Those poor rapists

i cant really comment on poor anyone wether it was the boy's or the girl...

unfortunatly you cant determine what took place at the "achohol fueld parties"

this day and age when girls make mistakes they regret instead of standing up and taking responsibility for thier actions they cry rape so that they dont have rumors spread about them....instead it was rape and she was a victim when in fact she decided to go to a party, get drunk and fuck the football team....

like i said i dont know what happened so i cant really take anyones sides but it seems like the rape bullshit this day and age is becoming more and more of a scapegoat for young womens bad decisions. if they were both minors i dont see anything if them 2 dudes were not minors then yeah thats stat rape...and my feelings on that vary as i dont see anything wrong with an 18 year old and 16 year old being together...2 years difference is not that much in my book. if they were 20+ then i would say that its wrong..

anyways like i said...i think theres too many guys getting sexual assault charges brought up against them because the female counterpart cant live in the eyes of her peirs as a whore so she would rather be a victim and save her own reputation while trashing someone elses.

every situation is different though and i am by far sticking up for criminal rapist's but i am saying sometimes theres more than meets the eye in these situations.

You loaded the statement. Then you proceeded to state that the girl who was raped here, was only raped if the boys were under 18; and then it's only a possibility of rape (See the bolded all counts.). Then you act like people saying you are implying the girl is just trying to cover up a mistake are just trying to make baseless accusations? Now, I'm trying to give people the benefit of the doubt lately, but you're making it hard. All the issues here can be simply dispelled by explaining that you just phrased it badly.

There's video evidence of this girl being unconscious during this party, and it's pretty damning; an unconscious person cannot consent. There may be issues with the sex offender registry, but you make it sound like most women who bring up rape charges are faking it; thus attacking the credibility of the girl in this situation. You can't be honestly surprised by the reactions, given the context. You were either baiting people; overlooking the context; or someone who feels the rape here didn't occur. Please feel free to clarify which end you were working towards.
Exactly, man..

Think about how long this incident will affect the victim.. Years, if not decades, if not her whole life.. I know people who have been raped who feel that one incident changed their entire life..

One year? 2 years? That's a serious lack of justice.. I just don't understand how sexually assaulting someone, fuck, even at 13.. 14 years old, could possibly be considered a "lapse in judgment", even if alcohol was involved.. The suspects parents should have taught them otherwise, societal pressures should have taught them otherwise, but my guess is, growing up in the town they grew up in, the people pushed restrictions aside, as they did with the verdict of this trial because they were star athletes. Their environment conditioned them to believe something like this was OK. This is the first real world dose of reality they've ever experienced, and it shows at the moment of verdict. Innocence completely destroyed one drunken night because nobody knew any better and there was nobody around to say so. The entire situation is simply tragic.. Their parents should be completely ashamed...

On a certain level; I pity these boys. They undeniably committed a wrong, but this wrong was not a new temptation; it was a pitfall easily avoided with some willpower and guidance. I'm not saying their punishment is unjust, but I can't help but wonder how much actual rehabilitation will occur. These kids need to know that they fucked up, and there's consequences for it; I can't help but wonder how much this prison sentence is going to actually solve their problems, though. They did a horrible thing, but I can't help but wonder if they realized how horrible it was. How many people contributed to these kids' belief that what they were doing was okay? I wonder whether 'nature' or 'nurture' played the bigger part here. I mean, after enough people tell you that you can do no wrong; you have to wonder when it becomes real for them. These kids need help, but I can't say that our methods will actually fix the problem.
if only thesee poor lads had thought ahead, and made a few movies first, maybe won an oscar or two, then they wouldnt be in this mess.

i mean really, the girl wasnt really thirteen, she was gonna be 14 in only ten months, plus she was aksing for it, so i dont know what it was, but it wasnt Rape rape.

plus jack nicholsson was taking pictures and jerking off in the corner, so it couldnt have been Rape rape.

wait... didnt we have this discussion a few years ago?
if only thesee poor lads had thought ahead, and made a few movies first, maybe won an oscar or two, then they wouldnt be in this mess.

i mean really, the girl wasnt really thirteen, she was gonna be 14 in only ten months, plus she was aksing for it, so i dont know what it was, but it wasnt Rape rape.

plus jack nicholsson was taking pictures and jerking off in the corner, so it couldnt have been Rape rape.

wait... didnt we have this discussion a few years ago?

could have predicted this from you, you've only yammered about the same thing 2 billion times already.

turn off the auto-repeat, you sad fuck.
could have predicted this from you, you've only yammered about the same thing 2 billion times already.

turn off the auto-repeat, you sad fuck.

It seemed to me that Keynes was making a sarcastic comment about how easily fame gets you out of trouble. Did I miss something?
On a certain level; I pity these boys. They undeniably committed a wrong, but this wrong was not a new temptation; it was a pitfall easily avoided with some willpower and guidance. I'm not saying their punishment is unjust, but I can't help but wonder how much actual rehabilitation will occur. These kids need to know that they fucked up, and there's consequences for it; I can't help but wonder how much this prison sentence is going to actually solve their problems, though. They did a horrible thing, but I can't help but wonder if they realized how horrible it was. How many people contributed to these kids' belief that what they were doing was okay? I wonder whether 'nature' or 'nurture' played the bigger part here. I mean, after enough people tell you that you can do no wrong; you have to wonder when it becomes real for them. These kids need help, but I can't say that our methods will actually fix the problem.

Preaching to the quire.. I agree, the environment they were brought up in must have been shit to allow something like this to happen, but those responsible must still be held accountable, like I said before, even regardless of age.. It's a sad circumstance, and I don't feel like the rapists themselves deserve the full force of the blame, but they do indeed deserve some of the blame.. Perhaps they grew up thinking this sort of thing is OK, reality has shown them it's not.. because they were given the wrong teacher who taught the wrong lesson isn't enough, in my opinion, to dismiss the charges.. Again, perhaps I can't sympathize with their position because I can't actually associate with it, honestly, but even that, I feel, isn't enough to vacate the blame to someone else.. I don't feel like that would be justice..

To clarify, I think the parents of the suspects as well as the parents of the victim are at ultimate fault and should be blamed for the entire incident that unfolded. Explicit pictures were sent of an underage person, which is a felony, as it should be, and the person at fault of that should be held accountable, which he was. STILL, people came to his defense.. Again, that's the most disturbing aspect of this entire case imo, I simply can't imagine what is going through that persons head to come to such a conclusion..
Strange that none of you have heard of the case of Chris Hinds.

Two black teens from the US met two Irish girls in Japan after a Nikki Minaj concert, plied them up on alcohol, raped one of them and strangled the other.

One of them even tried to claim it was her fault because she "liked rough sex" and apparently asked him to choke her.

Your country seems to have ALOT of rapos.
Strange that none of you have heard of the case of Chris Hinds.

Two black teens from the US met two Irish girls in Japan after a Nikki Minaj concert, plied them up on alcohol, raped one of them and strangled the other.

One of them even tried to claim it was her fault because she "liked rough sex" and apparently asked him to choke her.

Your country seems to have ALOT of rapos.

I haven't heard of that case, which makes me wonder why these cases but not that one..?

I, as a fully capable male in America am 100% aware of what constitutes rape. If you don't, or if you unknowingly violate what does, fuck you, you're still guilty and you can blame your absence of knowledge on your parents or legal guardian. Ignorance of the law has never and will never be a viable excuse to circumvent it. What's next, we dismiss the case against the 16 year old who robbed a convenience store at gunpoint because he didn't know it was illegal? Give me a fuckin' break... These people, and this despicable town covered for these rapists because they're football stars. If they were nobodies, nerds, drama club rats... they'd be strung up by the fuckin' neck and condemned until these idiots false God forgave them, then born again and all is well!..

Towns, people, IDIOTS like this deserve everything they get, and worse. You're too stupid to function in society, don't pass go, don't collect $200, go directly to jail and enjoy the company of your new Mississippi cell mates!

Preaching to the quire.. I agree, the environment they were brought up in must have been shit to allow something like this to happen, but those responsible must still be held accountable, like I said before, even regardless of age.. It's a sad circumstance, and I don't feel like the rapists themselves deserve the full force of the blame, but they do indeed deserve some of the blame.. Perhaps they grew up thinking this sort of thing is OK, reality has shown them it's not.. because they were given the wrong teacher who taught the wrong lesson isn't enough, in my opinion, to dismiss the charges.. Again, perhaps I can't sympathize with their position because I can't actually associate with it, honestly, but even that, I feel, isn't enough to vacate the blame to someone else.. I don't feel like that would be justice..

To clarify, I think the parents of the suspects as well as the parents of the victim are at ultimate fault and should be blamed for the entire incident that unfolded. Explicit pictures were sent of an underage person, which is a felony, as it should be, and the person at fault of that should be held accountable, which he was. STILL, people came to his defense.. Again, that's the most disturbing aspect of this entire case imo, I simply can't imagine what is going through that persons head to come to such a conclusion..

One day these guys will become a bro.
Oh the irony of that statement.

Remember when you said this to me?

Long story short, get fucked - categorize me, talk down to me as if you have a clue as to what the fuck I'm about, then do the very same thing? Hypocrite. (Didn't exactly mean to potentially jack the thread, but had to share that with halfpint.) We now return to your regularly scheduled programming involving the usual RIU discussions.

Okay Figong back to the corner... NOW! If you are on troll defense then you should be with me not against. Oh and I got fucked very hard last night by an age appropriate women. Thanks for that advice
It doesn't matter if the girl wanted them to have sex with her they shouldn't have done it. Its lame when you can't get a girl your own age and have to resort to drunk minors. Hang'em
Those that know me know what I've been through.

What happened to that girl will reverberate throughout her life. She has a life sentence of her own now. They deserve what they got. So what if they have to register as a sex offender. So what?

The boys should have to take tests for sexually transmitted diseases so this girl will know she is free from that too.

I swear if had been my daughter...
It doesn't matter if the girl wanted them to have sex with her they shouldn't have done it. Its lame when you can't get a girl your own age and have to resort to drunk minors. Hang'em
I'm pretty sure they're minors too, but it's still rape, regardless of age.
I haven't heard of that case, which makes me wonder why these cases but not that one..?

I, as a fully capable male in America am 100% aware of what constitutes rape. If you don't, or if you unknowingly violate what does, fuck you, you're still guilty and you can blame your absence of knowledge on your parents or legal guardian. Ignorance of the law has never and will never be a viable excuse to circumvent it. What's next, we dismiss the case against the 16 year old who robbed a convenience store at gunpoint because he didn't know it was illegal? Give me a fuckin' break... These people, and this despicable town covered for these rapists because they're football stars. If they were nobodies, nerds, drama club rats... they'd be strung up by the fuckin' neck and condemned until these idiots false God forgave them, then born again and all is well!..

Towns, people, IDIOTS like this deserve everything they get, and worse. You're too stupid to function in society, don't pass go, don't collect $200, go directly to jail and enjoy the company of your new Mississippi cell mates!

Rape & football = nothing new...

we have the same problems here.
Everyone keeps calling this rape. It makes me feel bad for real rape victims.

I'm not even going to get into this one, i just get pissed off.

Some kids getting drunk and touching each others special spots is not rape in my opinion. And i find it sad how the media trivializes the suffering and trauma of violent rape victims by over sensationalizing every everything with catch phrases and coin terms to rile up the ignorant masses.

it keeps saying these kids were 15 and 16 and talking about how drunk they were but they never even once question WTF, 15 and 16 year old kids are doing out in the middle of the night drunk to the point of incapacitation.

I'm not saying, in any way, that the boys should not be punished.... but i don't agree with how this was handled at all.
Stricter punishment for rappos and chomo's. 25 to life or death dependent on the severity of the crime.

in todays world, it is better to rape someome than to be caught with a dubbie in terms of prison time. Thats fucked up
Stricter punishment for rappos and chomo's. 25 to life or death dependent on the severity of the crime.

in todays world, it is better to rape someome than to be caught with a dubbie in terms of prison time. Thats fucked up

when is the last time a 16 year old got 5 years for one dubbie? i'm not saying your wrong, i'm just curious.

it must have been a BIG dubbie! =)