My first class with the golden teacher

Devils Love, welcome need to apologize as this thread is open to anyone and everyone. feel free to shoot the shit here, lots of great people following this thread.

if you ever dive into mycology let us know your plans and progression. :)
sounds great ^^ thanks all and i surely will :P ill be moving into a 3 bedroom house. with only one room vacant room? ill pick one with a great closet. make that be where i put my bulk spawns so they can be fully saturated by the mycellan growth in a good dark place and then use the rest as a great setup..just figure ehhh im not experienced in it all..learned most of the lingo through this thread and also other reading that i have collected on the internet :P which tons of facts and i figure ill take some pictures of the room? and try to layout a good setup and get everything i need in there and try to make sure i have it all in a good clean environment that has only one use :P growing my boomers ;d lmao ^^ idk just figure some of you may enjoy helping me on my adventure but sure canndo has helped enough noobs as ive seen him around quite a bit in the subjects that interest me :P another great thread i saw was one about the silk road and deep web :P interesting stuff xD sorta crazy though...anyhow...ill just watch and learn a bit more and maybe pop in for a few questions as we go..but ill try to start my own thread when i do get all my stuff up and running and at that point :P
which im moving into my house over the next 3 days :D soo woooo!! just found that out :] cant wait to get it up and running great timing to be honest :] i want to end up making chocolates out of my product :P easy to store and easy to down :D
welcome to the thread DL. you should have plenty of space with an extra room to use. And for the chocolate I believe almond bark is the suggested material for that type of thing ..... I might be making some too I enjoy the taste of my drugs but I can think of a couple friends who would appreciate a candy bar cover-up.

over on the shroomery there are a couple teks that use a different hydration method for grains, without boiling there is the one for cubes and another for scleroita producers It's a long read but well done IMO and the no boil grain seems to work (I want to emphasize this section, unfortunately it is a no go for pcorn with this method so ..... yeah it may not be immediately applicable for many here); made some jars like this a few days ago.

I used the excess soak water(solution) from the prep to make agar and spores have germed and grown some myc after 2 days, much faster than on the potato agar from the grocery store tek. One of those jars has P galindoi ATL 7 (YAY!!) from sporeworks after a print from another site never did anything which may have been my fault either way now I have progress occurring with this species.
Regarding easy methods of ingestion, having more fruits than you need
will free you up to try tea. Making tea, and throwing away the steeped
mushroom flesh seems contrary to young college students who just handed
over what little dough they have for a few grams of cubes. Getting massive
flushes of fresh actives will allow you to try all sorts of things.

I make tea by dropping the ground fruits into boiling water, taking the water
off the heat, and letting it steep for 10 minutes or so. I put mint tea bags
in with the shrooms, and sweeten to taste. Delicious, and very effective.

I am happy to see The Shroomery mentioned here. It is probably the most
active of the mushroom cultivation sites. Full Disclosure: I am a Trusted
Cultivator and Moderator there. (Myco-Tek is my home though ;0)

I recommend the soak+simmer+steam-dry for perfect grain spawn.
This is the standard "RR approach" lol Check out the free samples
of his videos at if you can. They lay out
PF-Tek, grain spawn, and straw prep.

I recommend Milo (Sorghum) or Rye or Wheat Berries for grain spawn. These
are just what I have used. I did not try popcorn....probably because it
is kinda slammed as a spawn grain. I do not listen to that sort of stuff though.
Do this long enough and you will see someone succeed in doing something
you would have thought was practically impossible. I usually cite where
someone got good flushes from a *pumpkin guts sub*. It was sooo gooey,
I was sure that it would rot. Nope. ...enough verm and anything is
a sub, I say.

As to modified agar formulas TD, that was brilliant. Along a similar vein,
I have used the water from a wood-chip soak for the agar used with
a wood-lover.

Good luck,

still some trich contam but i dont think were getting away from that in that place!!! going to be moving the operation shortly and doing things a bit different. Going to leave my friend with all the supplies i have bought (except incubator, and we will share PC)

giving up on bulk subs and SGFC;s

gonna go small but least 6 pints of grain un cased in a lasagna verm or anything. (maybe a sprinkle but not enough to count, 1:50 ratio)

going to fruit my grains in a PF tek style...i suppose lots to try with this hobby but something needs to be done to better my results.....though judging by the pinning occuring i should have a nice couple of last flushes coming, will be taking a 6g (dry) dose in the next couple weeks and realy experiencing this trip.
still some trich contam but i dont think were getting away from that in that place!!! going to be moving the operation shortly and doing things a bit different. Going to leave my friend with all the supplies i have bought (except incubator, and we will share PC)

giving up on bulk subs and SGFC;s

gonna go small but least 6 pints of grain un cased in a lasagna verm or anything. (maybe a sprinkle but not enough to count, 1:50 ratio)

going to fruit my grains in a PF tek style...i suppose lots to try with this hobby but something needs to be done to better my results.....though judging by the pinning occuring i should have a nice couple of last flushes coming, will be taking a 6g (dry) dose in the next couple weeks and realy experiencing this trip.

im gonna start fruiting invotro i think, rack type setup where co2 falls and fae rises. reall clean easy to do you can go pretty big with it too from what ive seen.. right now my projects are on hold, fruiting from agar atm to try and create some sterile prints for later.
Sounds like a good plan man! That 6g dose will definitely let you experience tripping! I think I can count the number of doses I've had that were over 5g on one hand, but they sure all taught me alot. I've found the about 3.5-4g is my go to now.
Whats up Matt? It's been a while since I posted on here, well back when you first started talking about Mycology, anyway had a few questions concerning your recent bulk failure to see if I could figure out if its something that could have possibly been prevented, or if something needed to be done differently.
1. What ratio did you mix your spawn to your sub?
2. How did you pasturize your straw?
3. How long?
4. Was it only straw used for the sub?
5. What room did you spawn to bulk in?
6. How was your room prepared sanitation wise?
7. What was the depth of your mixed sub including the casing?
8. How long was the sub exposed before it was covered?
9. What did you cover the pans with?
10. How many holes were poked in the lid?
11. How big?
12. What temp did you let your sub colonize?
13. Did you wait @ least 5 days to crack the lid to check progress?
14. How long did you let it colonize?
Thats about all I can think of off hand, but if I have any more realitve questions that I think of after the post I'll drop ya another line. As always man Good Luck, and Great Vibes!!
As to modified agar formulas TD, that was brilliant. Along a similar vein,
I have used the water from a wood-chip soak for the agar used with
a wood-lover.


I can't take any credit for that idea I saw it in violent's tek but I can vouch for its effectiveness. I think it will also reduce the colonization times when I inc. with water suspensions from agar since the myc. will not need to switch foods as it will no longer have to go from potato dextrose and honey to grains.

I think soak water is how I'm going to make agar from now on. It is also easier and faster to mix than the homemade tek, just 4 parts soak solution and 1 part agar stir for a minute and spoon into jars/ plates. Now if only I could find cheap agar agar in my area the health food stores here have it for 10 dollars for an ounce it's fucking ridiculous (it is just non-nutritive plant matter after all ......fuckin economics and such :finger:). It would prob be better to just order a pound or some large amount online.

I have knots on the casings of a tray and a jar both cubes, and my oyster jar is pinning still waiting for my first fruits. I've been using a whole pile of patience for this project, think my initial inc was at the end of february haha might (hopefully will) get faster as it gets warmer.... thinkin at you this week's cold snap. But once stuff is going I don't think it will be too difficult to develop a nice cycle to keep my FC and jars (of dry shrooms) full.

also unrelated I got my clw 200 watt led light last week so I finally have a big boy light runnin
One thing to keep in mind when modifying the standard agar formulas
is that these changes can and will affect how well the agar gels.

i.e. if you shoot for an acidic formulation (say you are growing the ghost fungi)
then you will want to increase the agar-agar you use, or you will find that
the dishes may set badly or not set at all (i.e. they will be runny)

Good luck,

Whats up Matt? It's been a while since I posted on here, well back when you first started talking about Mycology, anyway had a few questions concerning your recent bulk failure to see if I could figure out if its something that could have possibly been prevented, or if something needed to be done differently.
1. What ratio did you mix your spawn to your sub? no idea
2. How did you pasturize your straw? boiled it in water for a couple min
3. How long? coup[le min at boiling
4. Was it only straw used for the sub? yes
5. What room did you spawn to bulk in? Kitchen
6. How was your room prepared sanitation wise? nothing
7. What was the depth of your mixed sub including the casing? no casing, mixed the straw in with this corn,
8. How long was the sub exposed before it was covered? covered immidiatly after i mixed the 2 together.
9. What did you cover the pans with? lined with a trash bag and just folded it over
10. How many holes were poked in the lid? none
11. How big? no holes
12. What temp did you let your sub colonize? between 70 and 80
13. Did you wait @ least 5 days to crack the lid to check progress? waited 9 days i think, maybe it was 7
14. How long did you let it colonize? by the end of day 14 i knew it was bacterial contam and junked em all
Thats about all I can think of off hand, but if I have any more realitve questions that I think of after the post I'll drop ya another line. As always man Good Luck, and Great Vibes!!

the bottom line was i didnt have the correct enviorment and setup to do a bulk sub like that...the house im growing them in is riddled with trich and all kinds of other contams....verry hard to do complex tek's there. i will be picking up on some more complex teks once i move the operation.

ate a few shrooms last night.....felt nice.
this little miricle of life! i just dont understand. it was about 50% colonized when it got some MAJOR contamination, both bacterial and trich.

so i was like fuck ive heard of people using bleach to stop contams. so poured straight undiluted bleach in(store bought so probably 3% with a polymer surfactant(1%)) in carefully cracked the lid a small amount. shook the shit out of it. then cafully poured out the solution. put it in COOL like under 75 for a few weeks. came back to this! just a small bit of losing contam. pretty cool if you ask me! thought i would share.

IMG_20130510_213205 (1).jpg
pinning on agar. not sure what to do about fae. im pretty lax only 1-2 exchange a day where i crack the lid an inhale the air from within. some suggestions would be nice:D
The truth is that these fixes rarely kill all the contaminant or,
more importantly, it's spores. Common molds start sporulating
early, and then they sporulate as they go.

This suggests that you not try to use this as spawn for some bulk substrate.

The best approach might be to try fruiting it in vitro, as is. This is a cube, right?

Good luck,

The truth is that these fixes rarely kill all the contaminant or,
more importantly, it's spores. Common molds start sporulating
early, and then they sporulate as they go.

This suggests that you not try to use this as spawn for some bulk substrate.

The best approach might be to try fruiting it in vitro, as is. This is a cube, right?

Good luck,

nah botha, your thinging into it too much, im just gonna bury that chunk under a little bit of soil an hope for the best. that thing useless, like a living paperweight i would never use it with any purpose in mind unless that was my last hope. but i might fruit it in vitro, but im not sure how to go about that.
That is the funny do nothing.

Many mushroom species will fruit straight from grain,
if left long enough. P. cubensis is especially good at this.

When I am wanting to fruit a brand new species of
mushroom, I often wait until I see pins to put it into
fruiting conditions.

I did this with Gymnopilus dilepsis and found a huge number
of pins had developed before I noticed.


An outdoor patch is another great way to fruit contamed
subs and grains.

Take care,


P.S. This all being said, I cannot find any mason jars with fruits sticking out photos
but that is what it looks like. Get 100% colonization and cubes bust out.

P.P.S. I did find this old photo of some Mexi Cubes fruiting straight from grains:
G2g today then once i move i will be parting ways with growing at my friends house, i will leave him the necessary equipment and genetics to continue on with his adventure and it will end up being what he wants to put into it. i have already told him that it may be in his best intrest to downsize a bit and keep his grows small and simple. i will definatly be helping him out but what he gets will be his. I will start fresh in my own quarters and hopefully be able to setup a nice area i can do bulk subs again and be sucessfull