My first class with the golden teacher

View attachment 2622554View attachment 2622555I have 6 jars looking like this. Casing is anywhere between 75-95% colonized, fruiting directly out of quart mason jar, fae 3-4 times a day with 10-12 hours of light per day and dropped temps 5-10 degrees? Also using a ziplock bag for high humidity. Any ideas when a pinset will begin? I started fruiting 3 days ago

like poly said should be verry soon. i found on my first batch that pinning took forever, when we drilled some holes closer to the bottom of the container to let CO2 out they started pinning. CO2 is heavier than O2 and one of the things that imvites pinning is lack of CO2. I always thought it was the abundance of O2. anyways that Mycelium is constantly letting off CO2 and it will just sit there. if theres any way you can allow that CO2 to passivly escape you will see faster pinning.

at least this is how i understand it. some of the more experienced cultivators can definatly correct my information if its wrong.
they grow really fast once they start pinning.

looks like you have your first flush coming up roght now and they will continue to pin up as you go. i never really seen "flushes" with the pan i fruited. just kinda picked daily as they came up. either way looks great man glad to see some pics of sucess. i just chucked out my second run, 9 pans of bulk sub all contam :(

next run will be better i hope. Im dumping the straw tek and going with a vermculite casing. anyhoo....keep us posted!!
No signs of pins yet but the top of the casing layer is white, but not fluffy. Basically just flat and white like in the picture on the previous page... Is this overlay or what's goin on. The first time growing with brf cakes it was fluffy but I didn't have an 1 1/2 inches of casing
Well been busy with my new job, ended up throwing out every pan of bulk sub :( the good news is i have more jars colonizing fast :) (sorry if i already said this)

next weekend ill be doing a different method and hopefully have some mushroom pics up soon :)
looks good killua. I like your outdoor patch MJG I have a pot with some cased grains outside right now depending on how it goes I'll dig out a bit of space around the base of a large bush and try to have some there.

matt do you mean the all verm casing or something else?

some myc is starting to grow up through one corner of my tray so hopefully it'll go through the rest in the next couple days and start to pin.
no the bulk sub's i did with straw. my entire second run is trashed lol.

i need to find time to go do some cleaning, i think with all the penicilin mold the place is just infested. though the majority of the trays were bacterial contam and some white cotton ball looking shit. a few green spots here and there but.....

one i get a better work enviorment i may go back to trying a bulk substrate but for now i want to try and eliminate and possibilities of contam's. by using vermiculite as a "casing" i shouldnt get much growing on it if my corn is already established with mycelium as vermiculite has not nutritional value and dosent support life..... at least thats how i have percieved it. my jars should be ready by this weekend and i get my first check. i have 2 rather large tubs so ill be splitting up my jars and basically just dumping a bag of vermiculite into the tote, mixing in the corn and misting till moist. not sure if im going to try and pasturize the verm or not, i dont think its really needed is it?
ok I think someone referred to that as the res effect sometime earlier. Even though the verm will not really support life it could still harbor it or be a vector of contam for any bits of uncolinized grain. So maybe bring it up to field water cap. with water and some hydrogen peroxide and give it some time in the microwave to kill anything trying to hitch a ride on it. The microwave may not be necessary (since the verm is non-nutritive) but I think you should still have some H2O2 in you water/ spray.