smart enough to get the fuck out of dodge after the good times were done.

why cant people see that maybe theres no one at fault in certain situations...maybe drinking excessivly makes people of both sex make poor decisions...but nope always gotta point a finger at someone..

as far as her being my daughter...i hope i have raised my child well enough to know to stay away from situations like that. and if it was my daughter i would look at myself as a parent first.

either way you people misunderstand me and continue to think i defend rapists when i dont...and i dont blame real victims...but there seems to be a fine line these days and if you cant see it your fucking blind.
this picture dosent prove anything unclefuck....could have been moving her or i said before im not saying these dude didnt get what they deserve if anything they got off easy...IF THEY ACTUALLY DID WHAT SHE SAYS THEY DID..

your a fucking moron..thats all i have to say...sorry you are a fucking retard who cant understand the concept i was trying to put across...or you just feel like trolling like a big boy...either way i could give a fuck less what your opinion of me is and i could also give a fuck less about your troll a bowl of dicks..

Matt.. You really need to read the news reports.

There were thousands of text messages and many images of the girl passed out nude being passed between the party goers.

There was a video on youtube and twitter feeds from the night where the dumb guys posted what they did to her.

She didn't remember anything. If the twitter, youtube, texts and images hadn't been present for the case, these boys would of gotten away with it.
There were also pictures of both men fingering her presented in court. I believe there was a nude picture of her covered in semen too.
i just want to know why its the guys fault?

2 people get drunk...and have sex, later it becomes rape and its the males fault.....maybe them boys should claim rape on the girl......since you retards (uncleben) are mising my overall statement ill just start being a dick like the rest of you closed minded opinionated fuckholes...hope your sons go to prison on a false rape claim then you can ask the girl if it was "really rape"

BTW in my mind rape is when a man grabs a woman. drags her into a ally and forces himself into her....not when 2 people get drunk...make a stupid decision and then regret it the next day.

anyways thanks for the free rep just to tell me i suck...i already knew that..

and just a FYI i have no respect for a rapist....a real rapist..a 35 year old man diddling 10 year olds......thats a sick fuck....a few drunk teenagers.....thats high school so get off your high fucking horse and fuck off :)

have a nice day cunts

The only two people who made the decision that night were the boys. The girl was unconscious. She had no choice.
ya know, if it's a legitimate rape....

i hope you realize what you sound like now.

I actually spent about an hour and a half looking up all the news stories.

It is rape. They were convicted of rape because there was SO much evidence that they and their friends texted and posted online.
Matt.. You really need to read the news reports.

There were thousands of text messages and many images of the girl passed out nude being passed between the party goers.

There was a video on youtube and twitter feeds from the night where the dumb guys posted what they did to her.

She didn't remember anything. If the twitter, youtube, texts and images hadn't been present for the case, these boys would of gotten away with it.

well then if the case holds then punish them!!! i never said not to
Originally Posted by RetiredMatthebrute...and i dont blame real victims...
ya know, if it's a legitimate rape....

i hope you realize what you sound like now.

i still stand my ground that your a fucking retard....BTW i have a nice helmet for you to wear on the bus, interested send me a e mail..
Master of the obvious on this one maybe, but did you notice you'd quoted yourself then threw out the fucking retard statement?

Ok, this is me hubly admiting that i am wrong. my momma always tought me to respect women and i do. so im wrong...

i get thinking into the politics of shit and dont remember my good ole fasioned upbringing...

so no matter how drunk you should always respect a woman...these boys obviously did not adhere to these guidlines.
and you can say thats a contradiction but there a difference betwen a passed out chick and one sucking every apendege you have then the next day calling rape...i see it alot so forgive me if im sour on the subject.
what the fuck ,. . . . .. . we dont deserve the conscious spark

and neither does anyone who defends outright rape in any form . . its called life, we dont always all get the best shake

but for fucks sake
I think the rapists should be punished.

The coach and the parents should be investigated as well tho. I have been reading the news reports and the coach had knowledge of it and didn't do anything. Seems he may of even tryed to cover for the players.

The parents of the houses that these parties took place at should be investigated as well. These kids were party hopping from house to house.

The other students were taking pictures of the naked girl and texting them to their friends instead of stopping the act.

So many guilty parties involved.
That's all fine, I just meant in my comments that I'm sick of the domino effect in our so called justice system. Hold everyone accountable for their own actions, meaning those who furnished the alcohol receive provoding for s minor charges and then cut it off there as furnishing alcohol has nothing to dk with rape. Hold the rapists accountable for rape, they are plenty old enough to know what they were doing, drunk or not.
I don't know all of the current information regarding this, however I would like to assert my opinion and that ANY sexual activity that is not clearly, and vividly consensual, is and should be considered rape, and punished as such.

I find it disgusting that anyone can do that to another individual and live with themselves. If I was at the party and saw those bitch ass dudes doing that shit, I would knock them the fuck out, and then call the police.

There's only 1 thing I hate more than rape, and that is individuals who untruthfully accuse another of rape. Women and men alike who lie about another raping them should be killed.
I don't know all of the current information regarding this, however I would like to assert my opinion and that ANY sexual activity that is not clearly, and vividly consensual, is and should be considered rape, and punished as such.

I find it disgusting that anyone can do that to another individual and live with themselves. If I was at the party and saw those bitch ass dudes doing that shit, I would knock them the fuck out, and then call the police.

There's only 1 thing I hate more than rape, and that is individuals who untruthfully accuse another of rape. Women and men alike who lie about another raping them should be killed.

Agreed - they should be punished with .357 sig rounds.. (and that's the warning to others who may think about it)