ex joint smokers, volcano vaporizer


hi, iv been a joint smoker for over ten years now, iv never tried a vaporizer before but have enough cash spare now to get a volcano, anyway, these joints are taking a toll on my lungs, I was wanting to hear from someone whos moved onto vaping from a long time smoking joints and was wondering, is a vape worth the buy? do you feel better in your self now? has your breathing got better? do you feel fitter etc? also does it get you as high as when smoking joints? thanks in advance Brett
Hey Brett, I haven't been smoking for ten years yet but have binged on joints daily for the last year and a half until I bought a Volcano three weeks ago...and am I ever glad I did! I've noticed that deep breaths feel more full and deep and the high is incredible. It's a very clean and expensive high-I've munched my cupboards clean (I get the munchies hella when using the volcano, after I can raise my arms that is :-P). When hitting the volcano and taking a decent sized hit I tend to have a deep cough- I think it could be the amount of vapor going in, or all the old cruddy smoke leftovers from joints being broken up and coming out. I haven't experienced this with my other vaporizer which is the Whispr (which is Excellent and a life saver in ferry line ups!) so I assume it has to deal with the volume/heat/amount of vapor I am inhaling. But in the end it is certainly worth the $500-650 investment. They aren't cheap by any means, but they have a 3 year (? I believe) warranty and I haven't heard any complaints of them breaking down or so (at least those who bought a brand new one). And if they do break, the company has a main office in California specifically to deal with prompt warranty issues and service-can't beat a company that thinks that far in advance :-)
I also get way higher using a volcano with about half a j worth in the chamber compared to regular toking-can't cruise after a few bags :-P
Good luck and enjoy the Volcano if you do get one!
hiya thanks for the info very much appreciated, its crazy how hard it is to find that kind of review on the subject. im ordering mine now as soon as iv finished typing this lol, cannont wait! I wish there was a shop near by so I don't have to wait for delivery lol oh well lol. iv also been looking at the whisper for when im out and about, does it never actually combust the weed with it being a portable version then, is it still as good quality vapour as the volcano?
no they havent made a portable vape that gives you the hits the volcano will.

I use a inverter in my car and take the volcano with me on road trips and outings...now its portable :)
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Make your own thread about it....Dont jack someone elses thread :)
haha "now its portable" made me laugh. good idea though, still ill need something like the whisper as im into my camping and hiking...don't think a generator will fit in my backpack lol
keep the volcano at setting 5 3/4 to 6 max and you should be good to go.

If you use the volcano at the very high settings it can irritate your lungs.
how many drags do you get from a bag full?
I get 4-6 or so but can't say I ever really counted it, plus I share the balloon with my wife :) (differs per balloon and lung size as well, basically fill half your lungs when you suck).

I'm in the process of making the move from joints to volcano (meaning I haven't bought it yet). I have an allergy that in combination with smoking joints (certain strains it seems even) makes my lungs build up slime, even have an inhaler for really bad days. About two months ago I tried a volcano for the first time and I was sold after the first hit, and I was in love with the thing after two balloons. Felt like my lungs got 10 years younger putting a smile on my face that makes the joker look like a sad guy.

Used it several times know and I really think I'll end up using it daily instead of it disappearing in a closet.

It's besides healthier supposedly more sufficient but I can see myself smoking, err.. vaping, only more (not saying that's a downside).

Another major benefit imo is that fluffy/popcorn buds and (frosty) sugar leaves don't have to be turned in to hash anymore.
I get 4-6 or so but can't say I ever really counted it, plus I share the balloon with my wife :) (differs per balloon and lung size as well, basically fill half your lungs when you suck).

I'm in the process of making the move from joints to volcano (meaning I haven't bought it yet). I have an allergy that in combination with smoking joints (certain strains it seems even) makes my lungs build up slime, even have an inhaler for really bad days. About two months ago I tried a volcano for the first time and I was sold after the first hit, and I was in love with the thing after two balloons. Felt like my lungs got 10 years younger putting a smile on my face that makes the joker look like a sad guy.

Used it several times know and I really think I'll end up using it daily instead of it disappearing in a closet.

It's besides healthier supposedly more sufficient but I can see myself smoking, err.. vaping, only more (not saying that's a downside).

Another major benefit imo is that fluffy/popcorn buds and (frosty) sugar leaves don't have to be turned in to hash anymore.

You're probably allergic to ragweed, right?? I was told by a doctor that cannabis is a close cousin to the ragweed family and people who are allergic to ragweed can get allergy induced asthma from smoking or vaping cannabis. I'm not here to bust you balls but if your lungs are building up slime like you say then you're not 100% healthy so I wouldn't overdo it. You don't want to get chronic bronchitis. In theory a person like yourself should switch to edibles or tinctures and really put nothing in your lungs but fresh clean air. If you do switch to the volcano I'd take it easy and like I said a couple of posts above, keep the temperature low. People who vape at high temps are stupid. Vapor expands in the lungs and can be more harsh than smoke if used incorrectly. Trust me I speak from experience. It's a long story but I irritated my lungs using a volcano at the highest setting by accident years ago. It fucked me up for a long time. Storz and bickel, the makers of the unit, shouldn't even have the high settings reachable. Their should be two settings, 355 and 365 degrees which is the range for optimal vaping. There's no need to have a vaporizor that goes up to 450 degrees. Anything above 392 degrees and you start to release harmful chemicals like benzene as well as a host of other compounds.
If you want a cheaper option to the volcano check out the Herbalaire v2.2. It was great in the previous versions but now its perfect. You dont have to grind the weed up, you just place it in the chamber and go. Only costs $220 so its affordable. Downside is the pump is separate from the heating element but in the event the pump breaks its easy to just pick up another aquarium pump. Also comes with a "whip" attachment to just suck instead of filling bags.
Ive tried a volcano a few times before (it was digital) and the herbalaire is very similar to it.
The vaporizers I use are at Barney's coffeeshop and are set at 383. Of course health is important, but that's supposedly around the optimal setting to vape THC. The balloon is to cool it off so...

And thanks for the concern. It's not something I just picked up though. I've been tested a few times by lung specialists and despite having smoked for over 2 decades my lungs seem healthy. I frankly don't know exactly what allergy it is, a common pollen allergy. Plus I smoke too much :lol: (which is where the vape comes in too, please don't make me point out we Dutch pollute our joints with tobacco... there you go...). Comes and goes and doesn't seem to be seasonal. I've barely needed my inhaler since I picked up home growing again, I don't need it days after I vaped, I highly suspect I won't need it at all if I'd only vape (which will never happen).

I was told by a doctor that cannabis is a close cousin to the ragweed family and people who are allergic to ragweed can get allergy induced asthma from smoking or vaping cannabis.
Does your doctor have any source that confirms the bold part, seems he's talking out of his ass like most doctors do when it comes to mj. Thanks for the info nevertheless, something to look into for sure.
I use the Buddha, get wayyy higher and use far less. $185, its not portable but gets used everyday and is still going strong
I bought a Ploom Pax in February and loved it so much I got the Volcano about 3 weeks later. I listened to colonuggs, got the solid valve and I am happy, VERY VERY HAPPY! The Volcano is just so nice. It does the job so well and best of all for me it shuts itself off!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEE haw!!!

I was having some discomfort with urticaria (rash) from smoking pot. The vaporizer removed all products of combustion and all that itching went away. The entire high is different, very bubbly, light and happy. The only thing I am upset about is I waited this long to get it. Oh and the Volcano has a pad to do concentrates. It's very very nice.

Ok now I'm going to go make a bag! Oh and another thing for you guys. I know it's time to reload when my pot in the oven starts to taste like beer! YES BEER!! I don't really care that much for that hoppy taste but if you do you'll like lightly toasted pot LOL. But the taste of the pot is so much better too. I can't say enough good about it.
thanks everyone, been good reading your comments, so exited now, that postman best turn up tomorrow!! lol won an easy valve version on ebay for 230! bargain lol. guess ill just have to roll a few mahoosive last ever dirty joints lol
Oh yes the taste itself is worth having a vaporizer. Last time I used it I came prepared, had Lemon Haze, Pineapple haze, Sugar Punch from my own harvest, and liberty haze and tangerine dream from BF. "oh now I taste the pineapple!"

"Happy" describes my volcano vaping experiences as well and I look forward to buying one.

Not having to white the ceiling and walls every year will be a nice bonus too.
iv been thinking of trying some barneys farm seed, tangerine dream and critical kush, the buds look mouthwatering in the pics lol
Despite enjoying their shop and weed (and volcano on every table) and growing Liberty Haze now, I'm atm not a big fan of their seeds. Worst germination results ever. Might love them in two months or so around harvest time.

Tangerine dream tastes as good as it sounds though, especially vaped you can taste it has something special.

Anyway, enjoy the volcano, definitely paid a good price for it (it's $500 here, for the classic).

Speaking of classic, I read several times it's a wiser choise than the digital, supposedly lasts longer (ie. digital part breaks).
If you do some research on BF and their strains you will probably find as many positive as negative. In my case first 5 only 4 germinated, from second 5 only 4 (still 'only' cause I'm used to nearly 100%). I wasn't saying they are bad, just that I cannot recommend them yet based on my experiences so far. Plenty of people that have no probs with them.

Edit: 5 from each? Nice, heck, I envy you and I'm sure you'll find some gems then.