My first class with the golden teacher


Well-Known Member
I just got a new Maitake (Grifola frondosa)


I have some ethenogenic exotics in the idea if I will get fruits yet.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
its hard to really scale, like i had said before i ate like 12-14 grams of wet mushies one night and bareley felt anything. then made a tea with 12-14g of wet mushies and split it with my buddy and we had a really intense trip for about 2 hours. anyhoo...ill see how things go, might go ahead and try a 4 gram dose in the near future to see where that gets me

i dont want to over do it but i do want to get er done. and i want to make sure i trip good for at least 6 hours.


Well-Known Member
I just got a new Maitake (Grifola frondosa)

View attachment 2607025

I have some ethenogenic exotics in the idea if I will get fruits yet.

Take care,

cool mushroom man, do you eat them??? looks like oyster mushrooms?? kinda?? lol i have no clue really :p

My monotub has been colonizing for 3 days. Ill get pics when i put into fruiting.
nice, good vibes headed your way man, cant wait to see some pics :)


Well-Known Member
They are a desirable edible, and go for about $35/lb dry where I am,
if they can be found.

The funny thing is that I have not figure out how best to prepare one.
I wasted my first, and this one is being used to collect a spore print.

We usually use agar slants for strain storage/protection of edible
species, to avoid the dreaded "non-fruiting strain". This being said
a spore print is a really safe way to save a species long term.

This species has the common name "Hen Of The Woods" in the USA.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
ok so for those of you who are still interested in this thread heres a little update.

did my bulk sub and G2G last friday, everything seems to be chugging right along. prob another week at least before my bulk sub is ready to be cased. The G2G was a decent sucess. mycelium is growing well in all the jars, running 14 jars. 11 1/2 pint jars and 3 pint sized jars. all of them are growing.

a funk smell was noticed in a few of my bulk tubs and the mycelium growth in them dosent seem to be growing as well as the tubs with the earthy smell. its kinda a sour smell but no visible contams. going to give them all another week and if they are still doing poorly and not at the same stage as the rest ill be chucking them. figure even if i get 4 out of 9 trays to fully colonize ill still be in good shape.

ill get some pics up next week once the mycelium in the tubs and jars has developed enough but pretty much the same ole same. once i start working and get a little extra cash ill be ordering some more spores, get some new strains going on.

the weather is getting nicer out, slowly but surely summer is on the way. will be doing a good dose as soon as the weather is nice enough to go "out" for the day, so far with my little trips i have done i have come to the conclusion that im an outside tripper, i dont like being inside.

anyways thats about it...


Well-Known Member
Yes, a sour smell will usually indicate a bacterial contam...
...which will also have the effect of stalling growth without
otherwise appearing visibly. No harm in waiting them out.
I watched Semperviva eat several things during colonization.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Yes, a sour smell will usually indicate a bacterial contam...
...which will also have the effect of stalling growth without
otherwise appearing visibly. No harm in waiting them out.
I watched Semperviva eat several things during colonization.

Good luck,

dealing with this issue my self.


Well-Known Member
dealing with this issue my self.
sucks but im starting to think that mushroom growing in the average home is a 50/50 many contams floating around its almost impossible to get 100% sucess.

my problem is im haveing great sucess with colonizing my corn (almost 100%) but after that is where im seeing issues...

what can i do? i mean bulk sub seems to be the way but it also seems to be 1 extra step to grab ahold of contams.....should i just fruit them right out the jars like PF tek? this shit is frustrating me. i really like the idea of the straw but i hate to throw away 5 trays of bulk...

bleh i guess one more week and we will see where things are at. i may just start doing a verm and corn mix and cut out the bulk sub shit. so far my best results are from one 1/2 pint jar and about 3 cups of pasturized verm. all this straw shit seems to be just hindering my sucess.


Well-Known Member
sucks but im starting to think that mushroom growing in the average home is a 50/50 many contams floating around its almost impossible to get 100% sucess.

my problem is im haveing great sucess with colonizing my corn (almost 100%) but after that is where im seeing issues...

what can i do? i mean bulk sub seems to be the way but it also seems to be 1 extra step to grab ahold of contams.....should i just fruit them right out the jars like PF tek? this shit is frustrating me. i really like the idea of the straw but i hate to throw away 5 trays of bulk...

bleh i guess one more week and we will see where things are at. i may just start doing a verm and corn mix and cut out the bulk sub shit. so far my best results are from one 1/2 pint jar and about 3 cups of pasturized verm. all this straw shit seems to be just hindering my sucess.
i was thinking about invitro PF tek for a while. but the issue is the time of the year as well as my growing conditions. im just packing it up for know gonna head outdoors and see what nature can provide tomorrow but other than that till i move i cutting out my mushroom project/s. defiantly fun and worth another go, just has to be the right place and time.

if i showed my field of green in the basement, with one mushroom fruiting you would laugh you ass off. its not even a big one either. lol


Well-Known Member
man i never laugh at got me all wrong bro. i hate people who laugh at others. I think its counterproductive to society. i laugh with you and work with you. i dont know it all so i have no place judging (which is what laughing at someone is)

hope all works out for you man good vibes as always.


Well-Known Member
man i never laugh at got me all wrong bro. i hate people who laugh at others. I think its counterproductive to society. i laugh with you and work with you. i dont know it all so i have no place judging (which is what laughing at someone is)

hope all works out for you man good vibes as always.

nono its not like that. if it was my weed i would never have stated it that way, but i care a lot less about mushrooms than i do weed, mushrooms are my hobby weed is my life. i can laugh at my mushroom experiences cause ive learned alot and it didnt cost me much if anything, hell what am i talking about it profited me in many ways:D


Well-Known Member
If your doing a 50/50 style tek (coir/verm) ditch the straw, it's simply a redundancy. The coir will give you everything the straw will. Straw is more of a dung type thing. IMHO...

50/50 with a lil peat is hard to beat! el oh el


Well-Known Member
sucks but im starting to think that mushroom growing in the average home is a 50/50 many contams floating around its almost impossible to get 100% sucess.

my problem is im haveing great sucess with colonizing my corn (almost 100%) but after that is where im seeing issues...

what can i do?


I wanted to recommend that you try fruiting straight grains, and cased grains.

These are just two more ways to get fruits that are an option for P. cubensis.
(few other shroom species are as easy-going )

You just dump the grains out into a tray, and cover them for a few days while
they recover, or you put on a casing layer and then cover until you see mycelium
just starting to poke through the casing.

As to is a myth. I can get into the high 90's when it comes to sub
sack successful colonization. ...but clean spawn can be a bit harder. Especially
if you are growing finicky species (I most surely am! ;0)

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Hey guys maybe you can help me out a bit here, I was looking at my jars the other day it's been over a month since a knocked them up, they look fine and shit sides of the jars are nice and whit it's just the bottom of the jars that is having hard time to colonize I mean it's white and shit but I still can see some brf thru it, should I flip them upside down? or should just wait another couple of weeks?


Well-Known Member
from my experience the bottom of the jars always takes the longest, but the bottoms are always the most thickly covered with myc when they finish. i would say give them more time but i dont really know. im asuming you mean flip them so that the bottom becomes the top and maybe the mycelium will grow up faster than down. i dont BELIEVE that mycelium has a preference in its growth orientation but i may be wrong. hope someone with a bit more knowledge comes in to lend thier advice.

as far as fruiting straight grains...i think my next run will be just that, mixed with some vermiculite to kinda spread it over the pan and using min of 1 pint per pan. will see how the straw bulk sub goes.


Well-Known Member
from my experience the bottom of the jars always takes the longest, but the bottoms are always the most thickly covered with myc when they finish. i would say give them more time but i dont really know. im asuming you mean flip them so that the bottom becomes the top and maybe the mycelium will grow up faster than down. i dont BELIEVE that mycelium has a preference in its growth orientation but i may be wrong. hope someone with a bit more knowledge comes in to lend thier advice.

as far as fruiting straight grains...i think my next run will be just that, mixed with some vermiculite to kinda spread it over the pan and using min of 1 pint per pan. will see how the straw bulk sub goes.
I totally suggest giving it a try. That is basically what I was doing, i never got into the real bulk subs, just grain and course vermiculite in a 50/50 mix. I would wet the verm to the appropriate point, and I think I may have microwaved it at least one of the times to kill stuff. Then mixed in my grain jars, patted it down, and covered with foil and stuck it in my incubator. Usually 3-4 days later it was ready to case and fruit. I'm sure doing it without the verm at all would could even reduce the contam rates as well.


Well-Known Member
Using plain, wet verm as a sub was known as the "rez effect". The idea
was that the verm played the role of reservoir of water for the fungi.

As to the bottoms of jars, this is most often where grains are left
uncolonized, and spawn jars stall and fail. Aaaa-gain, the culprit is
usually bacteria.

If you see growth in all areas, but it is just that there seems to be
uncolonized grain bodies against the glass at the bottom, then it
might just be finishing slow. You can use spawn that is at 100%
with success that still has this look.

It is really hard to be certain.

Take a whiff at the GE port for any bad smells.

If/when you decide to try to use it, then you will find out the
answer. The smell is again usually the easiest indicator.

Good luck,
