New Member
and who decides what you're worth?
you may feel you deserve $2,000,000 a year, but if nobody else agrees, well, then you will either take what they offer, or have nothing.
if no prospective employer is willing to offer you $2mill, will you rabble and attempt to "collectivize" his operation so you can get what you "deserve"?
employees create NOTHING, they serve. and in that service they will either create surplus value or they will become unemployed.
if i build a kiln and hire you to dig clay so i can make pots, even if you are the best clay digger in the history of ceramics, if i don't want your clay then i don't have to pay you shit.
if the clay in your clay-pit is bad, or you cannot provide enough, or you want too much for your clay, i will find another source, and you can try to sell mud, or build your own kiln and learn to make pots.
but then you will have no time to dig clay, so you'll have to hire a clay-digger. but how much to pay him?
and that's why your "Philosophy" fails.
fairness is subjective, but the definition of anarchy is VERY MUCH NOT. what you keep describing is Marxist Socialism (just a poorly articulated version), and if you read the Communist Manifesto you would possibly see this fact like everybody else does.
good post.
Take this claydigger example, I go out and dig clay with a cheap shovel. I can only dig so much clay, lets say I can dig $20,000 a year worth of clay. If someone comes along who has a $300,000 clay digging machine which will let me dig $500,000 dollars worth of clay in a year, offers me a job for $130,000 dollars a year digging clay with his machine. If I was socialist I would say something like "Well why does he get to keep $70,000?!? I should get all that because I am digging all the clay!"...Well no because its the value of your labor which is $20,000 by yourself, your making +$110,000 dollars to dig clay for someone else. Your SUPPOSED to be able to save that extra money and get yourself a clay machine. The problem is you can't do that if its not a free market and with minimum wage the value of your labor is decreased to whatever the fuck minimum wage happens to be or whatever the fuck the other clay tycoons are paying their minions.