Well-Known Member
i cant really comment on poor anyone wether it was the boy's or the girl...
unfortunatly you cant determine what took place at the "achohol fueld parties"
this day and age when girls make mistakes they regret instead of standing up and taking responsibility for thier actions they cry rape so that they dont have rumors spread about them....instead it was rape and she was a victim when in fact she decided to go to a party, get drunk and fuck the football team....
like i said i dont know what happened so i cant really take anyones sides but it seems like the rape bullshit this day and age is becoming more and more of a scapegoat for young womens bad decisions. if they were both minors i dont see anything if them 2 dudes were not minors then yeah thats stat rape...and my feelings on that vary as i dont see anything wrong with an 18 year old and 16 year old being together...2 years difference is not that much in my book. if they were 20+ then i would say that its wrong..
anyways like i said...i think theres too many guys getting sexual assault charges brought up against them because the female counterpart cant live in the eyes of her peirs as a whore so she would rather be a victim and save her own reputation while trashing someone elses.
every situation is different though and i am by far sticking up for criminal rapist's but i am saying sometimes theres more than meets the eye in these situations.
You loaded the statement. Then you proceeded to state that the girl who was raped here, was only raped if the boys were under 18; and then it's only a possibility of rape (See the bolded all counts.). Then you act like people saying you are implying the girl is just trying to cover up a mistake are just trying to make baseless accusations? Now, I'm trying to give people the benefit of the doubt lately, but you're making it hard. All the issues here can be simply dispelled by explaining that you just phrased it badly.
There's video evidence of this girl being unconscious during this party, and it's pretty damning; an unconscious person cannot consent. There may be issues with the sex offender registry, but you make it sound like most women who bring up rape charges are faking it; thus attacking the credibility of the girl in this situation. You can't be honestly surprised by the reactions, given the context. You were either baiting people; overlooking the context; or someone who feels the rape here didn't occur. Please feel free to clarify which end you were working towards.